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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Nick Absolutely spectacular work and the P-40 looks simply fantastic. Your treatment of the weathering is so well done and realistic , dusty, worn and sun bleached ... awesome work. Keep 'em comin Peter
  2. Mike Brilliant detailing .. looking so good. Keep 'em comin Peter
  3. Kev Nice progress and you're closing in on the paint shop now. Keep 'em comin Peter
  4. Mark Amazing work and after following your cammo painting technique, is seems you mask and add the next adjoining color, which seems to actually be the most logical way way of approaching the work. Looking so good Keep 'em comin Peter
  5. Jeroen Perfect looking pre-shading work. What broke on your Iwata that it needed to go in for repairs? One of my air brushes, an Iwata Eclipse had a constant sticking trigger and no matter how much I cleaned it, the problem kept on reoccurring after a few times of use. I bit the bullet, bought all the necessary parts and replaced the complete air valve assemble and internal seals/o-rings. So far so good. Keep 'em comin Peter
  6. John Your speed and tempo hasn't slowed down a bit on your Sherman build. Looking so good. Keep 'em comin Peter
  7. Phil I never realized there were that many Bomber Airfields in England. Add in Fighter Command and the USAAF bases and it's hard to think there was very much open acreage left. Keep 'em comin Peter
  8. Hubert So sorry to hear that both your wife and yourself have come down with the flu - this year it's seems to be a very miserable strands. This week, my wife and I are going to get both the flu and covid booster shoots. And yesterday, I just heard there is another mutation of the covid virus in South Aftrica 😒 Keep 'em comin Peter
  9. Wishing everyone a wonderful and very thankful Thanksgiving. A year ago I spent my birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas in the hospital with cancer. Today, with our prayers, my Doctor and my wife's care and devotion, I'm in full remission and here, something I wasn't sure about a year ago. 🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃 Keep 'em comin Peter
  10. Hi Kev Yup Just about finished sanding and polishing and then will be ready to prime. checking to see how I did. Nothing new at this stage to see or show. I've also been tinkering with a Tamiya 48th scale Tomcat, as I needed periodic breaks from the sandpaper and scribing work. Any luck, an update next week.Keep 'em comin Peter
  11. Carl Perfect fix. Nice going for sure and there shouldn't be any issues down the road - decades and decades! Keep 'em comin Peter
  12. Kent brilliant work ... your methodical approach to the build leaves nothing to chance and nothing to be missed. Keep 'em comin Peter
  13. Carl Yikes, you diverted a near disaster, but the Big Lib is together and now, that's whats counts. I'm sure you considered all the various options and choices for the filler and seeing and I'm thinking a sheet plastic or goop filler which would add to the strength to the assembly and fill as well. I always worry about down the road and making new plastic for the gap seems the safest choice. Any ideas yet how you want to fill the gap? Keep 'em comin Peter
  14. Nice progress on the tracks and in this scale, each part just oozes heft, weight and detail.Keep 'em comin Peter
  15. Mike Nice progress. Your attention to detail is amazing and of course, your abilities to model it is wondeful. Keep 'em comin Peter
  16. Jeroen Looking fantastic. So glad to see your FW190 underway again Keep 'em comin Peter
  17. Smitty Nice choice of a kit and love those Wolfack markings; high vis of course. and looking forward to following your progress.. I have a nice collection of Tamiya 1/48 F-14's in the stash and will be building my second one very shortly. Keep 'em comin Peter
  18. Gaz Nice find Keep 'em comin Peter
  19. Rob Terrifying ... Thank you for posting the photograph, as the volcano now seems more personal. Please be extra vigil and safe. Keep 'em comin Peter
  20. Mark Looking fantastic. Your masking skills are extraordinary. Keep 'em comin Peter
  21. Steve Fantastic work on the wing - looks mighty good. Please keep us posted on your progress ... this is so cool. Keep ‘em comin Peter
  22. Thanks Dennis for the photos Keep ‘em comin Peter
  23. Phil Rounders, that’s pretty cool😉 Of course, us Yanks always seem to call our pro sports championship game and the winners: World Champions. Even in hockey which we share with our northern neighbor, Canada, the winner is the World Champion, winning the Stanley Cup. Guess we just think big🏆 Keep ‘em comin Peter
  24. Rob just saw the latest news videos on the lava flows and volcanic eruptions - scary and hoping there is no loss of life. The devastation is terrible and saddening to see. Peter
  25. Harv I’m right with you as for us Yanks ; a bat and a ball means baseball ⚾ Keep ‘em comin Peter
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