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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Thanks Steve! Great pics showing what I need to watch out for.
  2. Steve, how much of this is applicable to the D9 kit? I have one of those to do one day. Carl
  3. Thanks guys for all the encouragement an interest. Bit of progress, I painted the frame and started on the smaller bits. Just taking my time with it. Colour wise, there isn't a guide in the instructions so I'm going by what the Hurricane interior was like. Hope it's more or less close. Carl
  4. Happy birthday Harv! Have a great day with lots of bench time.
  5. Very nice bench and setup Hubert. Carl
  6. Ernie, you're off to a great start. Thanks for the info on how the printed materials react. That's something I haven't tried yet. Carl
  7. Nice to see you back at it Ernie. So is this going to be a dual build with the CF-100 too?
  8. Thanks Ernie. I'm going to keep plugging away at it.
  9. Well, having been on a hiatus from plane kits this is what I dragged out. Sort of like jumping out of the frying pan into the deep end filled with burning napalm while carrying a 500lb bomb. I took a look at the framing I'd started in plastic and decided to see if the resin kit one was usable. After using CA to glue the breaks, I cut them loose from the pour stubs and they held together. So next up was some assembly. I still have to use the plastic rod for the cross braces though. Just felt it would be a bit sturdier that way. One thing led to another and here's where I am as of tonight. I figure the cockpit for the scariest part of this build so I may just continue on with it. So much for an easy build to ease back in.
  10. Bill, the frames were broken in a couple places and there was a lot of weird lumps and flash along most of them. I decided to chance it and glued the breaks and clean things up before removing the pour stubs and it worked out.
  11. Looks good Gaz. The extra track on the front looks fine too. So many crews added extra tracks as armour it won't be out of place.
  12. What is with Hawker and their tubular frame cockpits? Didn't they realize just how hard they were making it for us modelers?
  13. Actually, it'll be for my oldest son. It's a 12inch frame so a bit small for me. I usually ride a 17inch frame size. But it's overbuilt so I could take it to the bike park and huck it off the big jumps if I was crazy enough. Which I'm not.
  14. I use them for a couple things One pack I bought has been impervious to lacquer thinner so I've been able to just use them to clean my airbrush. I've also used them for cleaning up excess CA glue with debonder and for applying panel wash.
  15. Small bit of progress on both the Scammell and the Grant. I did a test fit of the Jeep driver I bought in the Scammell's driver's seat. He's not a bad fit, even reaches the pedals. I then added the controls. Man there are a lot of levers. The throttle is attached to the firewall along with several other boxes. Finally, with the firewall attached to the cab. I glued the upper and lower turret halves together on the Grant. I then filled the seam with Mr Surfacer 500. I then added the mantlet to the turret.
  16. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving folks! As a result, no bench time today as I was working on this: Carl
  17. Not a bad idea...
  18. Truly superlative work Rob. Even with the clay wash glitch. I wouldn't have known if you hadn't mentioned it. Carl
  19. Looks great Cees. Never would have thought of trying what you've done with the wings. Carl
  20. It uh, followed me home. Honest! I blame my wallet. I mean, if my wallet didn't have money in it this wouldn't have happened.
  21. Well, a quick follow-up. Since there was now a bike shaped space in the garage, I decided it needed filling. After some conversations with a friend who owns a bike shop, I decided to order a frame and use up some of my leftover bike parts. So it came in earlier this week and he sent me a pic. I'm going to start building it up tomorrow over beers and BBQ.
  22. Thanks Steve for the reply. I think you're right about starting small and going from there. My first goldfish was kept in a (empty) peanut butter jar. It looked funny as the jar was bear shaped. Carl
  23. That's great to hear Harv. No lifting or bending eh? That must get you out of a few chores. Carl
  24. Possibly. He's fairly capable with tools considering he's only 7. He's not bad in the kitchen either. Just needs a bit more patience.
  25. Edward helping me out with the Coldbuster.
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