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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. I can't credit for the zimmerit. It's the Takom kit with the moulded on zimmerit.
  2. Same here. I have a couple of his kits and conversions in the stash.
  3. I had a bunch of road wheels on my bench so I put them to use.
  4. "You must think in Russian"... A bit on the tiny side but it's the only readily available kit I know of the Mig-31. I also picked up some reference materials. The SoftBank book is I think the 3rd or 4th volume on the VF-1. Which is kind of impressive when you consider it's a fictional plane. The Scammell book should come in handy while I continue on my build. Hard to find here in the west but $20 from HLJ. Go figure. Carl
  5. Some very nice planes there Hubert. Glad they survived the move with minimal damage. Carl
  6. Almost as much fun as individual track links.
  7. Well, the cockpit is almost finished. Just need to do the IP and I can think about closing up the fuselage soon.
  8. I've got most of the fuselage together, both engines, and part of the main wing. Sort of looks like the one at the Udvar Hazy centre. No paint though.
  9. Truly awesome build. Mine is languishing on my bench.
  10. Dragon kits here for some reason have gotten crazy expensive. Most are close to $100 a pop and that doesn't necessarily mean they'll have Magic tracks in them. Many of the newer Chinese brands are considerably cheaper. I just ordered the Amusing Model E-100 which comes with individual link tracks for $55 CAD. I don't mind link and length tracks either. I find they can be a decent compromise between individual link tracks and rubber bands. In fact these are on my bench at the moment.
  11. Amazing work on this conversion. Love the problem solving. Carl
  12. Any sanding I do in a bucket of water. The shavings and bigger bits I clean up tight away. I'm always worried one of the pets will take a liking to them.
  13. Yup, ever since the Covid lockdown she follows me everywhere in the house. Zoe is 13 on Monday. Can't believe I've had her since she was a pup.
  14. Thanks Rob. There won't be any other vehicles, just some figures. It's wide enough that I'll be able to give it a slight turn at the trailer and have the whole thing slightly angled. Carl
  15. Someone working on a Lancastrian?
  16. Quick question folks. I'm planning to put this on a base as moving it otherwise when it's done will be too awkward. Does this look ok size wise? Is the base too long? It's not something I usually do so just wanting some input.
  17. Either of those is a capital offence.
  18. I'm at my bench but there's this tiny obstacle in the way of me actually reaching my bench. He jumped in my lap right pretty much right after I sat down. I can see this is going to be a productive session...
  19. Yeesh. I bought my first one for less than $100. The LHS couldn't sell it so gave me a deal when I said I wanted it.
  20. Here's some more from the display cabinet. My VII conversion. Making the deeper fixed canopy was the biggest challenge. Next is my MkVIII, the only one in flight and with a pilot. Gotta have a pink one.
  21. Believe it or not, the F4U is my favourite prop plane. It wasn't until the Tamiya kit came out that I really started liking the Spitfire as much as I do now. Carl
  22. I've mostly got resin shavings and flash. Not as much dust.
  23. Thanks Rob! This is my second full resin 1/32 build. The first was the XF5-U Flying Pancake. Except for the weak landing gear, that went together ok. The Hawk is a bit more complex...
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