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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. He's incredibly affectionate. He ended up sleeping between me and Sue last night which was unexpected but very nice. He's almost certainly a house cat as he knew how to use a litter box and just seems so content being indoors. I hear you Phil. I don't think I could come home to an empty house.
  2. Well, not an LSM and very unexpected. We went to a dairy farm today with some friends on a trip for our kids to learn and have some fun. Got to watch Sue milk a cow which was worth it alone. Needless to say it being a farm there were barn cats and one of them recently had a litter of kittens. All the kids were bonkers over the little fur balls and there were many proclamations of wanting to take one home. Talking to one of the owners about the cats and kittens in general, she mentioned there was a cat that had recently been abandoned on their farm. He was being bullied by the barn cats and they didn't think he'd last because of it. Sure as rain, the little guy came along and upon seeing him we couldn't say no. So this is Sunny. We figure he's around 6-7 months old. At least he isn't a calf or adult dairy cow Carl
  3. We actually one of each at our house so doesn't make it a difference to me.
  4. Tiger Meet schemes for me. There's so many variations that the individual squadrons have done over the years. Hi vis, low vis, peeling/bursting out of the standard camo, cyborg. You name it. Carl
  5. Must not let the wife see this or she'll want one. Thankfully I'd have to wait till it was 15 years old before I could bring it into Canada.
  6. So, anyone going to do the one Richard Dreyfuss flew in Always?
  7. Thankfully it's not the gun nosed variant as I'm running out of shelf space. Carl
  8. No, it's boobies.
  9. Beautiful Tempest Rick. I like option 1 for the weathering. That and I usually prefer lightly weathered models. Carl
  10. Really? Wow, must have had some cushy slippers on too John. I dropped my PCM Hurricane by accident when it was nearly done. Sadly it didn't survive in a salvageable state so I was p!asked at that one.
  11. That will be pretty awesome Ernie. The polished NMF looks great on a Lanc. Plus you'll be on the way towards a 1/32 Clunk. Carl
  12. Unfortunately I forget to get some pics of where I masked off for the horizontal section of the cockpit openings but those were next. I left them in place and then did the intermediate blue as well. I then did a dry fit of the wings to see how it looked. Comparing it to my reference pic, I need to bring the intermediate blue down the sides a bit more aft of the wings.
  13. Thanks Earl and Ryan! It's a bit more laborious but I think ultimately easier.
  14. Tony, it's great to see this as your next project. I'm starting to get a greater appreciation for Canadian aircraft variants myself. Carl
  15. Ernie, how close does this conversion get you? https://www.aviationmegastore.com/grumman-tbm3w-avenger-aew-conversion-set-trumpeter-bz3002-braz-models-bz3002-aircraft-modelling-conversion/product/?action=prodinfo&art=159023
  16. Ernie, just saw this listed as a future release on Hobby Search. Might be just what you're looking for. https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/m/10643424
  17. Time for some unconventional fuselage painting. With the large canopies and some fairly fragile cockpit details I decided to mask and paint around the cockpit openings in tow steps. First I masked off the vertical sections. They're not perfectly sealed against the vertical sections intentionally as I didn't want to pull off any detail bits when I removed the tape. Then I airbrushed at an angle to keep overspray from going into the cockpit.
  18. Thanks Ernie! One definitely can't just plow through the kit that's for sure. It did catch me off guard a bit initially but it's been fine once I figured that out.
  19. Now that you mention it Rog, the drying time is a bit longer for the Aqueous vs the lacquer. I was going to suggest AK Real Color but you're looking for acrylics.
  20. Barracudacast makes one for the Spitfire. http://barracudacals.com/proddetail.php?prod=BR32011 Or if you think the kit one out of a Tamiya Spitfire is good enough, I can probably dig a couple up for you. Carl
  21. Looks great Ryan! I like the drap the belts have. Carl
  22. I use regular CA when I build them. Leave the buckles attached to the fret where possible and thread the belts through them before you cut them loose. Much less fiddly this way and less risk of lost buckles.
  23. I had heard he was done as well but saw them on his website so took a chance. Considering he's only an hour away from me it took almost 3 weeks for them to get to me.
  24. I saw those Jeff and they were Plan B. Plan A was to do the CWHM CF-104D in NMF with red tail and tip tanks and white wings. The serial is 12641 which created a problem as the decal sheet only has enough numbers to do the fuselage numbers but not the wing one. A small oversight. Which led me to Plan A.1 and find a different serial number to do. Right now I'm leaning towards 12662 but 12666 could be fun
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