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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Nice progress Martin and some fantastic photos too. As for no. 5, I wonder if the cowl is dented or it's the way the paint has faded. Hard for me to tell. Carl
  2. I used to go by FM104 almost daily when it was mounted on a column near the Toronto lakefront. The nose crew hatch was open and there was a rope ladder you could climb to go inside. After they found that people were sleeping in the fuselage, they took the ladder down. It'll be nice to see it in one piece again. Carl
  3. Those postwar RCAF markings were a great paint scheme on just about any plane they appeared on. Carl
  4. Jeff, Harv certainly does know his airbrush cleaner. When ever you're up in Toronto, let me know and we can compare vintages. Carl
  5. Looks great there Pete. Masks really are the only way to go for such large markings. Carl
  6. Thanks to a suggestion from Harvey, these have found their way to next to my workbench. Don't worry, they won't be used for cleaning out the airbrush. Carl
  7. A lovely addition to your collection John. Carl
  8. Thanks Peter! It's nice being able to switch it up subject wise from time to time. If you want to try an armour kit, any of the new Tamiya kits are great. Or build one of the Asuka Shermans. They're fantastic kits and go together so nicely. Carl
  9. Man, that's quite the oilcanning effect. Glad to see that they're taking them out the proper way and not just bondo-ing everything. Carl
  10. I hear you on that one Ernie. Maybe we should do what this couple did: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/we-re-always-taking-chances-b-c-couple-buys-massive-unfinished-saskatchewan-mansion-1.4864117 Supposedly the garage is 2700 sq ft alone. Carl
  11. Great work so far James. The thinned wall panel is so much better looking. Carl
  12. Happy birthday Harv! Carl
  13. Looks great Tony. Carl
  14. Glad to see you're back Peter. Not so glad to hear about the injuries but at least you're getting them looked after and be on the mend. I saw some of the pics you took in Maine on the other thread and they make it easy to understand why you go. Carl
  15. Thanks Peter and Jeff. This is probably my favourite photo from the trip. It has my wife, our oldest son ( 3 1/2 at the time)and her dad walking along the tracks at the base of the canyon. That's the train we rode in on in the background. Carl
  16. Great pictures everyone. Here's a couple from Northern Ontario from a family trip a couple years ago. These are from Agawa Canyon near the Sault. Carl
  17. It looks very nice with the decals on. Into the home stretch. Carl
  18. Glad to see it's finally getting returned to a proper condition. I recently went through a ridiculous insurance claim at the beginning the summer so I feel your pain. Is that a spoiler as well that you have? Carl
  19. I agree with Jeff. We were just over in Scotland this past August. My boys had a blast playing on the many beaches we visited including St Andrews. Carl
  20. For me,.my Birdcage Corsair is probably my best. It was the first time I really tried to weather a model as I usually do very little weathering on my builds. Trying to get the right worn paint look took a couple of tries before I was happy with it. My first try was too stark and I had to strip and repaint the wings. Carl
  21. Just reading this thread for the first time. Your figures are exquisitely finished. Can't wait to see your progress on the Belle herself. Carl
  22. Thanks! The tracks definitely add some weight to the model. Carl
  23. Ok, got some more done. The tools are painted and installed. For the turret decals , I used ones made by Echelon. So a quick clear coat and some weathering and she'll be finished. Carl
  24. How about this guy? He snuck into our car hoping for a lift somewhere.
  25. Completely agree with you there. Classic rear wheel drive cars need a long hood and short deck to look right. I just realized that my convertible could probably fit in the trunk of yours.
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