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Everything posted by HubertB

  1. Will do ... soon , but probably not before next year Hunert
  2. Well, the preserved Ki-84 certainly has horizontal tailplanes, like in the pics here ... https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Nakajima_Ki-84 Hubert
  3. That stabiliser angle looks really weird ... You're sure about it ? Keep up the tempo, mate ! Hubert
  4. Conituning to play with diminutive pieces of resin, and brass ... Hubert
  5. This was discussed here two weeks ago Hubert
  6. You guys put me to shame : some started, or resumed, but none finished ... I got my golfing back in line though, although far from a decent handicap, after a 25 years’ hiatus Hubert
  7. Just plain incredible workmanship ! Extremely well done ! Hubert
  8. Cool ! The Akatombo is a nice little kit ! Thank you all, and especially to Ernie for organising, and Joy’s « magic hand » Hubert
  9. Phew ! At least, the poor overexploited animals (the deers) seem to have escaped and be free ! Animal Rights Activist Hubert () ( deer steak, rare ? .... yummie ! )
  10. What I have read so far : it’s good for a « C » version although it has some parts for other variants like the « -5 ». But the IP is there only for the C, i.e. with part glass, part analogic instruments. The « glass » IP of the « -5 » is simply not there, and should be either scratchbuilt or wait for an AM cockpit. Biggest disappointment seems to be the lack of intake trunks, as on the previous F-5E kit. But overall it looks like a nice kit. And the chances you will get a 2000 from another manufacturer seem a lot smaller than WnW doing a French fighter, if you see what I mean Hubert
  11. Well, guys, if you insist, let me show you what beautiful means ...
  12. Well, I’d better resume the work on the #&@« /! cylinders’ heads of the R-985 I was working on 4 years ago, then (and of which you can get a glimpse of the renderings in the Beaver build thread) ... . I have the 3D printer for it, when the design is finished, btw Hubert
  13. I’d say that compared to the Tamiya Spitfires, it is a Mk V ... Compared to the Revell Mk II, it is also a Mark V .... When I say « it is », I really meant « it is supposed to be », btw. Besides the comparisons above, there is not much to say for the kit ... Hubert
  14. Looks fantastic. I wish I had 1/10 of your talent for painting. For once, we have a model that looks aged, sun-bleached and worn-out like the original, not like it’s borrowed a tartan from your country ! Tremendous result ! Hubert
  15. A hint. It's an uneven number ... A second hint : you have the kit, Harv. Hubert
  16. Some teeny weeny parts to improve a resin cockpit ... The small switches rack in the middle on the extreme right was my fifth attempt and took me some 8 hours overall before I called myself happy . It's made of 14 components overall ... and I confirmed I have to improve my soldering skills And to think nobody will ever notice... Hubert PS: A special salute to the first who guesses which cockpit this is from
  17. There is only one OV-10 IMHO, the A. Good that you found one, Harv. Hubert
  18. I admire that you work in this area, Carl. If I had a work area and workbench like this one, I’d probably tackle it with a fork, or more likely a D-12 dozer, followed by a high-pressure rinsing. But then, it’s just me . Each to his own, as they say. Hubert
  19. Hey I did not know you were doing a NB-36 H. Looks like the bulkheads are from it Hubert
  20. Well, I had to go back to work and switch-on the PC on which I do Solidworks' designs, but I recovered some screen captures of what I did 4 years ago. The cylinder design is not complete (and has some bugs) and you will notice that I even "assembled" one cylinder in a reverse way . That gives you an idea of what I had achieved so far. The design is in 1/32 scale. Hubert
  21. They do, and despite their typically British ungainly design, they somehow looked cool (at least until they got pregnant - and useful at last - with the big tank). As for the kit: 1) This is life when you have young children at home 2) I should have stored them better if I wanted to keep them longer 3) it was just an advanced call on their ultimate fate. Until recently, and my new wife, I was binning the finished kits after some time. It was a way of keeping some free shelf space, and also a reflection that I was more interested in the building process than the finished kit Nice work again on that icon of Britishness. Hubert
  22. On the contrary, Blender is very good and very capable. It just requires a mind frame I have not. But if you are in organic design or 3D animation, you can produce wonders with Blender. Check it online to see what you can do. Hubert
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