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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Same here, Totally and utterly flabergastronomic mastermodelling. Fantastic Tom. Cees
  2. Sprechen Sie Deutsch, Oder? Joking aside, nice collection Mike. Your paintfinish is immaculate. I am jealous now. Cees
  3. Any idea when the Meteor is available? Cees
  4. Hmm playing devil's advocate here. Never seen faded RAF roundels to the point that old markings shine throught. More a matter of badly or hastily applied roundels. Cees
  5. Tom, Are you sure you are not a Halifax expert? Could have fooled me. Doing great and you are correct about the flaps. Cees
  6. Bertl, That's unbelievable! German manuals etc. Fantastic, thanks for posting. Cees
  7. Jeroen, I love it. No balkenkreuz shining through the roundel? Cees
  8. Thanks Mike, That helps. I have cut away the flaps to keep the mating surfaces as small as possible. The inner flaps will have to built up to fit. The PCM part is bulged and the Revell part hollow. Long live Milliput. Cheers Cees
  9. Very nice, you had me fooled too. Cees
  10. Do you shoot from the hip? Cees
  11. Tom, Just to be sure. When I got my first copy from Doug Feeney himself the turret parts looked to be accurate. Especially the Type E tail turret. Don't know if the original masters are no longer present and John had to make a new set. Will have a look at what I still have left. Cees
  12. Hi Tom, Now that one I would like to see. The Sunderland has Fraser Nash turrets though. The Halifax used Boulton Paul ones. Cees
  13. A good start would be, quickboost porcupine exhausts, angled tailplane and propellers. Not to mention Corrected canopies. Cees
  14. Peter, Nice solution though, you give the idea that the ignition leads are correctly fitted. Looks great. Have fun in the US during Christmas and new Years Eve, See you back on this in 2014 Cees
  15. Tom, You have solved the most important problem of this kit. The rear fuselage Opening does not represent a Halifax. Nice fix. I thought the Type E turret in the kit looked much better shapewise. Yours looks almost like a ballturret. Cees
  16. Insane, did you get the timing right for the ignition? Cees
  17. I like that Tom. The four bladers were used to solve vibration problems. So would make a nice Deviation from a standard Halibag. Cees
  18. Tom, Nice touch, using a Lancaster wheel for the Hally's tailwheel. Some would call it blasphemy. I call it ingenuity. You are ahead of schedule, 2013 isn't out yet. Any idea on an identity? Cees
  19. It would be great if Harold would post this here too. Cees
  20. Tom, I love your legs. They need to be sturdy to support all that weight. Cees
  21. Take your time Jeroen. This is not a race you know. Cees
  22. Complicated scheme but turning out very nice. Cees
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