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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Now that you mentioned it, I noticed for the first time earlier today that the docs had shaved the entire middle section of my body. As in a stripe from my neck down to my ankles is bare. I was trying to figure out why I was itching so much. A very different sort of body grooming....
  2. Thanks guys! In my defense I'm red-green colour blind so it all looks good to me. I'm looking forward to getting home and being with family. I didn't think I was Interior green though. More a I have no idea really
  3. The Final Countdown- F-14s vs Zeros. Enough said. Midway- since that's what we all grew up with. Battle of Britain- takka takka takka Spitfire: the plane that saved the world- fantastic documentary.
  4. That's pretty cool there John.
  5. It's just before 9am now. My wife decided to call me right before 7 to make sure I was up. Here's what I got for breakfast: I think they're trying to watch my calories...
  6. Happy birthday Frank! I've got a couple years left before I hit that milestone. Carl
  7. Yeah, I've taken a couple of shirt walks in the hall. I won't be able to walk the distance o my kids' school until next week at the earliest. Thankfully some of the other parents have offered to drop them off for us.
  8. Well, it's one way to get some attention. Although my wife says I don't have to go get so extreme next time.
  9. Right now they're saying Sunday but if I'm recovering well, they may boot me Saturday. Won't be able to lift much initially so all the multiengine kits are out. We'll see I guess Carl
  10. That's what my lunch wanted to make me do today. Boiled chicken disguised as grilled and drowned in honey garlic something.
  11. A quick update guys. The operation went well. I'm on the road. to recovery still at the moment. The incision hurts like hell when I cough all I'm trying to do that at little as possible No nurse Ratchads thankfully. Just a bunch of Asian cuties. Talk soon and thanks for all the well wishes. Carl
  12. Thanks guys! My dad had a triple bypass after his third heart attack and that was 22 years ago. He's still with us and doing fine. Off to bed for me so I'll update you all soon Carl
  13. Hi folks, So I met with the surgeon today and have been told I'll be joining the zipper chest club tomorrow morning. The triple bypass should be about 3 hours long and then off to recovery I go. Then it's 5-7 days here before discharge and home for another 6 weeks of recovery. Which means I should be as good as new in time for Christmas. I'll let you all know once I'm functional after the operation. See you all soon. Carl
  14. I don't know if there's an inbox review somewhere but I built the Spad a few years ago. Everything went together well and uI didn't run into any issues. I did leave some of the internal details out to simplify things. You can't really tell but the wings still fold which makes it much easier to display. This was my first ZM I built. Carl
  15. Me too. Just need to get to the stash to find something but I've got time.
  16. Dale, the Mossie has twin engines so it'll take John an extra day to get her done
  17. I'm good Harv. A bit bored but had a bunch of friends and family visit me today. Everyone is still a bit freaked out I had the heart attack. Some are considering getting checked out themselves which is a good thing I guess. Still waiting to hear when the operation will be but tentatively it's Wednesday. Carl
  18. This place feels like a happy family. We don't always agree but we also respect each other's views. We can poke fun at one another and know there won't be hurt feelings. We learn and inspire each other. Plus there's so many squirrels to chase down rabbit holes. Carl
  19. Thanks Gus! My dad had triple bypass back in the '90s and he's still with us. I'm in better shape than my dad was at that time so hopefully that'll count towards something. In the meantime I'll keep an eye out for a pretty young physio I'm good Jeff. Bored mostly. The food actually hasn't been too bad. Just finished a roast beef sandwich that had flavour. Breakfast was a write-off though as they served two things I have a very hard time getting down: egg whites and oatmeal. It's a texture thing so I just passed on those .
  20. Ernie, there's some good advice there. I really can't add anything to it. I'm going to be away from the bench for a while myself but for different reasons. It'll be there when I get back and the same goes for you. Only yours is much better than mine. In the meantime, we're here if you need us. Carl
  21. Thanks Dale! My wife brought me a phone charger the first day which has helped keep me sane. I haven't managed to get a wifi password out of anyone yet so that'll be next. The toilet paper isn't too bad. Maybe 600 grit instead of the 80 you sometimes find. The nurses and staff are great so far. There's too many health care professionals in my family not to show respect to them. On my way to the hospital, the ambulance crew commented that I hadn't tried to stab, spit or punch them so their day was off to a good start. I'll do my best to keep you all up to date. In the meantime, have fun at the bench.
  22. John, I'm pretty sure I have those in 1/32. Let me know which plane you're thinking of and when I get out of the hospital and I'm allowed near the bench by Sue I'll look for them for you. Carl
  23. Banff Strike Wing Mossies are always cool. Or a Coastal Command one...
  24. John, the Tamiya Mossie is an amazing kit. I've built one and am seriously considering adding a third to the stash. Carl
  25. Thanks for all well wishes folks. It means a lot to me. I had the angiogram done this afternoon and the news is mixed. The one they started in my wrist found some blockages that made them concerned so I ended up getting a second one in my groin. That one showed one artery 100% blocked at a weird angle so they couldn't use a stent. There are three additional blockages so the end verdict is sometime this coming week I'm getting a triple bypass. The doc said it's almost certainly genetic since I'm otherwise healthy and don't smoke but both my parents have had heart issues. The good news is there is very little tissue damage to my heart. So I'm definitely going to be away from the bench longer than I thought. But it'll all be there when I get back. I'll just have to watch you guys crank them out. Carl
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