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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. No worries Mike. I appreciate your looking into it. Curious as what the new projects are. Hopefully something in 1/32. Carl
  2. Mike, could it be printed in sections? Maybe two halves per door and then we just glue them together. I'd be interested if that sounded feasible. Carl
  3. There's a thread on Britmodeler discussing a 1/1 nose section that's being built using some original parts. https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235077341-lancaster-b1-special-pd130/&tab=comments#comment-3774728 They've got some great pics of the work done so far which should be handy for reference. They're currently working on the pilot's platform.
  4. Ian, I'd certainly give it a try but can't find any plans to know what the shape would be especially at the aft end of the doors. Thankfully, since I'm converting one kit with the Iconicair Dambusters conversion, I'll have a spare set of doors in case I screw it up. Carl
  5. Rog, nice new additions. What's the Luchs look like in the box? The Chandos book is quite nice. I've been slowly reading my copy. Carl
  6. I was originally going to do it with a Sherman Firefly on the trailer. But I've changed my mind and will go with a desert scheme and the recent Miniart Grant I picked up.
  7. Looks really good. Fantastic work on the changes to the bed. Carl
  8. Posted earlier on LSP, Vector is doing some engines and cowls for the B-24. Almost as much as I paid for the kit. https://northstarmodels.ecwid.com/1-32-B-24-Liberator-corrected-engines-and-cowls-Vector-resin-VDS32-013-p220422806?receiptful=5f18a4701459b100409c9a12&utm_source=CMCommerce&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter-178&utm_term=newsletter&utm_content=other&receiptfultype=newsletter Harold at AMS is doing some replacement props as well. Carl
  9. I managed to finish the deck. There were a couple small sinkholes neaf the front that I filled with putty. The trailer bogies are attached to a beam. I glued the inner pivot points to the beam first. Here's what it looks like dry fitted in place. There's a couple plates that form some sort of end support for the beam that are attached to the frame rails. Be careful not to mix up the two vertical plates. One is slightly larger than the other and goes towards the front of the trailer (on the left in the pic) I then assembled the bogies. Both bogies can pivot on the beam. I then cleaned up the inner hubs and got them ready for some paint.
  10. Looks really good, especially on the base. Carl
  11. After finishing the German railcar, I decided that I should maybe do a British tank transporter. Plus this way I could join in with all the heavy equipment that's being built. I've got the Thunder Models Scammell kit. Here's the bit of AM that I have for it. There's not a lot out there. I had hope to find some suitable crew figures but haven't had any luck. Assembly starts with the trailer deck. The deck is one piece and you assemble the frame underneath it. The mouldings are quite thin which is nice. Most ejector pin marks are raised so are easily sanded/scraped off. The plastic and the way the sprues are numbered remind me of a Kitty Hawk kit. Here's the frame partly assembled. The front has a pulley that due to a sink mark, the pin to mount it in place ended up too short. I simply drilled it out and use a 1 mm diameter plastic rod to replace it. There are some outer cross braces. These help align the frame rail in the right spot on the deck. I found a bit of clamping was needed while the cement dried. But other than that, the frame goes together nicely. Thankfully it's regular styrene too so no gluing issues.
  12. I have the Kagero hardcover book on the BF110. It's mostly an operational history of the aircraft but does have many nicely done profiles in it. I had hoped it was more like the ones they did for the Ho229 and H 219. Carl
  13. So I'm going through the pair of Tamiya F-4EJ kits I have trying to sort them out. They're a bit mixed up but are both complete otherwise. One will be converted to a G, the other a late slatted E. I check to make sure I've got the canopy sprues and thankfully, they're there. Except I have four sets.... I've built three other Tamiya F-4s so they're not leftovers. Upon closer inspection, I find there's 3 sets of MLG legs. The packaging is different on two of them too. This just made things interesting. Carl
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  14. Thankfully she hasn't realized it's Mossie #3.
  15. I had Canada Post deliver a package today. It was a Tamiya Mosquito. Sue asked how many models do I order in a month that they're delivering them on a Sunday now... Carl
  16. It is nicely done. Really gives it that cast metal feel. I got the upper hull on. The hull shape is not what I expected without the fenders and such on. The suspension arms are all done now too.
  17. I got a bunch of kits from him as well for Findlay and Edward. They're still debating who gets to build what. Such wonderful generosity. Thanks bud!!! Carl
  18. Happy belated birthday Rog!
  19. Yeah but the Defender is worth too much to strafe. At least in the US. Unless it's an illegal import where it'll get crushed instead. Carl
  20. Really nice work Jeroen and a good recovery from the paint lifting too. I think the worst paint for lifting was Model Master acrylic. It constantly came off in chunks. Gave up on it pretty quick.
  21. No kidding. I guess I just figured they were lost and didn't even check the sprues initially.
  22. I know, I know. I was supposed to start back on the He219 now that the railcar is finished but I found another forgotten build and started up on it instead. It's the AVF Club M60A2. I thought I'd lost some parts to it which is why I'd stopped working on it. Turns out they weren't lost but still on the sprues.
  23. Time to call this one done. I added the last couple of parts, gave the deck a light weathering and it's ready for cargo. One thing for sure if anyone else wants to build this kit. Get some ABS cement for the construction. The Tamiya Extra Thin works but the bonds are weak. I kept popping seams and parts fell off constantly. I ended up using CA glue to finish the build. . Carl
  24. So true. I'm fairly confident in saying I have the only metallic orange Honda Beat in the world. The car was repainted prior to my buying it and I love the colour.
  25. Looks like you made out better than I did. I tried to fix a scratch on our Honda Fit and got a bit too aggressive with the compound. There's a 3" strip of primer showing on the door now. At least it's glossy smooth.
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