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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Got a new tee shirt in the mail today. Well, Friday actually but just opened it.
  2. Nice subject there Mike. My vote is the DXM decals. Carl
  3. Just drove home from Wisconsin where we visited my sister and her family. 14 hours in the car. Picked this up while I was there. One heavy boxset. When I got home, my neighbours kindly brought this in for me as it had arrived from Vancouver.
  4. I did now that you mentioned it. Any closer shots?
  5. Very nice Kingfisher Smitty. Mine is in a drawer on the bench. One more kit I need to get back to and finish. Carl
  6. Nice progress Cees. Looks like the Flightpath nose fits well. Glad the parts arrived so quickly. Carl
  7. I know people sometimes complain about accuracy issues with Trumpeter kits but wow!
  8. Nice progress Martin. Really going together well from the looks of it. Dinner that is. Oven fried chicken?
  9. That's a significant size discrepancy in seats there Rob. Almost like there's a Momma Bear size and a Poppa Bear size. Carl
  10. Nice progress Ernie. Have you guys seen the Minibase Su-33? The seat in that kit is two pages of instructions.
  11. Here's the Canadian one. https://www.wheelswingsestore.com/csm35006-copper-state-models-1-35-canadian-armoured-mg-carrier Looks like they have the Italian one too. https://www.wheelswingsestore.com/csm35005-copper-state-models-1-35-italian-armoured-car-1zm
  12. Looks like Wheels and Wings has the Canadian one in stock on their website.
  13. That's the way they do addresses in a lot of Asia. When I lived with my aunt in Taiwan, her address was something like Block X, Lane Y, off Alley Z or something like that. It's one of the reasons it took so long for Domino's to start delivery over there.
  14. Wow, faster than I can take the shrink wrap off a new kit and you're on to the next build. The engine looks to be leaking a fair bit of oil in that pic. Carl
  15. Nice progress Martin. It doesn't seem to be fighting you too much.
  16. Peter, the chassis is looking great. Sometimes I wonder if manufacturers should call their manuals "destructions" rather than instructions they way they lay out the order that parts are supposed to go together. Carl
  17. So that's what those two cylinders on the sides of the headrest are for. Thanks for posting that Martin.
  18. Well, that pushed me over the edge. I've just ordered the Slovak Mig-29. Hopefully it won't arrive until I'm back from visiting my sister in Wisconsin. Don't need any porch pirates snagging it. Carl
  19. You did a great job on the Huey Gus. Definitely the rotors can be an issue once there's more than two of them.
  20. That's some very nice progress Peter. Things look oriented correctly and I don't see anything amiss at the moment. Carl
  21. Talk about "the best laid plans..." Lol. Be sure to duck if she throws the hitch at you. Carl
  22. Nice looking Flanker. I know that feeling. Hope you find everything. Carl
  23. Waste not, want not. Got a text from my sister a while back. "I don't know what's worse. That the dog just threw up in the kitchen or that it was squirrel parts" Meantime, Jimmy just keeps getting bigger. He's now longer than Zoe and almost as tall.
  24. I got an email last night that Heritagecon is going to be held in just over 2 weeks. https://heritagecon.com/index.html This is the model show and contest held at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum Hamilton. I asked my boys if they wanted to go and my youngest was absolutely excited to attend. The show is held in the hanger of the museum so their planes are accessible for pics. If anyone has requests, please let me know and I'll try to grab some for you. Carl
  25. Fun fact: it's actually the paint job that keeps it in the air. The optimism depicted in the flying bird allows it to defy gravity and get off the ground.
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