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Everything posted by HubertB

  1. I’m afraid I’m too old to be any kind of hipster , and to display durably some facial hair, besides optical tricks on modelling forums’ avatars .... This said, my sons, my nephews, my step-son, my step-daughter’s boyfriend, and even my older brother all display a beard. I confess I feel like an anachronistic loner sometimes Hubert
  2. The one I am wearing on my avatar pic, that draws such a nice moustache on my beautiful face ( thank you, it’s good to hear sincere, disinterested compliments from time to time ) has the option to change to stronger lenses, or even double them on the mount. Useful sometimes. And I wear it on top of my regular glasses already Of course, when you do that, the optimal focal length decreases a lot, and you have to get nearer the part you are working on. To avoid breaking your back, lower your seat to the minimum, like jewellers do. Hubert
  3. I can see the pics now. And I’m gobsmacked as usual Hubert
  4. As the others have said. Nice, clean, and crisp job on this one. Your usual high standards, William Hubert
  5. Aaaaaarghhh ! You used the « PB » word ! Now things get clearer, brave (inconscious ?) man - although « clearer » might not be the appropriate word in this case (or in any case relating to « PB ») Hubert
  6. Don’t know why, but I can’t see your pics, either on my iPad or the computer . Weird, because I could see the pics the first time you posted here ... Now, I can’t see them on either of your posts. Am I the only one ? Hubert
  7. Just went though the whole thread. Truly outstanding workmanship and attention to detail ... Great job Hubert
  8. Ditto here on Portuguese « Costa de Prata » (but we had the lousiest - and wettest - spring here since 1932, and it lasted until August 10th ) For those interested in surfing, the big waves season will start soon (as soon as the weather deteriorates ) in Nazare, 20 klicks from home. If you have BIG stainless steel balls, here is your chance to ride 30 meters-high waves, less than than half-a-mile from the beach. I can offer accomodation, although it may not last long if you go hunting the big waves. These waves are said to be moving 1.2 to 2.0 MILLION tons of water. Need broad shoulders to hold them back when they start rolling down on you. And not to appear sexist, it’s also true for girls. This Brazilian lady just got her 20.75 meters high wave-ride homologated as a world-record for women, by the Guinnes Book of Records. Hubert
  9. If they are to stick to the end-of-2018 announced schedule, then this is a test shot version, but only tweaking of the molds is permissible at this stage, no major change ... Hubert PS: as for the front turret, frosting of the top means some polishing of the mold has yet to take place, and the ugly seam reminds me of my youth years, when I was using tube glue and was testing the fingerprints’ uniqueness theory
  10. Yes, it looks like they have made a bit of a mess of the center section. The caracteristic shape of blending the Davis airfoil into the top fuselage is not reproduced in the pics I see... Hubert
  11. 1/48 : did not know the scale existed 1/35 : one wish : that this weird scale disappears, with, if possible, a public contrition by Tamiya-San for creating this #& »@%! scale ... (one can always dream, can’t one ? ) ok, then this leaves me with 3 « real » wishes (smart me ) for 1/32 1) B-58 2) Saab J-35 3) CF-100+CF-105+F-89+Sikorsky S-39+HP Hampden+HP Heyford+Boeing 314 ... (yeah, I know this one is a bit of an hybrid ) Hubert PS: not mentioned the DC-3, Saab-29 or Westland whirlwind, as they are already in the pipe...
  12. If only I could remember where I put that Post-it pad Hubert
  13. Beautiful result, but, at least on my iPad, your pics seem strangely distorted with wrong proportions ... Hubert
  14. Nice and original subject. I did see they have a Lisbon tram, with a diorama ... Interesting for a Portguese resident like me ... Hubert
  15. Good to see you here, Peter. And your work keeps rocking more than ever Hubert
  16. The re-release of the Akatombo is good news. It’s a neat little kit. I particularly liked the Fine Molds « Kamikaze » record plane. Too bad it is in the « wrong » scale for me .... Hubert
  17. Strange...I always thought that the very concept of Facebook was to get freely your personal data, so that they could make money reselling what you had provided for free to whoever was interested... So you mean that someone else than Facebook will do the same ? I understand why FB would be upset : losing revenue on their core shady dealings ... Hubert
  18. Surprising news indeed, and great ones as well . I can’t help but feel a bit sad for HK, though. First they had Tamiya on the Mossie (good thing they chose the bomber version with a glass nose, the only Beautiful Mosquito IMHO) and now, WnW on the Lanc. And of course, Graham’s scheduled Dambuster conversion seems less interesting now ... Now, as we have confirmation that WnW are just following the whims of Sir Peter (we knew it already ), has the director Peter Jackson any plans of a movie with a Boeing 314 in one of the key roles ? Mind you, I’d also take a remake of Dr Strangelove, provided he used a B-58 Hubert PS : so far, still right on the « no-French-aircraft » prediction
  19. Go, Peter, go ! (As a side comment, and based on my past experience with LSM, and also on the very small opening of the cockpit, I’d go for scratchbuilding the most prominent cockpit details, as William suggested) (Says the man who spent ages researching - to no avail -, then imagining a plausible cockpit, then detailing it, for a Nieuport Sesquiplan with a 13 mm dia cockpit opening ) Hubert
  20. Good for the aficionados ... looks really interesting. Me, I’m just eager to see the DC-3 coming out (« But in no hurry ! » interjects that pesky wallet ) Hubert
  21. Hi Steve, Are you referring to the RP Tools reviewed here, or to « The Chopper » I and others have ? Hubert
  22. Happy birthday Maru. Enjoy ! (As you don’t drink some beverages, I’ll have one on your behalf ) Hubert
  23. You know what ? Better not leave a good action unanswered (you know, karma, and blah blah blah ...) Keep the Schwartzgrau for which I have no use, and send the rest to me. You have my address in Portugal ? Hubert, thanking in advance the generous donator
  24. No, it’s the same. The one from RP Toolz seems to have a more precise fitting, and, yes, the mitre function looks sturdier. The ones on The Chopper are thick stamped iron pieces, with rounded corners, and unfortunately their production process means you cannot expect their edges to be perfectly square to the surface. I have finally ended using mine just for square cuts, and not angled ones. Finally, from what I see on the pics, the RP Toolz one has the good idea to have the cutting in the middle of the blade, rather than at its extremity like The Chopper. I have a steel ruler set permanently against the edge of The Chopper, to guide the parts and to move the cutting to the middle of the blade. As I mentioned, one of my concerns is the deflection of the blade on thicker plastic. It may be caused by the thinness of the blades, but also by some give of the arm’s axle. Hubert.
  25. You mean .... Could Ernie be somewhat on the sycophant side ? .... Ernie ? ..... Nooooo waaaayyyy Hubert PS: agreed on the initial comment, btw
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