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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Rob Agreed and a boat load of work for sure. I'm completely in agreement that the good old brush might be the best plan of action. Keep 'em comin Peter
  2. Thanks Hubert Very much appreciated. Completely agree, the Revell Mustang needed a lot of TLC and prep work and it was necessary time well spent. Keep 'em comin Peter
  3. Harv Just go to love glues and paints that are ng when the bottle is only half empty. Keep 'em comin Peter
  4. Alberto Nice work on the cammo and of course, welcome back Keep 'em comin Peter
  5. STARTING THE NMF 12/6/21 Apologies are in order. I was just too plain to old lazy to set up the lights and camera and when I did remember, I was already in the middle of shooting the AK aluminum on and never took a single photograph of the black base. With the MRP Gray Primer on and looking pretty good, it was time to start learning the ins and outs of how to consistently apply Tamiya’s new LP-1 Gloss Black for me and achieve a repeatable smooth finish. My preference has always been to use a working pressure of around 15 psi and apply numerous light coats, working up to a smooth top coat. I still count drops when thinning my paint and almost always use Mr Color Self Leveling Thinner. From what I’ve read, the consensus has been to use 2 parts paint to 3 parts thinner, I gave it a try and just wasn’t thrilled with the results. Since my initial thinning ratio didn’t work well for me, I increased the thinner to paint ratio to: 1 part paint to 2 parts thinner and was quite pleased with the smooth black surface the Mustang wore. Diving back in, it was time to tackle the start of the NMF and I laid down the first few coats of AK Aluminum over a two-day period: fuselage and wings and then kicked myself in the rear for not photographing the glossy black base but not much I could do about it now (just needed to apologize again). I decided to let the AK Aluminum thoroughly dry for a good two days and then I over paint the wings with Alclad II Matte Aluminum for my color difference. My previously three Tamiya Mustangs all have a very shiny NMF and this time, I thought I would tone it down a bit more of a newly operational aircraft. See how it goes. I’m finally getting there. One happy camper. Keep ‘em comin Peter
  6. Ernie I’m in for both giving and receiving. For me the unknown question is shipping, as it can be a very expensive if shipping is going to be across the pond. I’ll need a few days to decide what type of gift I would like to offer. Keep ‘em comin Peter
  7. Rob Nice progress and those eyeballs - I know I would never have the patience to even attempt using Archer Eye Decals - Keep ‘em comin Peter
  8. Very nice touch Keep ‘em comin Peter
  9. Carl Well done and I’m sure in Sue’s eyes, you put your hobby skills to some very good use. Keep ‘em comin Peter
  10. So very nicely done .. looking mighty good. Keep ‘em comin Peter
  11. John I can hear the call of your Skyraider - happens to me all the time. It seems to be one of the major side effects of our modeling disease 🙃 Keep ‘em comin Peter
  12. Kev 200 plus - yikes, that’s some stash and easily will require you to hang around for a good 50 more years 😉 My humble stash of unstarted and to be built kits is hovering between 12-18. These days, I have been selling off Or binning kits I know I am not going to build or even finish (shelf queens) for a nice loss 🤨 or just toss them with no plans of replacing the count. I do keep adding kits but at a much slower pace and am a lot more selective on what I buy. To be honest, with the Viggen on order, Kotare’s new Spit Mkla and SB’s new F4B all on the horizon for Sometime next year, except for some 48 and even 72nd scale purchases, I’m not planning on any other major purchases at all. keep ‘em comin Peter
  13. Harv Nice progress and glad to solved the ACC issue - have had the stuff go bad as well and have never been able to use a bottle past half way without it going bad in the bottle for one reason or another. Keep ‘em comin Peter
  14. Right with Hubert; freaking amazing. Keep ‘em comin Peter
  15. Mark Might be slow going in real estate covered but the amount of work required to cover that real estate so perfectly, can so easily be appreciated - nerves of steel. Keep ‘em comin Peter
  16. Tracks do fit quite nicely once cleaned up and some TLC applied. Just would be a shame to go through all that work and cover it up with mud and weathering. keep ‘em comin Peter
  17. Nice work and love the weather. Keep 'em comin Peter
  18. Tom I'm right with Hubert and Paul - very impressive work. Keep 'em comin Peter
  19. Mark beautifully painted - only wish I had your figure painting skills 🏆 Keep ‘em comin Peter
  20. Kent Nice progress ... engine looks the part for sure and nice to see how you decided to insure the gear is sitting in place correctly. Keep ‘em comin Peter
  21. Simply beautiful work Keep ‘em comin Peter
  22. Mike Fantastic work ... just amazing Keep ‘em comin Peter
  23. Nice steady progress - looking mighty good Keep ‘em comin Peter
  24. Nice progress on the interior Keep ‘em comin Peter
  25. Just seems to me, whenever I have to beat my head against the wall trying to get folding wings to fit in the unfolded position, I have a horrible track record. Extended wings, I would go Phil’s way, fold them and the other options for me would be in play. Keep ‘em comin Peter
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