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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by HubertB

  1. The glossy appearance in Krakow is a recent repainting. Here are the ones I took back in 2011. Btw, I had forgotten I took a pic of the engine next to it. Although the color of the crankcase and pushrods' casings is anything but prototypical, you can see the ignition wires running from the plugs on the sides (remembering I had those would have saved me a looooong internet search for my own P-11c). HTH Hubert
  2. Don’t worry too much about the ignition wiring, Rob. My P-11 is stalled because of my AMS on just the ignition wires ( but it’s just a lame excuse, because I could finish it anytime now). They run from the sides of the cylinders to the base of the intake manifold, on the rear of the engine, and will be barely visible behind the engine fairing, through the aperture of the cowling. Only the experten (like me) will know. Hubert
  3. Very nice, Rob. and I confirm that this is not the ignition harness. On these engines, the spark plugs (two per cylinder) were located on the side - left and right when wiewed from the front - of each cylinder. Hubert
  4. As I said, I do not mind anyone using analogies with other totalitarian regimes (and I know this strikes a chord with you particularly, Martin) to decry what is happening in their own countries. My point is that the Shoah is just consubstantial with the Nazi regime. Because of this, it was not just another totalitarian regime. Which is why I reacted to this specific comparison. To be blunt, that some people (and I am referring to what I saw in France) could dare to write that being denied the access to a restaurant or shopping mall because they refused a vaccination jab was like wearing a yellow star is simply outrageous: I think you will all agree that such restrictions do not put them on equal footing with the victims of the Shoah. I advocated for restraint in comparisons, not silencing your criticisms. Word have a meaning, in the end. Hubert
  5. I was on the move yesterday, so could not answer to you. But I want to now. And I am sorry, but I will hold my ground that comparing the way your governments treat « anti-vaxxers » and « anti-maskers » with Nazi Germany is pushing the comparison too far. The Nazi regime was totalitarian and - violently - did not tolerate political opposition, that’s granted. But what made it particularly and uniquely odious is that it targeted a group of people, not because of their actions and political stance, but because they belonged to a certain ethnic group, displayed the physical traits of what we would call nowadays a certain genotype, followed a certain religion and exhibited a certain ancestral culture. None of this was a choice: they were born this way, and belonged to a community of siblings. Yet, because of this, they were bullied, ostracized, persecuted, restricted or even denied of their rights, their belongings were vandalised or confiscated, they were arrested, deported to « konzentrationslager » where they were treated as subhumans, and finally mass-slaughtered in the gas-chambers and their bodies cremated in the ovens of the « Endlösung » camps. If you are nowadays a Huighur in PRC, you can compare your situation to Nazi Germany. But not, to my knowledge, if you are a citizen of the US, Canada or Australia. So, to me, using this analogy is scandalous because it is belittling ultimately, by bringing what you face to the same level as the Shoah, the atrocity of what millions of people endured under the Nazi regime. So, if you think your government is today heavy-handed on some of their citizens’ beliefs or convictions, you can draw comparisons as much as you want to other totalitarian regimes, like the Soviet rule from Lenin to Gorbatchev, the Chinese Communist Party hold on China, the theocracy in Iran, Mr Putin’s Russia where being a political opponent earns you Novishok-peppered underpants, just to name a few, without saying this is like Nazi Germany. I will not even discuss whether the hype about anti-vaccination and anti-mask is justified. But I will end up with my personal experience of living in Portugal, even if I am French. As you may know, Portugal endured a dictatorial regime for more than 50 years. Even though this regime finally fell almost 50 years ago, this period has left profound impressions on the psyche and some behaviours of the Portuguese people, even to this day. I can not say whether this is also an aftermath of the dictature, but, to my eyes, the Portuguese people also display a unique attachment to solidarity, and the responsibility of each to contribute to the good of the whole. And I very often get the feeling, with my previous French experience, that the government generally displays an attitude where they consider their citizens responsible grown-up adults, and talks to them and let them live their lives accordingly. For instance, very early in the pandemic, I heard the Portuguese President call to the responsibility of citizens to accept the restrictions, because they all knew that the Portuguese health system would not be able to cope with a major health crisis. Which is probably why the country is now in the top 3 in the world in terms of Covid-19 vaccination, with close to 85 % of its population fully vaccinated. And, as of yesterday, has lifted most restrictions (but for the mask mandate in closed public spaces, and outside when social-distancing is not possible). I have lived though two extremely long and severe lockdowns in Portugal. The restrictions were progressively lifted this summer but you had, until yesterday, to present you vaccination certificate to get into a restaurant, for instance. Yet, throughout all these times, I have never heard a Portuguese complain that the rules imposed were « returning us to Salazar times » Just my two cents. Hubert
  6. Great progress, Rob. Some comments about the engine, if I may. First, what you describe as « the ignition ring » is in fact a kind of pressure monitoring. It was typical of Bristol engines of that time, and, incidentally, of G&R engines, which were initially i spired by the Jupiter, which G&R built under licence. Second, the engine was less monochromatic than you have painted it. The reduction gear crankcase, the pushrods’ casings (there were two pushrods, one behind another, for admission and exhaust, aligned on the center of each cylinder, and encased in a fairing which is what you see) and the casings of the valve arms, at the head of the cylinder, were black enameled. Finally, the intake manifold was aluminium with a black center pipe. Admittedly, most of the engine will not be visible, but maybe you’ll want to add some touches of color. Hubert
  7. Sorry to say this is a totally wrong and irrelevant comparison. Some "free spirits" in France went as far as using the Jewish yellow star with a "no vaccine" stamp on it. Needless to say it did not go very well, and rightly so, with the remaining survivors of the Holocaust. A bit of restraint in comparisons seems advisable here, gentlemen. Hubert
  8. Happy borthday + 3, Maru ! wow, what a program you have been through ! Enjoy all of it. Sicily is a great place to go, btw Hubert
  9. Nice start. For a resin - and resin shrinks somewhat, whichever you choose - and multimaterial kit (for instance the tail section is printed, not molded), the fit is not bad at all 👍. Hubert
  10. One thing for sure, this one won’t be a tail-sitter Nice work, John 👍 Hubert
  11. I thought about you when I saw the news. Your island is even smaller than La Palma. I can easily imagine the disruption such an eruption can cause on these small postal stamps in the middle of the ocean. Take care my frind. Hubert
  12. It looks like Erika escaped from « Back to the Future III » Very nice work ,and it desetved showing where it belongs, i.e. in the « LSM Aircraft Finished Work » forum 👍 ! Hubert
  13. Ok. It has all the looks of a rocket about to take-off, but where are the wings ? Anyway, Brilliant job seems an apt description 👍 ! Hubert
  14. From experience, you will need to drill the « rods » holes with a very small (0.3) than slightly larger (0.5 / 0.6) bit. Be prepared for some nerve-wracking job and a lot of failures If you have a vertical drill, it’s even better, and will save a few drill bits. I’d then recommend stacking the pieces of strip together and holding them in a mini-vice.
  15. Me, I am contented with resin kits of some interwar &(**%$!^, some unarmed @(&%, or some civilian %()(@ , or even scratchbuilding some interwar &(**%$!^, some unarmed @(&%, or some civilian %()(@ Hubert, feeling cheeky and jestful … PS: I just received the Lukgraph DH-90 Dragonfly. What a gorgeous kit of some interwar &(**%$!^, some unarmed @(&%, or some civilian %()(@ 😍 !
  16. I take this remark personally, and resent it deeply, Gary 😩 😭 …. Why, oh why so much violence 🥴 ? (🤣 😂) Hubert 😄 PS: the next big question is : will JohnB buy one, and then how many more will he churn out ? More than Corsairs ?
  17. Well, these guys seem to have learnt the lesson that quality + iconic subject = cash flow. Wishing them plenty more of all of the above. Hubert
  18. If it’s a consolation, you’re not the first one to miss the distinct angle of the Mirage MLG. And I know a friend who glued the MLG of a F-15 with wheels facing inwards. And a famous French modelling magazine published an article on the build of an E2-C Hawkeye, with the main wheels facing outwards 🤪 ! But, now we cannot unsee it ! Hubert
  19. That’s WHEN Gary will have spilled a bottle of Tamiya Extra-Thin and a pot of enamel, plus let a drop of hot solder fall on the mat, that he will really be able to claim he has joined the rest of the modelling world 😁! Just my Hubert
  20. Dang ! I wish you had not mentioned this, Ernie ! This led me to check whether there existed JA-37s without the splinter camo (you know, me and camoes ), then I found « Blå Petter », then I found also some NMF birds, then, « unknowingly and inadvertently» my finger slipped on the « order » button … Damn you, my friend ! Hubert
  21. Sorry, I can’t help you much, but I know that the only thing that will last for 3 days are LEDs. I also know that there are some fiber optics sets. With one led as a light source you can carry light to many points on you kit. I wish I did know where to point you at for those, though Hubert
  22. Very nice ! Well done ! Btw, you posted this in the wrong sub-forum. Hubert
  23. Sorry, I know zilch about both kits, but I can already tell you that the Dragon kit is the « wrong » scale … Hubert
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