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Everything posted by Bill_S

  1. It's been a while since I've actually made a bid - I usually go for the "Buy It Now" items. It used to be that if there was a reserve price, ebay would tell you if it hadn't been met yet.
  2. For the foreseeable future, a hole in my WNW stash has been filled...
  3. A nasty business to be sure. Glad to hear Karim and family are OK.
  4. I was never a big fan of clipped wing Spitfires, but you've gone a long way toward changing my mind. Well done, John!
  5. Happy birthday, Carl!
  6. Happy birthday, Jerry! Again...
  7. I was on at the moment it opened. Had the Albatros in my cart; y the time I went to check out, it was already sold out. 10:02 Pacific time by my watch. :-(
  8. Happy birthday, Jerry. Hope it's a great one for you!
  9. I use Tamiya white primer in the rattle can for my Aviattic base. That stuff goes down smooth as silk.
  10. If my wife knew what my stash was worth, I'd have lost it in the divorce. Luckily, my girlfriend is very supportive - though I never have kits sent to her house.
  11. After reading this post, I rushed right down to the SOD to check squareness on my DVII cockpit tubing. I guess I'm lucky (I couldn't be good). I've been on a kick to finish some of these WNW kits since they closed up shop... After I finish the W.29 and Albatross, the DVII is next on the list. The only WNW I've ever finished is the Eindecker.
  12. That Thud sits proudly on my Shelf of Doom. Aires cockpit (not bad fitting) and wheel bays (not good fitting). Do yourself a favor and glue the slats in place and get some G-factor legs for it! P.S. That 'Stang looks great!
  13. Right across the big lake from you, Carl - and we've got less than 30 minutes of rain in the last two months!
  14. Happy birthday, Wolf!
  15. Sorry to hear this, Ernie. Take all the time you need.
  16. Outstanding, Gaz! I have lots of trouble getting the edges of lozenge decals to sit right - you've got it mastered!
  17. At first glance, I thought it was a Gundam!
  18. How about an in-box review of that Invader?
  19. The decal stage: I started the WNW Albie several years ago...
  20. The W.29 might be the most sought after kit that WNW ever produced. I'm currently building the version from the Duelists set, and it's a beautiful kit.
  21. Happy birthday, Der Clunkmeister!
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