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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Me too! Mark, you're doing a great job. Nice tip on using toothpicks to help line everything up. Carl
  2. The Tamiya Mossie is a great kit but it's so easy to burn out on. I took a year long pause on my build and I've seen lots of other folks hit the wall on theirs progress-wise.
  3. One thing I forgot to mention is the new location puts me 5 minutes away from a hobby shop. Not one of the cheapest for kits, but they have a full stock of most paints and supplies. https://www.sunwardhobbies.ca/ There's also a great sandwich shop close by for some of the best Italian veal sandwiches in the city.
  4. She's closing the retail store but keeping an online one. So we're consolidating locations and the retail side is moving into the production location. The office manager and myself get to keep our jobs but instead of walking 5 minutes to work, I'll be driving for 15-20 minutes. So not the end of the world.
  5. Rob, that looks great. Like the others, I'm interested to see how the 1Man Army masks work out. I've used some Eduard PE masks in the past and those have worked but with different challenges. Carl
  6. I haven't had much time at the bench. Work has been crazy busy once the owner announced she's closing the store. The paintwork is taking all my time up but I think once I get to assembly things will speed up. Anyways, I managed to get the lower rear hull painted and most of the upper hull. The lower hull: The upper hull: I also got one of the lower bays done. Hopefully I'll have some more time this week.
  7. The Tamiya 1/48 kit?
  8. The original '70s series had the space ship built inside the wreck of the WWII battleship. Whaa??? This time around it's concealed as an partially buried city in 2199 as they decided to make the ship bigger.
  9. Peter, the results so far look great. It's hard to tell that you're having the fit issues you've described. Carl
  10. Nice! I got mine as well today. Took a quick break from work to pick it up. Haven't opened the box yet so you're ahead of me. Carl
  11. Reminds me of the B-3 from Broken Arrow, the John Woo film. Which isn't that hard I guess. They're both flying wings. Carl
  12. Really nice model John. Great to see it finished. Awesome finish. The International Orange panels just stand out so nicely on the white. Carl
  13. I was exiting the highway down the off-ramp which leads onto Lakeshore Blvd in Toronto. There's a seagull in the lane ahead of me, standing there. Traffic is moving so I really don't want to slow down, figuring he'll fly away. Instead, the seagull starts running until finally he remembers he has wings and starts to flap them. Too late. Bam. I look in the rearview mirror and I see a pair of wings sticking up from the pavement. Whoops.
  14. Here's my short list of options. The front runner: A couple of WNW kits. Would the Camel count? The W.12 certainly does. Gotta love a big torpedo boat. Last one is a long shot as I'm currently building the Falcon and will most likely want to mix things up a bit.
  15. Seaview, Seaview, Seaview, Seaview, Seaview, Seaview, Nautilus, wait I mean Seaview, Seaview....
  16. Peter, there's something like 36 sprues and about 650-700 parts in the kit. I have another 1/72 Falcon kit made by Fine Molds which is closer to 900 parts. It's an older kit and they had to use that many parts to attain a similar level of detail. It's also a different version of the Falcon as they had to change it between filming Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back. Carl
  17. A lot of those kits are being re-released by Round2. They're also doing some updates to help fix/correct some of the kits like new side panels for the MPC Millennium Falcon. There's a new 1/32 TiE fighter coming and the Razorcrest just came out. Carl
  18. Ernie, thanks as always for organizing this raffle. Please count me in. I always love hearing how you get the impartial drawing done. Adds a bit more fun to the festivities. I'm happy to contribute the winner's choice of either a: - 1/35 Ryefield Panther G or - $75 USD gift card to the shop of their choice. Carl
  19. Haven't seen those up here. We have Festive ones at the moment that are red and green.
  20. Not actual pics but here's what's in the Kagero book. Hopefully they're of some use. Carl
  21. There's something about these sort of kits; PCM, Special Hobby, Fly, etc. When you get them to go together there's a bigger satisfaction level. Of course, they can easily go the other way and be nothing but aggravation. Carl
  22. I wonder if it's 1/18?
  23. Thanks guys! For a kit that doesn't have any fit issues, it's really taking its time going together. It's the paint work that's doing it. Plus I've never done pre-shading on such a large scale. Here's the most recent pile of sprues. This isn't even half the sprues in the kit. The next step was to assemble the engine nozzles. I used a brown for the pre-shading on these parts to give a different finish to them. Not sure it worked out but it was worth a shot. Installed into the lower hull: As the kit I have is the original full option release, it has a lighting kit in it. For the engines, Bandai includes a diffuser assembly. It's a frosted plastic bit that goes behind the engine nozzles.
  24. So much cutting to fit the extra details. Glad to see you back at it though. Carl
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