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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. The closest I came to losing any appendages was at my parents garment factory. We were short of some pocket panels for pants we were sewing. Our cutter wasn't in so I figured how hard could it be? I laid up the pocket lining and then grabbed a circular cutting knife. Think of a razor sharp pizza wheel with a 7" diameter blade at high RPM. Well, pocket lining is very slippery and it started to get pulled into the knife. Rather than do the smart thing and turn it off, I grabbed the lining and started fighting the blade, pulling it out. Finally turned the knife off and cleared it. Our cutter when he found out was absolutely aghast. He couldn't believe I had still had my fingers as that was the #1 way cutters lose fingers. And it's usually all the fingers on one hand at once as it happens so fast. I wasn't allowed to use the circular knife for a long time after that.
  2. Nice progress there Mark. I didn't know the Danes flew these. Part of the Kitty Hawk experience is figuring out their instructions. Carl
  3. I finally started adding the PE bits to the cabin walls. Painting it is going to be fun too but at least I've figured a colour out now.
  4. Kevin, I used to solder stuff all the time in my late teens and early twenties when I was big into RC cars. Got really good at it but then stopped. Since then, every time I try now it's a blobby mess if stuff even sticks together. I have a couple small irons I could try and see if anything works.
  5. Chris, nice progress. I think a few of us are intimidated by figure painting and could use the practice, me included. I'm not looking forward to when I have to add figures to my Vosper.
  6. Gary, looks great. I think those of us building boats are all in the same boat, uh, situation and will need to paint and then attach stuff. Me, I'm trying to figure out how to paint the cabin interior when there's stuff that gets attached to the windows including their frames.
  7. That about sums it up.
  8. Here's my idea of nightmare tracks. PE individual link one.... Found these while searching for an LVT kit.
  9. Yup, it's great getting our kids into the hobby.
  10. Thanks guys! There's more in the PE stuff than there is with the plastic in this kit. Some of the working stuff is just silliness like those hatch hinges. Here's another example. Working cabinet drawers.
  11. Looks good John. Almost looks like it's saluting Carl
  12. Nice progress there Scott. I know the feeling about bumping into seemingly everything once the model is so big. My Falcon is like that but circular too.
  13. These are long overdue. They should be popular here.
  14. I'm waiting for the XIV conversion to come out and then I'll start one of the XVI kits in my stash.
  15. Here you go. With the Tamiya Mossie. Right before her maiden flight.
  16. Definitely not a kit you see that often. I for sure wouldn't have known it was based on the Russian version.
  17. Hopefully yours lasts longer than mine did. My son took it for a test flight right after I finished it. Maybe with the more accurate wing profile, it'll fly better.
  18. I can't find it but I have a pic of the HK fuselage with the Tamiya wing on it and the difference in leading edge profiles is significant.
  19. That's a great price.
  20. Ernie, after seeing your pics I have to agree that I never knew how battered these planes got. I'm used to seeing USMC Corsairs looking sandblasted and worn but didn't realize the AVG planes got as beat. But it makes sense.
  21. Really nice and clean. The display base is great too. I have some stuff for woodworking but don't have the space for a workshop. My big extravagance is a thickness planer I bought for doing my Big Green Egg table. Carl
  22. The reworked torpedo looks great. What an improvement over the kit one. No idea on the football stuff. All I know is Canadians have a bigger field. And bigger balls
  23. Very colourful Kingfisher there Peter. I'm glad you're over the big hurdles and getting to the end of the build. Good luck at the dentist. The boys go tomorrow for their own checkup.
  24. The Otter? I think Mirror Models do them in 1/35. Edit: yup they make an Otter.
  25. Phil, if you need any paint suggestions how about either of these: I'm going cross eyed just looking at the first one.
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