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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

kinda down, but far from out


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OK, so I was scheduled for my MRI this afternoon. Got there with plenty of time. Got back to the prep and they needed info on the stints I had put in 6 years ago. Well, I have had 2 or 3 MRI's since the stints and all was good. They asked for info concerning them, and explained that they were safe but told them to check with my health insurance and hospital because they did one of the MRI's. BUT they would not give them the info ( different insurance and hospital. CRAP. So it was cancelled. I have a Dr. appointment tomorrow with my hospital dr. I will have him schedule an MRI at my hospital. Hopefully this will work. Still have double vision, tingling on the left side face. But now I have bad headaches, today wasn't to bad. Hope all of you are doing good .....harv 

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NOT what I was hoping to hear either.................... I sure do wonder sometimes......I know they have your best interest at heart, or I'd like to think they do, but sometimes the pussy footing and dances a guy has to do is more stressful than just getting the job done, and getting the information..... do your best , Harv, as I know you will.......  lets get to the bottom of this stuff, so you can get fixed and back to your normal........ I'm thinking of you buddy, and as always hoping for just a minor issue with a full and quick recovery...... keep us posted as best you can................. best wishes and best of luck with this

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Sorry to hear that Harv. As I work in the NHS here I have no understanding of your healthcare system but I think that's an over-reaction. We now routinely MRI virtually everyone irrespective of whether their pacemakers, leads, stents, etc are listed as 'MR safe' or not and with no detriment to anyone. Hope you get the scan soon. I'm blessed that I never get headaches so I can't imagine the torment of having them almost permanently.

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Thanks Gus. I did see my dr. today and I am happy with him. He told me he is ordering me another MRI but through my own health group and they have records of my last MRI Jan.2017. He is concerned and says something is going on in my brain. He also wants me to see a neurologist, so we are researching Dr. The last one I had was terrible ! He did mention Multable scurrilous, but thats getting ahead of things.....harv 

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Certainly hope it's nothing as serious as that Harv. We have a pretty terrible incidence of that up here in Scotland and they reckon it's partly linked to lack of vitamin D due to the lack of strong sunshine. Kind of fits as incidence is high in Scandinavia as well, but our melanoma rates are going up as well, so go figure that one!

Congrats on passing 1000 posts as well!  

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Man, I have a love/hate relationship with doctors so something like this just adds to the wrong side of the ledger. 

Sorry to hear you're still waiting for something more definitive but at least your doc seems to be on your side. 

Hang in and here's looking forward to a delayed but positive answer. 


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14 hours ago, BlrwestSiR said:

Man, I have a love/hate relationship with doctors so something like this just adds to the wrong side of the ledger. 

Sorry to hear you're still waiting for something more definitive but at least your doc seems to be on your side. 

Hang in and here's looking forward to a delayed but positive answer. 


Couldn't have said it better myself, Carl...... we are damned if we do and damned if we don't go to them.....BUT , I guess, they do know more stuff than we do......  Worrying about you Harv........ let's get this figured out.............

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Some good news for a change, MRI scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. AND Volks emailed me and they have shipped my 229 conversion replacement set. I'm happy.......harv

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Man, that sounds so convoluted with the to-and-fro of the different Medical Facilities. Over here, my last procedure was done at a Private Hospital because of a backlog in the Public System, but all of the information is shared between facilities and my GP will have the reports when I see him for my annual check in August. We get to keep all scans and X-rays etc, take them home with us. It's a good system at its core, and without getting into the politics of it, I can't understand why the US doesn't do something similar.

My former Partner had the same symptoms as you, but they never got a complete diagnosis as she had a reaction to the Gadolinium dye in the MRI and couldn't have further scans. This only added to the problem for her, and made the symptoms worse because of the stress of the whole process.

The most important thing is to try and keep a positive attitude, and do your best to keep on top of things mentally (which it sounds like you're already doing). Best luck for tomorrow, and feel free to PM me if you need to chat about symptoms and MS Buddy.


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I have had plenty of MRI's.....stroke at age 18 and 30. 

I know it must be hard to be positive Harv, but hang in there.




PS Volks really know how to do customer service! :)


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I used to have severe anxiety about any little twitch or spasm in or around my scalp...figured this is it again!

Having knowledge of what could happen really sucks.


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Agreed ! I am trying to stay positive, but the symptoms scare the shit out of me. The face tingling, double vision and headaches ( witch have eased a bit), all makes me wonder and thinking about it is maddening. But tomorrow I HOPE to have more answers. Thank you for your input Ryan, it does help......harv

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1 hour ago, harv said:

Agreed ! I am trying to stay positive, but the symptoms scare the shit out of me. The face tingling, double vision and headaches ( witch have eased a bit), all makes me wonder and thinking about it is maddening. But tomorrow I HOPE to have more answers. Thank you for your input Ryan, it does help......harv

Whenever it gets a bit too much; stop and take 5 or 10 minutes, close your eyes and try to relax...

Visualise all the pain, pressure and stress leaving your head - like the steam rising from a Footballer's head on a cold Winter's day... All the badness pushed out by radiating beams of light and energy.

The mind is a powerful tool.

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