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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. Hmmmmmm that’s just down right .................
  2. I see another Corsair in your future John.........
  3. Absolutely stunning, this is going to be sublime.......
  4. Man I have trouble with one on the bench, can’t wait to see them all lined up....
  5. Good thread to resurrect.......let me have rifle through my bag of attempts.......
  6. Congrats Wolf, I don’t think I congratulated you for your win at the nationals....... only wish I had 1/16 of your skills........BTW welcome to LSM, dive on in the waters good and there’s a lot of old faces around......
  7. Absolutely stunning Pete, this turning into a masterclass......
  8. Welcome aboard LSM, some fine modelling with a veteran kit. Looking really good. Look forward to more pics...
  9. I still do the finger print with liquid cement especially MEK.......
  10. It’s not very pretty ......
  11. 3 years for me to get to that stage.......
  12. Just catching up again, the detail of those CAD shots and stupendous. If they are retained in the toolomh and moulding processes, then oh my.............this baby will be spectacular..........and as for all the detail being buried deep never to be seen again, as I said to Carl recently always feel a bit bereft when closing up.......
  13. Hmmmmmmm, not sure........Fantastic we have a Lib at this scale but......
  14. Hampden or Heyford would be interesting
  15. Not being a member of IPMS anymore, I have just received my advance tickets for the Saturday at Telford...........can’t wait, probably the wallet can though.....
  16. Martin, I’d swap with you any day.......
  17. Skied up at Lake Louise some years ago, man I want to be there right now.......
  18. Done to many miles in one of those........still get the rush when the power goes on......
  19. Happy birthday Dr Dave
  20. Cool Tiger, only today i was thinking, I have Tiger 1 and a KT need metal tracks...........another item of Telford........ Also have M4A3E8 on the mat, not sure if to use the Dragon magic track or metal........
  21. Well said Jeff, I am super excited that we live at a time when we have all these fabulous kits arriving shortly...... Remeber the time when Monogram released their 48th B17........no internet for the detractors to whinge on then....... Three cheers for HK, SH, HB, Tamiya and WnW and all the rest for giving us so much choice.....
  22. Welcome aboard jpatt, would love to see some pics..........
  23. Welcome aboard Kais, so B + D = C............looking forward to some more magic....
  24. Masterclass in progress, looking forward to more.......
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