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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. I don’t think I’ve ever come this close to tossing an almost finished model in the trash bin. But it’s getting close! I airbrushed this on 12/28. Already re-sprayed the left wing. Now I’m about to do the right wing. This damned Tamiya TS paint does NOT like to dry. Hell, I sprayed Dawn dish detergent on the wing to get any compound out of the panel lines before spraying. And the “gentle enough to wash baby ducks” soap spotted the gloss finish. I was damned lucky those small spots did polish out or it would be an entire respray. I’ve had it with this thing!
  2. Wait…..serious question. Could the P-51 carry 8 hours worth of fuel?
  3. Wow. Never thought about that. Definitely a young man’s game. Just sitting and driving two hours I look like that getting out of my wife’s Honda Pilot.
  4. I can teach you a few tricks on smuggling kits in.
  5. Nice! I’m pretty sure I have that same kit. I know I do have one of the alien space ship kits, just cannot remember which it is. Also planning on a lighting kit for it. Something about syfi kits just need lighting.
  6. Almost fell for that second one.
  7. Yea, that what I have now. Tamiya and Gunze were both out. My last bottle of Tamiya came from Hobby Lobby, but I haven’t seen it on their shelves in quite a while.
  8. Well, same old story just got me again. Decided to stock up and went to the USA Gundam store for leveling thinner and white primer since I’m almost out. NOPE! No you’re not! All white primer is out of stock.
  9. Too high of maintenance. Think you’re spending a lot on building supplies like paint and thinner now? Just the war paint alone is unaffordable on that model.
  10. For some reason I loathe 1/35 aircraft. It’s like the armor manufacturers hung a finger at us by saying “We hate your scale so much, we’re going to kit models you want soooo bad, but in our scale just to piss you off.” Just my personal hang up I guess. Edit: If I win the lottery I’m going to start my own company making armor kits in 1/32. 😁
  11. Waiting on the A-20 J/K to be released. I’m ready to pull the trigger on that one. And of course the S-3 Viking announced. Let’s hope we see it in ‘24. I’m sure I’m going to get an itch for something different that will need scratching too before the end of the year.
  12. USAGundam is one of my secrete go to’s for hard to find Mr. Color stuff. At least it use to be. Now all you clowns know my hidden hidey hole of paint supplies. 😡 Since we’re sharing, here’s another. But they’re also out of leveling thinner right now. https://gundamplacestore.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAnfmsBhDfARIsAM7MKi3uvQEyAatGFnNCICw9bkT_U1xIAoFyvkfu7qhTbYT9SpTwxyFnmG4aAlRlEALw_wcB
  13. I know the feeling. Just placed an order with Squadron for some AK paint FS 16473 since MRP or Mr. Color doesn’t make it. Of course I need to get some more Leveling Thinner and they don’t carry Mr. Color products. Then again, I don’t have a local hobby shop and even if there was one in the nearest town I would spend the same on gas to get there.
  14. Looking at his feet, maybe he put his boots on the wrong feet?
  15. I have the perfect amount of lead in the nose. no, wait…MAGNETS! It’s done with magnets! Yea, that’s the ticket. Magnets! OK, truth is it’s hanging from the shelf bracket above it. 😝
  16. Airbrushed a few more fiddly parts for the Phantom. I’m learning that the Tamiya TS lacquer spray cans decanted and airbrushed reacts differently than my MRP or Mr. Color paints. Then again, I might need to add a little Leveling thinner to it. Hard to describe the difference.
  17. Yea, that one might be for the next generation of model builders.
  18. U Boat was a fun build. You can see mine peaking from behind other builds on the top shelf. I’ve got the Gato is the stash as well. But man, that thing is huge!
  19. Anyone got info on the A-20J/K release date? I’m not seeing any pre-orders or “coming soon” on any of the usual vendors sites.
  20. I swear John must have kidnapped a few of Santa’s elves to build for him while he sleeps.
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