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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Time for a small update. I've been working on the Lanc a bit every day and it's been enjoyable. Mostly it's the been interior that I've been plugging away at. I've also got the instrument panel together. This is using the Eduard PE set. Lastly, I had a new reference book arrive.
  2. They retooled almost the whole kit to reflect the changes. Supposedly the nose is a bit off and there's a resin correction set coming but otherwise it's supposed to be good. I cant find one in Canada at the moment or I'd grab one. Might have to suck up international postage. Carl
  3. Great Hobbies has the CR.42 in stock. I'm visiting my sister in Wisconsin next week so could grab you one and mail to you from there. https://www.greathobbies.com/productinfo/?prod_id=ICM32020 Let me know. Carl
  4. That was fast! Looks great there Martin, especially the skull. Carl
  5. I've wanted to see what this kit was like. There's a release with Slovak Tiger Meet markings I'd like to find. Not for this GB of course. Carl
  6. Some really great progress there Rob. It's fun to watch and see as it's so different from the usual planes and AFVs. Carl
  7. Thanks Rob! Those are for the nose turret. They look very nice indeed. The barrel I'm looking to replace is for the ICM late version and is mounted on the port wing pylon. This is how the one in the kit looks.
  8. That's the way I'm leaning towards. Just heard from the shop in Vancouver that the Special Hobby AH-1 is in and mine ships to me Monday. WestCoastHobbys.com $73 CAD plus shipping.
  9. Gatlings! Trying to figure out an option for the ICM AH-1 kit. I've got the kit one, Aber in brass, CMK in resin. The Aber is the wrong length so I'd have to cut it down a bit.
  10. That wasn't me. I know my limits. The most I did was four Spitfires at once.
  11. I don't recall where I got the J11 from. If you want for the GB, let me know. Single nose wheel. No canards.
  12. Like this? That's Maggie on the dishwasher. She stayed with us for a few months when my sister moved from Santiago to Wisconsin.
  13. Martin, I didn't know Meng did a J-15. I've got these in the stash.
  14. He's the pre-wash cycle before we start the dishwasher.
  15. My sister uses a Halti on her dog, a Golden Doodle and had to use one on her last dog too. Jimmy rarely pulls with the harness so it's working for us nicely. When it's walk time, he'll calmly sit at the door and I can slip it on without any issues. Our dog Zoe is a dream to walk. Here's Edward waling when he was around 2 years old.
  16. Would you believe I was accidentally under feeding him by 25%. I thought his food scoop was bigger than it was. He's 5 months old next week but is already over 40lbs.
  17. Martin, that's extremely generous. I don't know if my bench could support that much weight.
  18. Jimmy was checking out a fox the other night. They ended up having a Mexican standoff for a bit before the fox finally went on his way. Carl
  19. Rob, I'm in very much the same position as yourself. I've got the Lancaster and B-24 on the bench so definitely don't have room for another build. Plus the only applicable kits I have are by Ukrainian companies. So if I do join in, it would be the MikroMir Fokker E.V Carl
  20. I've already used it and it definitely works better than the Chopper. Much more precise.
  21. So in the time it takes me to glue a couple wing flaps together, you've almost finished yet another build. As always I'm impressed by your speed and quality of work John. Great idea to prime with the flat yellow. I've always found yellow to be one of these paints that seems to be translucent. Carl
  22. Somehow I've managed to misplace my Chopper mitre cutter that one uses for cutting styrene. How, I have no idea. Anyways, I stopped by the LHS as it was next to a Home Depot I had to go to. I picked up some Evergreen strip for the Lancaster on my bench. Wandering around I noticed they carry RP Tools and had their Mitre cutter in. I've wanted one for a while but: 1)- they're not that cheap 2)- I already had The Chopper But not being able to locate said Chopper u guess was enough impetus to buy one. That and it was cheaper than online. This is one nice piece of kit. Got home and the post woman had a package for me. Like Rog, I'm finding Tamiya kits are starting to go up so I finally got a Tamiya Mustang for hopefully using on the Turbo Cavalier conversion. Also had some cement and paints in the same order. Mostly blacks for the Lancaster. Hope it's enough. Carl
  23. Peter, this should be fun. Have you watch Ford Vs. Ferrari yet? It's a fun movie about the development of the GT40 and the '66 race. Glad to hear Joel is helping you out answering your questions. Say hi for me. We can't get Gravity or Zero paints here in Canada so I'm stuck with the usual suspects. It's not the same kit as your but I pulled this out of the stash. It's the '68 car that won Lemans that year. Still has the receipt inside the box. Carl
  24. Thanks Peter! My guess as to why they missed it is that the tail planes halves fit together perfectly as initially moulded and it's only when you look at the surface detail that you notice they're wrong. Supposedly HK has fixed this on more recent issues of the kit. I also suspect that when they heard WNW was coming out with a Lanc, they may have tried to speed things up a bit to get their kit out first and missed some of these details. HK is still a fairly new company. They really don't have that many releases under their belt: B-25, B-17, Mossie, Lanc, Do335 and Meteor in 1/32 and the B-17 and Lanc in 1/48. Their Do335 is supposedly on the same level as the ZM one and is their more recent release not based on a previous kit. It certainly took Tamiya a while to get to where their 1/32 kits are consider the masterclass. I think between the price and the bar being so high, it's raised our expectations of new kits. Which isn't that bad a thing I guess. Carl
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