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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. I've got the same kit. I built the old Dragon one a long time ago and tried to do the Eduard one. That was complicated and simplified at the same time if that makes sense. For the camo, J's Modelwork does a mask sheet for the circle camo. Alexen does a PE template set that I grabbed to see if it'll work. Otherwise, I'm going to use lots of littles circles of tape...
  2. Thanks for all the encouragement folks. Keeps me at the bench when I have the time. I added the remaining panels to the fuselage. There's a couple of them as well as the air brakes. Most fit well enough and I didn't use any shims although the air brakes maybe could have used a very thin one. I'm doing everything closed up so as not to spoil the lines of the plane.
  3. Nice work on the seams Peter. I'm at a similar stage with the Starfighter. But only on the fuselage. Carl
  4. Peter, it's the Amusing Hobby E100 heavy tank. It's a bit of a WHIF as they only got as far as a single chassis before the war ended. The Brits ended up using it for target practice. I needed something to work on that was easy while assemblies on the CF-104 were drying.
  5. I'm curious what it is. Looks like a straight 8 but can't figure out the chassis.
  6. I remember those kits. I built their Boba Fett back in the day. And definitely one of the last places you'd think to pick up a kit. Carl
  7. Looks great to me. The Comet is one kit I kept going back and forth on getting. Now that Tamiya is releasing one, I may just have to finally get one. Carl
  8. Really nice work. Are you hand painting all the various instruments and boxes? It's so neat and tidy. Carl
  9. Need one of those too. Ernie, don't you have a 3D printed one?
  10. I always wanted a larger scale VF-1 Strike Valkyrie from "Macross: Do you remember Love?". This is a Japanese anime film that came out back in 1984. Most kits available were in 1/100 or 1/72. There was a very expensive, very rare 1/48 garage kit. Hasegawa started making kits from the series and announced a 1/48 one which I immediately bought but only built this past year. Then in 2019, Good Smile Company came out with a 1/20 version! Needless to say, I had to get that one too. It's the biggest kit in my stash. Once I figure out how to light it, that will hit the bench. Carl
  11. Flu is not fun. Glad to hear you're on the mend. The Helldiver is really living up to its nickname.
  12. Group builds can be fun. I know I've been pushed out of my comfort zone a couple times when participating in one. I don't always finish on time though. That's a neat idea. Fairly open too. Carl
  13. The 109 looks to be a very nice kit. Can't wait to see you start that after the Whirlwind. Carl
  14. Rob, we love the Egg. This is our second one. We got our first as a wedding gift. It was Sue's suggestion at the time. We had a bad wind storm here back in May that knocked a neighbour's tree down. It knocked down the fence which hit both of our BBQs. The gas one was dented and our Egg ended with getting chipped. The insurance company replaced both and we finally got them. Let us know what you needed up making. Carl
  15. That's quite the haul there Rog. Glad you found an F-4EJ kit and didn't have to pay a ridiculous amount for shipping. Carl
  16. One more pic. Sue and my sister don't eat meat so I made them steelhead trout. Not sure if I made enough for the two of them.
  17. Best that you avert your eyes then:
  18. Really nice there Scott. I've got the Twogar in the stash. When I got it, one of the intake lips was broken off. I contacted Paul and he was going to drop a replacement in the mail for me. That was a couple days before the big fire. Carl
  19. I started the Egg this morning at 830. It's been on since then. A nice steady 225° like you said. Here's where I am after 5 1/2 hours. Another 4 to go so not quite 10 hours. For brisket and most other big cuts of meat, I like to brine them for at least 24 and preferably 48 hours. That helps to keep it moist. Here's the brine recipe I use: - 2 tablespoon brown sugar - 3 tablespoon kosher salt - 2 tablespoon maple syrup - 2 tablespoon Chivas or other whiskey/bourbon - 2 cups water If I'm really in a rush, I'll wrap it in foil for a couple hours first. That'll speed things up but you don't get as deep a smoke flavour or colour.
  20. It's time to finally break in the new BBQ. 15 lb brisket for a family get together later today. It just fits...
  21. It's a nice kit. I'd skip the two seat conversion. The quality doesn't match the rest of the kit. I've got one here somewhere and I think @harv has one too that are not the best even after they replaced his. Carl
  22. And speaking of which, I got the cockpit tubs glued in place. I then added the engine and intake trunks. Time to close her up.
  23. Thanks Peter! I'm glad theyre done as it gets me closer to closing up the fuselage. Carl
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