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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. It's been a while but I finally got some more work done on the Vosper. It's a bit random as I'm sort of jumping around. On the cabin walls, I started removing some of the moulded on details. Then I added the PE replacement bits. There's a bunch more to add to this, that's just the foundation. On the rear cabin wall, it's more of the same. There's a bunch of interior detail to add too. There are several conduit boxes and you have to add rings to the openings for the cables. Then I jumped to the torpedo cradles. Here's the bits that make them up. Partway through putting them together. I have the say, the engineering really impresses me on these subassemblies. If you've folded them together correctly, they hold together with just a slight bit of pressure which allows for easier CA application. One assembled cradle.
  2. Nice progress and definitely looks like a Tomcat.
  3. Received a set of 1/12 Volk CE28 rims and tires for my Tamiya 935. The rears are a bit narrower than the stock wheels but I think they'll still look good under a coat of paint.
  4. You know, you could try blaming the excess vibration on a vibrating bed like they used to have... Being a jerk would be if you used their towels for a deep clean on the airbrush.
  5. I was wondering the same thing. Great work too. Can't believe thay you're getting more done in the hotel than I do at home.
  6. I have them on my Tamiya Monster Beetle! They go on the ends of the axle and replace the C- hub.
  7. That is a tough one. I usually prefer my models with the wing unfolded unless I'm building more than one of them. Maybe detachable is the way to go if they can stay in place unfolded?
  8. I think you're right Martin.
  9. Too late. My old Tamiya side cutters have the dent from a vain attempt to do so.
  10. Bill, thanks for the pics on the pipe cleaner technique. Nice progress on your Kingfisher too. Carl
  11. With several medical professionals in the family, I get reminded of that all the time. My father-in-law won't touch power tools as he knows he doesn't have the skill to safely use one and he's seen the results too many times (retired pathologist) of those who weren't careful. I learned to use a table saw in grade 3 as part of a school class. Can't believe they let kids that young loose in a fully equipped woodworking shop. The teacher was ok but the one I had the following year was really great. Showed us how to not only use the tools but how to respect them. Check out the Sawstop table saws. Those are impressive but a bit pricy. But they will save your fingers.
  12. The lighting looks great. Really shows off the interior details. Glad to hear the table saw session worked out safely. I was using mine at work last week. Had to cut down a bunch of plywood. To make 60 shelves for our new location. Like you, I still have all my digits.
  13. On the bench in our backyard. My son Edward has been waiting for enough snow this winter to make a snowman.
  14. Thanks everyone! It's slow work but I found that doing a quarter at a time keeps me focused and makes it less daunting. I think Corellian Engineering must have really liked German armour.
  15. Martin, what are you using to do the shaping? It's nice and subtle, not overdone like you see on most kits.
  16. Slowly working my way through all the decals. Here's the placement guide for the topside to give you an idea of what I'm dealing with. Many of them are tiny, like the cockpit decals that Barracudacsst does for their cockpit sets.
  17. Rob, you mentioned the wood deck is self adhesive. Since it's already cut to shape, would it be possible to deepen the cuts and cut through the backing sheet? Then you could test fit them without getting them stuck in place? Might be harder than it sounds with all the different cutouts.
  18. Nice and different subject. Somehow reminds me of a Saab Tunnen that went to a weight loss clinic and came out half the size.
  19. Definitely on the fast track.
  20. And in other news, I've started another kit...
  21. I thought mine one was bad but I took a look and it's scattered across several shelves/benches/drawers so it presents as smaller piles of indecision rather than one large overwhelming one.
  22. Chris, I'm not sure the sprue goo would work well as the tail is resin and it may not bond well to it. I'd stick with either Mr Surfacer or possibly Mr Dissolved Putty. The latter shrinks a bit more though and is a bit softer when dry.
  23. Glad to see you're making progress Peter. Even with the floats setting you back a bit, at least you've figured out the issue. Carl
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