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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. It would seem to make sense and make things faster to set up but I'd be concerned about the jack pistons getting gunked up with dirt/sand being under the bed all the time.
  2. More! I want more!!!
  3. That's a bit disappointing about the HGW set. Especially when we're used to their stuff being top quality. Here's the pics of the bottle opener. Here's the two part tool. Mine are covered in overspray so aren't as clean as they could be. With a bottle of paint in the holder. Gunze includes two different styles of serrations to grab the lids. There's even the rectangular slit for the older Gunze bottles with the big tab on top. I have a bunch of those so I found that particularly handy. I've yet to have a bottle that I couldn't open with this tool. Provided it's compatible of course. One other thing I do is save the empty bottles. Once I have a few, I'll take the kids off and soak them in a container with some water and laundry detergent. After a couple days, the paint has usually dissolved and after a quick scrub with a toothbrush I have clean jars for mixing custom colours in. This works on both Mr Color and Tamiya paints.
  4. "Hey, check out my new mobile litter box! It's even got AC"
  5. Rob, the Gunze opener set includes a silicone rubber cup that holds the glass jar so that it doesn't slip. You put the jar in that and it not only holds the jar from slipping but increases the diameter so it's easier to hold. I'll try to grab of pic of mine when I'm home later from work.
  6. I believe I do as well. Either this one or the other Hansa float plane from WNW. One of Ernie's attempts to get me to join the dark side. Carl
  7. Rob, Gunze makes a tool for opening their bottles. It works on Tamiya and AK Real Colors as well. https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/m/10064123 I have yet to have a bottle of paint I couldn't open using that tool. I think my LHS has them in stock if you want me to grab you one the next time I'm there. Carl
  8. Yeah, what's interesting is that IBG used the same setup on their kit. I wonder if there's a version of the trailer where the jacks do stay attached?
  9. It's actually keeping me sane. I really want to start a plane but the last few haven't been that successful. Looking at a plane kit makes me anxious at the moment. For something a bit bigger, I may start on a 1/12 car kit. But we'll see
  10. Me too. I've never built a Pz III yet. Closest was a Stug III. Carl
  11. Spent some time tonight painting the trailer. First I added some of the kit's PE bits to the top of the trailer . There's six per side and thankfully Thunder moulds an indentation for where they go so it wasn't as painful as I thought it might get. I then gave everything a base coat of dark yellow. This was them oversprayed with Light Stone for some modulation. I then added the blue black splotches and olive drab squiggles. I then took a sponge sanding stick and carefully wet sanded the top deck. I think it's turned out nicely. One thing I noticed in the video is that the jacks aren't kept attached to the trailer as the instructions would have you so I'm going to leave them off. Which isn't a bad thing as they look fairly fragile.
  12. I think most of us here remember that cinematic masterpiece from the '80s RoboCop. Anyways, Good Smile Company is going to do a model of the ED-209 from the film. There's been a couple kits previously released of the ED-209 including a large one done in soft vinyl which was a nightmare to try and get to retain its shape. This will be the first one in IM. https://www.goodsmile.info/en/product/9954/MODEROID+ED+209.html With this and the Firefox Mig-31 that came out relatively recently it seems we're finally getting some kits of '80s movie subjects. Maybe a Last Starfighter Gunstar is next. Carl
  13. I've got some new cable that's longer ordered so while I wait for it arrive, I'll continue with the trailer and Grant. The trailer had a couple racks that go underneath. They're supplied as multiple parts of PE that need to be assembled and then glued into place. Here's the rack for the gun planks. Starting the assembly. One thing not mentioned in the instructions is that the lateral supports are not symmetrical. I initially ended up with the end pieces oriented correctly but the middle one was backwards so I had to remove it and reattach it correctly. Here's both racks in place on the bottom of the trailer. I've also added some of the other remaining fittings.
  14. Thanks Harv! I guess sort of? Don't want to build anything with wings at the moment still but do want to work on stuff if that makes sense. The Scammell certainly fits the bill and it's been fun to work on it. Same with the Grant, tracks and all.
  15. It's all good Jeff. It's hard to see as is. Here's an even better view as it snapped off when I was trying to change the cable for a longer one. Thankfully it's a clean break so won't be too bad to glue back in. I will wait on that until I have some suitably long enough cable and can confirm it'll fit between the rollers. Watching the video again and reviewing the instructions, the amount of cable they give you in the kit isn't anywhere near enough if you plan to have a loaf on the trailer. There's about 25cm of cable (rope actually) in the kit and you need almost double that if you're doing a 3:1 winch like in the video.
  16. Really nice interior Rob. I need more practice with my woodgrain painting. Carl
  17. The Miniart comes with a moulded dust cover as an option. So far it's been going together nicely with the one fit issue having been due to operator error.
  18. Great progress on your Grant. It's interesting to see the differences between the Takom kit you're building and the Miniart one I've got on the go. Carl
  19. Another tank with a really big gun. A week ago I hadn't even heard of this tank and now I have one to build.
  20. Glad to hear you made it through ok. Haven't experienced a hurricane before but have been in a smaller typhoon. Technically they're the same sort of storm but different part of the world. Carl
  21. Actually, I'm thinking clear coat, then colour coat and finally a very gentle sanding. It'll give it more the worn away look rather than chipped finish. I've done it once before on a Corsair and it worked out well then.
  22. I've been trying to decide how best to weather the trailer. I finally decided to partially strip the deck and put a coat of silver down, then cover that with the camo and then wear it down to the silver. I used Tamiya lacquer thinner to wipe off the paint from the deck. I figured I didn't have to be precise as it's all eventually getting the same colour over top. I then sprayed a coat of Tru Color metallic silver. Once that dries, I'll get a top coat on.
  23. Here's a better pic showing the third guide roller. And from underneath.
  24. I usually get about 6 hours sleep a night. My Fitbit tells me that's only fair but I seem to do ok. The school board had pushed back the start date by a week so we still have two weeks until they go back. Then I can hit the trails on my own. While we were driving back from the trails, the two of them were talking about tank combat. - "Tiger 1 can take on anything" - " Yeah, but a Firefly can stop a Tiger" - "Sturmtiger is cool" They need to watch less Girls und Panzer. Either that or there needs to be a new season.
  25. Thanks Jeff! The horizontal rollers are indeed guide rollers. There's a third one underneath the two in the middle so the tow cable rolls feeds between them. This isn't covered in the instructions but the video showed it that way and it does make sense. The spool still rotates so I can take up the slack if any once the trailer is attached.
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