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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Special Hobby Tempest Mk.V

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I got my hands on this a few weeks ago and I immediately binned the A29 and the Mossie, new canopy ordered.  That said after a through wash I broke out the sprue cutters and got to work.  See James Hatch's outstanding review.


This is going to be an out of box build.  With exception of markings which will be masked and painted.  The decals have some spots and are not usable.  Details on that later.




Test fit looks good.  There will some seam work and scribing needed.



Obligatory ejector hole fills needed.  A little 500 Mr. Surfacer did the trick.



Using my shaping tool I addressed the flare racks and flare gun rack.



Tedious work.  Common variable when working with photo etch.  Using Gator Glue The flare racks are secured.





Flare gun rack on and done.



Port side complete as far as I can before painting.



Starboard side ready for paint.

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I saw the tempest at the Aviation Megastore yesterday. At 92 euro's I would say: Thanks, but no thanks.



That's quite expensive, and even within the confines of the EU ;) 

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  • 2 months later...

It's been awhile as bench time has been a premium.  Family, life, etc. has taken priority.  My other knee decided to behave badly so, getting a new one in Dec.  Now I'll have a matching pair.  :)


Overall this kit has been a challenge.  Not in a bad way, just things have been fidgety with lots of cleaning.  The resin and PE parts have been a joy to work with.  The radiator scoop & nose seemed concerning with all the seams especially the interior of the scoop with a few pieces needed complete the build.



Plenty of putty/sand/repeat here with future scribe work. 



Finally got things smoothed out, re-scribe, rivets and new covers for filter support holes punched out of thin styrene card.  Detail work dose not show up.  Then....

Roy Sutherland throws this on the table.



A one piece resin direct replacement nose with properly shaped radiator scoop.  image credit: Roy Sutherland



Prop Boss also corrected.  image credit: Roy Sutherland


These are due to be released late November.  Ok, lesson learned, wait until corrected upgrades are released when wanting to be first to bench.

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The cockpit has over 50 parts.  My original plan was to keep this an OOB build.  That has changed with Barracuda's imminent release of corrected nose.  With most of painting and assembly of consoles I decided to let the pit as is and add only Yahu's very nice IP. 


When I get my hands on the Mk.II I will go on after market frenzy. 



Mr. Paint for Interior Green and NATO Black.  Details picked out with various Model Color, Mr. Color and some MIG pigments.  Yahu IP is dry fitted.  Will secure before fuselage is buttoned up.  A drop of Vallejo's Still Water added to the dials.



Over 50 parts makes for a fidgety build experience.  However, once complete you have a nicely detailed cockpit out of the box.


Shoulder straps will be secured at a later stage.



Bulkheads glued and before glue sets is secured inside fuselage.  Using the fuselage as a jig will ensure good fit later on down the road.  Some reduction at edges of bulkheads needed for sound fit.

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It's been awhile as bench time has been a premium.  Family, life, etc. has taken priority.  My other knee decided to behave badly so, getting a new one in Dec.  Now I'll have a matching pair.  :)


Overall this kit has been a challenge.  Not in a bad way, just things have been fidgety with lots of cleaning.  The resin and PE parts have been a joy to work with.  The radiator scoop & nose seemed concerning with all the seams especially the interior of the scoop with a few pieces needed complete the build.



Plenty of putty/sand/repeat here with future scribe work. 



Finally got things smoothed out, re-scribe, rivets and new covers for filter support holes punched out of thin styrene card.  Detail work dose not show up.  Then....

Roy Sutherland throws this on the table.



A one piece resin direct replacement nose with properly shaped radiator scoop.  image credit: Roy Sutherland



Prop Boss also corrected.  image credit: Roy Sutherland


These are due to be released late November.  Ok, lesson learned, wait until corrected upgrades are released when wanting to be first to bench.

Apart from the spinner, I can't see anything really different at all.


I think I'd stick with the kit parts.

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Apart from the spinner, I can't see anything really different at all.


I think I'd stick with the kit parts.

The radiator opening is slightly larger on the SH.  Valiant Wings #4 Tempest shows smaller opening.  Although not a Tempest, MDC's Typhoon has smaller radiator opening.  Further, the seams on the nose are eliminated.  If the fit is "plug n play" and the radiator fits without much fuss I will most likely pick one up.

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