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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Truly awesome piece of history there John. Definitely not possible here in Canada either. Maybe grandfathered in but even then I doubt it. Carl
  2. The pair of Lotus (Lotii?) are almost done. Wet Nellie doesn't come with a stand so I'll have to figure something out.
  3. Great job on the paint wotk Rob. It's impressive how the small add on details to the brakes improve them so dramatically. Carl
  4. Peter, no luck in Canada so I decided to order them directly from Hataka. They'll ship to Canada but as I went with their lacquer version it's €20 for the shipping. That was offset a bit by the paint being 30% off. I grabbed a set for the Su-33 at the same time to make it more economical. Carl
  5. Not as big a pile as Rog but I did have a box waiting for me today from Hannant's. The biggie inside it was this: I took a quick look inside and it's a nice looking kit. The only possible disappointment would be the gun barrels for the underwing Vulcan. Nothing a Master Barrel set can't fix. Stuff for a Canadair Sabre Some bits for a HK Do335 Finally a couple canopy mask sets.
  6. So Rog, what hobby shop did you clear out of their entire inventory?!!! That's quite the pile of packages to come home to. My LHS had a few of thoseTakom Stugs and the Panzer III kits on clear out a while back. They were $30 CAD each so I grabbed a Panzer III. Carl
  7. X 2!!!!
  8. Rob, it's the Tamiya 1/12 kit. I was hoping they would reissue the kit at some point so I could get replacements but that hasn't happened yet. MFH might make tires in that scale but I'm not sure. Carl
  9. I just saw that HAD Decals is coming out with a set of decals to do the VF-84 Tomcats from the best F-14 film ever "The Final Countdown". https://www.hadmodels.com/32080-f-14a-jolly-rogers--a-vegso-visszaszamlalas-sorozat-dupla-matrica-132 It looks to be fairly thorough and even includes the Zero kill markings they painted on the F-14s.. These will be perfect for my Tamiya kit Carl
  10. Nice killer egg there Ernie. They do look mean with their miniguns and rocket pods. Got you beat there. My Tamiya McLaren MP4/6 I started in 1993 is still in the stash. I work on it once in a while for a bit and then put it back. I have to figure out the tires as a couple have dry rotted. I'm thinking of just leaving them off one side and showing off the brakes.
  11. Welcome! And that's a great subject. Is the kit mostly wood? Carl
  12. Stickers! More stickers, the wooden variety this time and some spare hobby blades. Lastly, another Dreadnought. Gotta say, Dreadnought sounds so much more capable than Cannon Fodder.
  13. Nice box of goodies there Harv. For your Wessex I presume? Carl
  14. Wet Nellie is almost finished. The road version is coming along too.
  15. MRP is not available in Canada and Hataka is only slightly easier to find. So for us Canucks: Rock, meet Hard Place. Carl
  16. Looks fantastic John. Fresh out of the paint shop. Carl
  17. Harv beat me to it but, wow sums it up. Carl
  18. Smitty, I know about it but haven't tried it. A lot of the more recent plastic track sets come with a jig to help you assemble the individual link tracks. I've used some of those and they work very well. Hope that helps. Carl
  19. Peter, the recent Special Hobby kits are really a jump in quality. Much better than their earlier efforts. Supposedly they're going to do a Fury, Sea Fury and Typhoon to round out the family lineage. I have their Tempest V and it's basically the same kit that you have but a different nose/engine. Mine came with the resin half engine but I've got the Barracuda rain nose I'm going to use the engine in a PCM Tempest. Waste not, want not. Carl
  20. Peter, sorry to hear about the canopy woes but glad to hear you can get the replacement parts to fix it. That's not always so easy here. Otherwise the Phantom looks great. Looking forward to the fix and seeing her all finished. Carl
  21. Got the sub Lotus masked off. Some over spray in spots but that part's done.
  22. It was a good show. Started off with a CF-18 solo display as always and ended with the Snowbirds. In between was a C-130, P-51, F-35, Canso, and a aerobatics plane that I don't know. I don't have pics as all I had was my phone.
  23. Peter, I finally heard from my aunt. She and my uncle are fine. The basement in their condo flooded so the elevators didn't work for a day but that was about it. I'm glad to hear they didn't get anything worse. Carl
  24. Hope they solve things for you Harv. Isn't bourbon a blood thinner? Or is that only in large quantities? Carl
  25. I thought you'd like that one.
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