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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. They're in Canada now. Just on the wrong coast but getting closer.
  2. I still need to get the first one!
  3. The cockpit looks fantastic except for that IP like you said. I have reshaped Yahu panels using a diamond file so it can be done. For belts, HGW does some for the Fly kit so those should work too.
  4. Nicely done Spitfire Peter. The kit does need a bit more AM than the others but it still can build up nicely in skilled hands. It'll make a great companion to the Tamiya and Kotare one to come.
  5. Something for @Peterpools's next Kingfisher. Hopefully they work out nicely.
  6. That's very true. The fit has just enough play that it's easy to slowly build in errors that compound once you reach a critical stage.
  7. If you Tamiya Extra Thin Quick Set, that would be another option. It'll flash off and not melt as much.
  8. The IP looks fantastic. The UV gel over the instrument faces really works out nicely. I wasn't sure about the moulded seatbelts at first but they look great from the way you've done them. As for the seam, I'd hold the parts together and then apply a small drop of Tamiya Extra thin by the end of the join where the canopy is. Another option is a small dab of thin CA in the same spot. Any excess could be wiped off with CA removed.
  9. Cool! There's a company called Coastal Kits that sell 2D backgrounds and bases. One of them might be good as a cover for the base. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/113251835326?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=upAoq4Z9SeO&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=J7xpuL_STvq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=MORE
  10. Peter, nice job on the decal work. That's still one thing I dread. You get a great build, nice paint job and the decals go wrong and it's all for nought. Interesting issues that you had with the Cartograf decals. Like others have said, probably a bad batch. I had that happen to a different Eaglecal sheet years ago. I mentioned it in passing at the the shop I bought them from. The owner immediately grabbed a new set and gave them to me for free and apologized. Felt bad and really didn't need them but he insisted. Hopefully you'll have this one in time for the Kotare one to arrive. That will make quite the comparison.
  11. And we're off! Can't wait to see how you do with this build.ine stalled as I think somehow I got the dihedral wrong. No idea how but it looks like a as Corsair. Hope yours goe better.
  12. Some great progress Rob. The colours are definitely not what I would have expected. They make for a much more visually distinctive ship. It's interesting to see the new information come to light after all these years.
  13. You're making great progress Phil. These kits definitely require planning ahead for paint and assembly.
  14. The Typhoon looks great John. Another build up to your usual standards. Now only if we could get one in 1/32
  15. Mig makes a panel wash they label for RAF bombers which had back undersides. It's a dark brownish grey. That would probably work well on the PBY.
  16. Gary, the cockpit parts look fantastic. Love the paint and decals job you've done so far and it's nice to see the kit is living up to expectations.
  17. Had to go looking for my scribing templates. Took some time finding them but I did and they helped with some of the shapes. I'm starting to wonder if the reason the kit has the mixed raised and recessed panel lines is that the original project went over budget. The rear of the fuselage is partially engraved and then the main panel lines are raised. Anyways, they're all engraved now. Just have the lower section to do which is the biggest part.
  18. Chris, it always look great when the masks come off. You could say the insignia have faded in the sun. Wouldn't be completely implausible. Maybe give them some chipping to sell the weathered look.
  19. I still haven't taken the plunge into big ships. Just the Vosper which I'm taking a pause on and the Type XXIII. Nice to see others following through on the subject though and learn from them.
  20. Best I've seen in Canada was on sale for $900 CAD with free shipping. Which is about $650 USD.
  21. Thanks for the update Scott. How is the auto parts clear like smell wise? I keep trading about the 2K clears but their toxicity means they're a no-go for me.
  22. Got a couple kits from Sprue Bros today. I ordered them back in Dec but had them sent to my sister in Wisconsin to save on shipping. We were going to visit this past week as it's March break here in Toronto but my other sister decided to go instead so she brought them back for me. Fitting into my "planes with big guns" interest, the recent ZM release. Sorry, it still has the tissue wrap on it. The other one is the WNW Camel kit I meant to buy when they closed down. I got the Duelist boxing by mistake. If I'm going to build a Camel, being Canadian, I thought it ought to be Roy Brown's plane.
  23. Nice! I picked up the recent Eduard rebox of the Hasegawa B-25s so hopefully will get to them one day.
  24. That will be a fun quick build. Guess that's not the surprise for the Seaview.
  25. Lol. Thankfully, the Akutan Zero doesn't need a T-6 wing. It does get a USN two tone grey camo scheme with stars though.
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