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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. I reckon that looks pretty good, scale is right………still can’t get over the lack of detail you get at this scale. This going to look amazing when you have added your magic……
  2. More of a nostalgia trip, reorganising a cupboard I am came across these from many years ago……
  3. January sales and all that. Also PW made me buy one….😀……aided and abetted by SWMBO…….HS Infinity CR Plus 0.15 / 0.4 + A2 cutting mat also the first time in my life I’ve bought scalpel blades. Working in design industry they have always been available, quietly of course………anyone else tempted I can forward the company details……..
  4. They are not going to be very small…….intriguing…..
  5. Well Border are really going for the jugular now…..1/35th….. He 111 H6 + Spitfire Vb + A6M2 Zero……….wow https://www.themodellingnews.com/2024/01/border-models-flying-start-to-2024-he.html?fbclid=IwAR1jbmMeHjRXDcGQdezUfdq22pjprx3C7dsdA3osyPUL6BrIY--48QclTWI
  6. I think I’d even baulk at that, Magic Tracks are the best out there for moulded track links. The price of AM tracks is getting ridiculous, almost half the cost again of the kit……
  7. Happy New Year everyone, totally agree 2023 was a bitch…….new year new horizons. Thanks to all admin for keeping us sane…..
  8. Very bad word filled by “me”………that’s more in one year than I have built since coming back to the hobby……..all of them stunning…..
  9. That’s exactly what I am missing with the Ultra. It’s a great airbrush but would love a little more control……..thanks PW …… Thanks Rob, even more to think about now……… Just need to look at the financial situation, really really want though….. Happy New Year and for a healthy and prosperous 2024 to everyone….
  10. In my opinion it has to be the Border Fw 190. The moulding is stunning, instructions and decal selection not so much. Saying that they have the power of their convictions and staying with a scale. They have to be applauded for the new Akagi and Kate diorama boxing.
  11. I keep coveting the same set, be interested in your opinion. I have their Ultra but want to step up…….also how many airbrush’s do you need?
  12. Thanks Paul, didn’t have any big tape available so for the wing roundels I had to use DIY tape albeit some good quality one…….the fuselage were 18mm Tamiya tape……..
  13. Carl, diversity of the builds are amazing, will we see the Vosper next year……..
  14. Having received the Dspiae circle cutter I thought I’d give a shot on the Zero. This cutter is the cheapest out of their range, this one at £20 next up £35 and top level £75. Very impressed…….
  15. POA ????…….what is this propensity to make everything into a three letter acronym or even two letters………sorry pet hate at present together with everyone spouting about being “super excited”……….sorry rant over……..
  16. Looking good Ralph, keep looking at a Spad your build may just have pushed me over……
  17. Great detail, just reading up the differences between mk103 and mk108’s as used on the Fw190 A-8 R2. the mk 108 uses 30x90RB mm ammunition. the mk 103 uses 30x184B mm ammunition. So 103 more punch for your money. Toying with idea of adding them on to my Border Fw 190 build…….
  18. Prolific I’d say……..flawless as ever…..
  19. Each one is stunning, when do you get to work!!!! …….makes my solitary one look ………..happy 2024…….
  20. Missed this completely, never built 1/48 armour do like the idea of this scale of diorama. Congrats…..
  21. Kevin, just catching up, this is an epic build…….
  22. Jeff stunning build, great to see these types of builds……
  23. Making a list pays dividends……….let’s not go down the road of “wrong scale” …
  24. Thanks Peter and good advise. I think we have all been a little neglectful in the past. …..
  25. Thanks Rob, the black base has been regulated to the garage. I may just have another go at the Xtreme metals because it’s basically just the U/S now…..if it goes horribly wrong the oven cleaner is coming out……….
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