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Everything posted by Bill_S

  1. Almost ready to set the upper wing and start rigging... A fuzzy shot of one of my contest builds for this coming weekend...
  2. They're beautiful! Surprisingly comfortable, too. I do a lot of camping in the Adirondacks.
  3. I've never seen these in print before. I got them from a local estate. The IJA book has lots of color photos and swatches.
  4. That's exactly how my stash got started. In the early 1990's I was in Flint, Michigan for business when I happened upon Dean's Hobby Stop; he specializes in old kits. I walked in, and it was like I'd been magically transported back to my youth. I made it a point to acquire every 1/32 scale kit I built as a kid. Once I got those, I went after the ones I could never find... the snake Stuka, Aleutian Tiger, Jack, Tony and George. Then the 1/32 scale market literally exploded with kits - Tamiya uberkits... Trumpeter... WNW... Z-M... HK... Kittyhawk... These days I can pick and choose, because there are SO many new offerings. It's a great time for large scale modelling!
  5. Thanks for the birthday wishes, gentlemen!
  6. Well done, Gaz - she's a beauty!
  7. Finally a dedicated Hinomaru red for me...
  8. What a haul, Rog! That Ki-45 is on my wish list...
  9. I have Azure's D.520 that I'll be starting next year. The Yahu instrument panel is a must; I ordered "Midnight Blue" cockpit color from Sovereign Colourcoats.
  10. I definitely can't compete with that! I just did a count off the top of my head - 38 on the SOD, and I'm sure I missed some.
  11. Amateur.
  12. I'd post mine, but I fear I'd run out of film first...
  13. https://excelblades.com/collections/sanding-sticks/products/sandingstickbelt
  14. Good luck, Martin! Check in early and often...
  15. I could never figure out why some people will risk longer term viability (not to mention integrity) for short term gains. In my book, it's just plain stupid.
  16. A few hard to find colors...
  17. Very nice, Dale! If I may offer one suggestion - take a Sharpie marker and write the paint number ( ie "XF-64") on the bottle tops.
  18. Judging by the response on LSP, it appears to be sold out already.
  19. Do things line up well when the halves are pulled tight? If so, nylon zip ties work great!
  20. Great news - it's about time!
  21. Well done, John! I know from experience that it's gratifying to get something off the SOD. What's up next?
  22. Something big with four engines? Like a B-58?
  23. Looks great, Dale. Nice to see you back!
  24. I'm hoping to get three IJN fighters on the table for my local show in September. In addition to the Rex I posted previously, here's the venerable Revell mid-wing George. Scratch built cockpit, recasts of the Hasegawa N1K2 wheel bays and eventually Model Master cannon barrels. Complete rescribe of the beast, too. And the Z-M Shinden...
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