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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Monogram Kingfisher

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Good to hear, that you and the Kingfisher survived surgery and all is shaping up again, Peter. Your Kingfisher looks Ab-So-Lute-Ly gorgeous. With the masks off, everything clicks and the colorful bird shines in all it's beauty.

Cheers Rob

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Wow Peter!  That is gorgeous!  Looks like you might be the first post under completed wet builds.  

Speaking of oral surgery, mine called the other day about my follow up after a molar extraction and bone graft for an implant. Told me they needed to reschedule. LOL!  I didn’t even know I had the appointment. Told them no problem, as I wasn’t going for the implant anyway.  Back molar, not visible so not spending $5k on it. Feels a little funny chewing, but I’ll learn to embrace it. 

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Thanks Scott, might just be the first across the line, which amazes me.

I know exactly how you feel as any oral surgery and implants are expensive and spending that much money on a back molar makes little sense.  I've needed to do a lot of dental work since finishing my chemo , which apparently didn't do my teeth any good. So far, my share of the bill has been over $12,000.  




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2 hours ago, Peterpools said:

Thanks Scott, might just be the first across the line, which amazes me.

I know exactly how you feel as any oral surgery and implants are expensive and spending that much money on a back molar makes little sense.  I've needed to do a lot of dental work since finishing my chemo , which apparently didn't do my teeth any good. So far, my share of the bill has been over $12,000.  





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Thanks Carl, very much appreciated. My favorite period of aviation is between the wars and the aircraft were never as colorful. How right you are: yellow wings and red stripes and tail - it's at the head of the class. Navy and Army aircraft were kept in pristine condition as the budgets for new appropriations were small and smaller each year. 


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USS ARIZONA 1939-1940


It’s been quite a journey traveling back to 1967, a lot more work then I expected and a few hurdles to over come but the Kingfisher is done and in the books. I still have a few small parts and bits to add but for now, I’m calling her finished and on her way to the display case.

Of interest of the era was the prop tips, painted with Blue, Yellow and Red stripes. For such a tiny item, a few hours of work masking but happy how they came out.

The outrigger floats from the second kit were well worth the extra expense and with paying extra attention to the delicate float bracing, went on just fine.

What appear to be red lights on the wing tips actually are gas filler caps, as I deferred to Dana Bell and was amazed at what they were. There isn’t any navigation with the kit and to be honest, I never thought about adding them until now – way too late.

The P&W radial was wired up with PE and looks pretty good.

All in all, I’m very happy with how the Kingfisher turned out. I took my time working though the stress cracking and all is fine.

Next up; the Revell 1/32 Spitfire Mk IIa.

Final images and first in the Lets Get Wet Ready For Inspection Forum 










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Peter, Now that is a beauty!  Well done and none of the trials and tribulations took anything away from your excellent work.  And you are STILL first to complete your build.  Gotta love Dana Bell - the man knows his stuff.  I agree with Mike - this should be the cover art picture.  Excellent choice of background color, too.  Really sets off the plane.  Another build to be proud of.  Congrats!


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Thanks so much Chris. There have been a few moments when things took a turn and headed south but, in the end, just taking my time and working out a plan seemed to be the way to go. Painting has always been my favorite part of any build and when you have the opportunity to work with such a colorful pallet, the finished build just 'pops' in photographs.  



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