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Everything posted by Bill_S

  1. That's a shame. He put the work into them. Maybe they caused more quality issues than they were worth.
  2. It's a poster of 1950's Soviet female wrestling legend Tara Titzov.
  3. Looks awesome, Ernie! Mine's intimidating me right now.
  4. I woke up to snow this morning. Only three weeks til my first camping trip of the season, too.
  5. I has similar issues with my El Cheapo AB; first a sputter, then it would hardly spray at all. I put lacquer thinner in the cup, covered it, and let it sit with the trigger pulled back. No help. I finally stripped it down and ran a lacquer thinner soaked pipe clean up the front opening, Out came a plug of dried paint into the paint cup. It sprays like new now.
  6. Welcome to LSM! I also look forward to seeing more of your work.
  7. That will make three benches that you have to search to find your tools, Carl!
  8. That's excellent, Carl!
  9. A piece of the Berlin Wall...
  10. Off to a great start Peter. I'll be watching!
  11. Glad to see you back in the saddle, Peter. Bring on that Tiffie!
  12. That doesn't look like your typical BSOD...
  13. 1/32: B-58
  14. Did you have to do any finish sanding on those, Ernie?
  15. Cruising right along, Ernie. It's looking superb!
  16. I tried using plastic rod, but I'm not good enough. Then I tried brass rod, but had difficulty getting a small enough bend radius. I settled for solder.
  17. I decided to leave the seat at its original height; my eyes are bad enough that I won't notice the difference. It's high time I got some paint on this thing!
  18. It's a wonderful thing to be able to create demand.
  19. Don't forget to paint the interior of the body panels before you start assembling them to the frame! (RLM02)
  20. I took some time off, FME - I got to spend a week in sunny Florida! Back at it now... Thanks Carl, It's I beam, Evergreen #272 (0.08 x 0.051) 2.0mm x 1.3mm for you metric folks.
  21. Well done, Jerry!
  22. I agree with the others on the paints, Danny. Once my supply of Model Master enamels dwindles, I'm going to have to find a new brand.
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