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Everything posted by crazypoet

  1. Take a deep breath and don't rush!
  2. I like the powders though I do wish they were a bit more opaque. Still, the results are every bit of what I wanted to see. This was my first try with them. For the second Boat stand (after all the rivets are done - they take about a week, given my current pace) I'll go with black primer first with a red oxide primer wash over that followed by the powders. What I'm wanting to get is just a *peek* of red rust coming through where the powders are thinnest and where they can't reach.
  3. I've not been completely idle these last few weeks... well, *mostly* idle, but not completely so... i'm nearly finished with the first of two Boat stands. A bit more work on the rust and it's there... i'm experimenting with some new techniques which is an utter blast - and I like the results so far. What you see here is red oxide primer followed by graphite followed by Ueschi powders in both iron and steel followed by Vallejo rust wash. I still need to do a bit of blending and streaking, but it's getting close to the look I want.
  4. That weathering is *stunning* can't wait to see the rest of it!
  5. Packing the B-17 at the UPS store as we speak it will go USPS international - they say 6-10 business days USPS Conf Number: CJ533359673US
  6. Impressive work on that canopy framing! I also agree about the PE vs kit parts - it's a huge difference!
  7. That's a seriously beautiful bird!
  8. It truly is amazing what can emerge from flat sheets! Love watching this develop...
  9. Nice! Watching this build is an ongoing reminder of what is possible... i look forward to what comes next!
  10. I think reading - something to do during those long waits on the flight line!
  11. Jeroen- that last piece looks like part of the engine pylon...? all very very cool - and it makes me profoundly grateful that I wasn't living that history at the time...
  12. Awesome tutorial! Many thanks.. My first attempt on this will be a 1:24 scale wooden bucket from Shapeways. I'll need to do the interior, exterior and bottom - so I'll use the bottom as my practice bit... i have had a set of wood grain decals in 1:24, but I'm really not thrilled with them (they're intended for use on model cars and seem a bit crude), so this is a great chance for me to learn a new technique
  13. So arming and fueling, plus last-minute attention from the crew chief - lots of activity and to-and-fro. This gives me context for the people and vehicles.
  14. I can't give "realistic" feedback as I have exactly zero experience with carrier flight decks at work. One thing I can't tell is whether the dio is built around mission prep (arming, fueling) or post-mission maintenance/repair - or is there even a distinction in the vehicles and crew between those two activities? i'm curious now... what's the story that you want to tell?
  15. Many thanks! I'll give this a shot as I have some bits and pieces that will make perfect tests
  16. I have a stupid paint question... With the oils, how long do they need to cure after painting? My only current experience with oil paints is on canvas, and they take days/weeks to cure. I somehow suspect that you have a way around that issue...?
  17. Would that "Shake and Bake" resin kit be the one from HpH?
  18. Thanks! I'm going to need this myself in then it-too-distant future
  19. I've procrastinated on the B-17 - I will have it on the way by Friday! In the meantime, I donated to the crowdfunding effort - this is a truly worthy cause!
  20. That's just hilarious! Making the transition from no wings to no fuselage... I suspect that a naked engine with a seat and controls may be what comes next!
  21. The stands are taking shape. Once I wrapped my somewhat ancient brain around compound curves on butt-joints, everything came together handily. Started on rivets today...
  22. I look forward to watching that V2 build...
  23. Sweeet! I love the Japanese approach to SciFi... I keep hoping to find some models from the Last Exile series... I'm jealous!
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