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Everything posted by belugawhaleman

  1. Trying to recover from a wounded mojo, I'm building this Tamiya Sherman.....This is one of Tamiya's recent "single motor" kits. Yes, it's silly....Just a bit of fun, but it is a step ahead towards a return to modelling after some health issues.
  2. On Monday, these came......... Some Mr Color paints for future Egg Girl endeavors. A set of three paint brushes from AIT. Decals from Star Decals ; decals for Comet Tanks used by Ireland, Finland, Burma, Cuba, and South Africa for my Tamiya kit.
  3. The merriest Christmas and happiest New year to one and all !
  4. Thunder Model also makes some German WW II boxcars including This one; https://www.scalemates.com/kits/thunder-model-35902-gueterwagen-gr--1145460 I have this one in my stash...it just looked interesting. It is very detailed.
  5. Hope you do.....I would like to see one of those being built!
  6. Love it! I recently made one in 1/35, but yours is just plain cool!
  7. I think Trumpeter is the only Swordfish in 1/32. The 1/48 Tamiya Swordfish is very nice.
  8. I've Been eyeing that Puma for some time....perhaps one day.
  9. I think 2mm, as there are 25 pairs of "steps"on one side of the tool. However The opposite side has no steps and I suppose any size between 1 mm - 50 could be formed.
  10. I bought that kit recently. I'm looking forward to seeing what'll do with it. I like your chosen scheme as well.
  11. Some items today...... From RP TOOLZ, their Handle bending tool 1-50mm (RP-H) From SOL ; Some decals in 1/16 for the ammunition used in the Stug III. (SOL-MM528) for my Das Werk kit. From Starfighter Decals; some decals for 1/48 USMC Buffalos and Wildcats that fought at Midway. For my Tamiya kit. From Alexen Model; A scraper thing made of stainless for gun barrel seams. (FG-AJOO12) And last; Another "Egg Girl" resin kit from Hasegawa. In 1/12 It's "Haku Rinpha" (China Dress).
  12. Such sad news. Sorry to hear of your loss Carl. Your pictures made her a part of this forum. We're glad you shared them with us.
  13. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B099KRNP78/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08DJBTR7B/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Not really modeling tweezers, but they work really well. They are shorter than my other tweezers making them handle better. . The diamond grit coated tips prevents them from launching small parts across the work bench and into oblivion. The pointed tweezers tips are sharp, rigid and grip well.
  14. Some recent items.......note; No model kits! Some resin aftermarket for The Andy's big M 10 from AFV, and from CSM, doors for their Gruson Fahrpanzer...the kit doors have tools molded in.....these don't... I didn't want to use the kit doors. Also some tweezers...these have diamond grit coated tips. I bought a set of these before with pointed tips....I found them to work great! These have slanted tips. Also bought two sets of "cloud pattern" pre-cut masks....thought I'd give them a try. Some Masking solution it took more than two weeks to arrive ! The first week was spent moving around New York state.....Then It spent a week stuck in Indianapolis..... Then, it took 3 days to get to my address !...... WTF ! Also a set of brushes......15 in all.
  15. Try using Walthers Solvaset.......Very Strong!
  16. Not to mention decal aftermarket possibilities for all the countries that used this thing! There are already a number of accessory figures and stowage options on Andy's site. I just looked up the M 163 variant. That would be cool!
  17. Well, it finally came! ' Been waiting since April for this one. It's Andy's M113A1/M113A1 ACAV 2 in 1 (AHHQ-009) in 1/16 scale. A look at the instructions and inside the box .....And it looks like an excellent kit with a lot of detail. There's photo-etch, working suspension, a full interior, some cable, decal stencils for every bit of equipment, and a figure. I'm really excited about this one. And the best part-----it's Huge !
  18. Looking great so far..still watching!
  19. Nice, cheerful subject and fitting for the season. Well done!
  20. I admit I Just had to look up puking cat gravy boat on Amazon😀
  21. Nice haul Kevin!
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