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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by GazzaS

  1. Covid 19 finally affects me! My wife went to the doctor and is told she meets enough criteria for a Covid 19 test. So, I call my employer and have a chat with a supervisor about my responsibilities and their action plan. I explain that it will take two days to get the result, and since the test is being taken Thursday morning, I wont see the results before Monday. "Stay at home until you get the results", he says. While my wife was out getting the test, my immediate supervisor called to see whether I wanted to take the time from long service leave, or sick leave, or annual leave. So... an unexpected 5-day weekend for me. Now I just have to worry about the test results. My wife is snoozing on the sofa, having taken the test this morning, while I model. As a teacher, she's always exposed to snotty nosed kids and we have a grand daughter who goes to daycare. After a couple of rapid-succession colds, possibly caught from our granddaughter, I started taking a Magnesium-Selenium supplement twice a day in hopes of reducing my suffering from colds and flu. I also gargle with original Listerine regularly to try to prevent a head cold from moving south. My prevention seems to work pretty well as I haven't had a nasty chest cold in quite some time.
  2. Interesting comparison. But the MG 42 was well advanced for a machine gun, and the R4M was a very early rocket. I doubt much was done to the 42 to make it a G3.
  3. Thanks for the great responses and the great photos, guys! I love those factory shots! Imagine how modelling would be if they had developed (no pun intended) decent color film before the outbreak of WWI. That blue on the p-40's is totally interesting! Anybody know anything about it? Gaz
  4. Thank you! Actually, many of the early 'Mg-3's' were actually had MG 42 still stamped on the receiver. But I haven't looked up the complete rundown on the MG-3. I image outside of some small external differences, everything is the same except that it got altered a bit to use disintegrating belts like the M-60 uses.
  5. Looking sweet! Gotta say, those ammo belts look fabulous!
  6. Just beware that this idea may exist somewhere else, and may have been written much better than I can. I only claim originality insomuch as I haven;t seen it somewhere else before that I can remember. I know many people argue about paints, shades, historically correct, and a thousand other notions. But this is mine, and I started it a couple models ago. The basic idea is that the sub-contractor that made the radios, and the sub-contractor that made the floor, and the sub-contractor that made the fuse panel, and the sub-contractor that made the IP didn't all get to use the same pot of paint. They all didn't necessarily get their paints from the same paint supplier. In other areas, this expands to storage panniers, canopy framing, and anything else that arrived at the aircraft factory ready to be installed. This example is in the Sturer Emil by Trumpeter: Instead of having the shell racks, the powder canister containers, the gun breach, and the inner walls of the fighting compartment looking like they were all painted by one guy at one time, I've tinted base colors to reflect that they were all painted prior to assembly and probably came from different sub-contractors. I did it on this small scale Me-262 pit as well. The IP and the stick are tinted differently from the rest of the tub. And on this Dornier Do 217. I reckon that one company made the seats... so I used the same color/tint for them. Now I can't claim to be particularly gifted when it comes to wielding the paint brush. So streaks appear, or sometimes my wash will be less than neat/perfect.... But I think that this 1/32 Hasegawa bf 109F's cockpit is one of the best I've ever done. The unpainted parts were inspired by a Kagero book on the 109F. I'd be interested in hearing what you guys think of it? Gaz
  7. I just use CA to stick them where I want them to stick. I never expected them to lay like real belts will lay.
  8. Steve, I hate to seem under-informed... but I have no idea what OBC stands for. I looked online and found an application applicable to the Indian class structure. Could you enlighten me, please. Gaz
  9. Those PE parts rock the build! I hate trying to paint tiny details like that. Killer build, mate!
  10. I bought the Nano Ceramic paint protection, so I'll never have to wax it, or worry about the paint oxiding or being eaten by flying fox shit. Got a mango tree in the neighbors back yard. I think there is a bulls-eye located near my carport. Despite the ute being completely under the carport, they still hit it. They must be reincarnated bombardiers from WWII. Karma.
  11. Yeah, it's funny. We don't get the Tacoma here. The Tacoma, I think, was meant to compete with the larger US pickup trucks. But those big US trucks are few and far between here. I find the tray is much handier than the standard pickup truck bed, called 'stylesides' here. I can fit two full-sized sofas in the tray or lay down 8' X 4' sheet with none hanging out the back. And the tray sides drop down or can be removed altogether to make loading and unloading easier. Like an old stake truck but easier...lol.
  12. It's the model. Toyota Hilux. Maybe they're called something else in other countries?
  13. Dunno how I missed this one... But I'm giving you a mental standing ovation and holding up my lighter. Bravo!
  14. Me and my new Ute at the dealership. Ute: That's Aussie, for car or small truck made to carry stuff. To translate into American English that means Ranchero or El Camino to F250. Yes, that's really me... I look nothing like Marty Feldman.
  15. Well, it’s not really about what is natural or historically correct. It’s about making extra work for the guys who want to add something else for visual interest. At this scale and price I would be unhappy with an up scaled 1/48 model.
  16. I've already passed such a request for another member of this forum. I haven't heard anything either way.
  17. I exchanged msg's with his brother a couple weeks ago. Apparently he's doing well, though not building much, but enjoying photography at the moment.
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