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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Here's some pics. Starting where we did, sci-fi: I didn't know there was a Destroid Monster in 1/72 until today. Wave had teased one but it never made it into production.
  2. Thanks Bill! I've got the corrected blister as well. I need to eventually get the bulged bomb bay doors for my other Lanc.
  3. More work on the cockpit. The IP, control stick and the controls by the pilot's seat have all been added. The navigator's position. I've now attached the front section to the kid wing area above the bomb bay. Not much will be seen here so it's fairly basic and I've left it as such. Lastly I've added one sidewall of the bomb bay.
  4. Thanks Jeroen and Peter! I'm really enjoying my approach to this build. Nothing feels like a chore.
  5. I'm saving those for my B-17F when I get to it. Seems more appropriate to have a Twinkies wrapper there. AJ-K had the fewest in-service hours of any of the planes that went on the Dams raid so definitely in a like new condition.
  6. Thanks Kai! For the desk, unused Hasegawa's self adhesive wood finish. It's a very thin vinyl sticker that I cut to fit and applied. First time I tried I and it seems to have worked out ok . Thanks Ian! I actually followed many of the mods and corrections that you made on your build. Hope to see you back at it.
  7. Harv, hope to see you back at this soon. Carl
  8. Happy belated Phil! That Famo looks like it's going to be huge. Carl
  9. That Russian arctic camo is pretty impressive. But they gave it away with that tag...
  10. Nice subject choice there Peter. I think my very first F1 car was Tamiya's 312T3 kit in 1/20 scale. Even that was quite impressive but I was too young and hamfisted to do much with it. I do have a MFH kit in the stash of a later version of the Ferrari. This one is plastic and metal instead of their usual resin.
  11. To paraphrase Bob Hope (I think it was him) Ernie, "the largest distributor of MiG parts in the western hemisphere"
  12. Not a bad idea. Maybe get some liners for the tubes to help prevent punctures. I'm running tubeless on my main mountain bike. A bit of a pain to set up sometimes but so much easier.
  13. Nice bike Martin! Sadly I gave up road bikes after getting hit one too many times by ignorant drivers.
  14. Thanks Rob! I'm not doing much weathering ad the plane I'm modeling only flew a few times before being lost on the Dams raid. I will probably do more of that on my second Lanc when I get to it. Thanks Phil! Supposedly HK fixed a couple of the errors on the 1/32 kit when they did the 1/48 one.
  15. I got some work done in the cockpit. I used the Eduard seatbelts for the pilot and radio operater. I then added the navigator's seat and belts. Finally I added the navigator's table. The cockpit is starting to come together. Csrl
  16. Peter, 3D printing has definitely been a game changer. Toronto these days is perpetual gridlock so the traffic in Chicago felt like home. Which is funny as folks often compare Toronto to Chicago.
  17. Thanks Gary! When I realized the Chicago Skyline was getting bigger, my first thought was "So much for making good time". Lol
  18. Interesting problem you had with the seatbelts Jeroen. The cockpit looks great and great to hear the other bits have worked as they should. Carl
  19. Congrats Scott! I have no idea when I'm retiring. Unless you call quitting my job 8 1/2 years old to be a stay-at-home dad and doing odd small jobs retired. Semi-retired? Carl
  20. Thanks Gus! The border crossing took an hour between lining to get on the bridge and then waiting to go through customs. Plus I made a wrong turn at some point and we ended up driving through Chicago rather than around it. Carl
  21. Well I'm back from visiting family in Wisconsin for the last week and after a day to recover from the 14 hours in the car, in back at the bench and working on the Lanc. I got a coat of paint onto the Resin2Detail pilot's seat. The details really started to pop at this point. I was surprised by the holes in the rear uprights of the seatback. Definitely some exceptional detail there. I then got some more paint onto other cockpit parts. So maybe not a lot but I'm hoping for some more progress tonight after dinner. Carl
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