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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. The Hasegawa one in 1/32 is quite nice. I have it in the stash and was going to start building it but I have way too much AM for it and I want to do a simpler build at the moment. The later variants of the Trumpeter kit are supposed to be ok as well. There's an issue with the gun pods in the G version supposedly. Someone with more knowledge will hopefully come along and confirm or deny that. Carl
  2. I've just started on it but I'm enjoying it so far. It's going to be OOB which is what I really need at this moment. I tried to build a simple resin Zero kit but got bogged down trying to do chipping. So i switched to a Hasegawa Stuka but it has way too much AM that needs attention.
  3. Sign me up and I'll find something to gift as well. Carl
  4. Ernie, please put me down for entry and I'll try to find something to contribute as well. Coincidentally, I just started on the kit I won last year from you. Carl
  5. I can't believe it's been only two weeks since my bypass surgery and 10 days since I got home. I'm back to picking the boys up from school so 6 blocks total which I started today. According to Google Maps, it's 800m one way. Thankfully it's flat in both directions and not uphill. Well, except for maybe the step at our front door. It's the distance my physiotherapist wants me to be able to cover at this point so I guess I'm doing ok. Just need it to warm up a bit.
  6. I'm doing well Jeff. I run out of energy a bit sooner (ok, a lot sooner) than usual so I don't push myself or anything. My wife is keeping an eye on how much I do so I don't overdo things. She's even taking the trash out and shoveling the token snow we got yesterday. The biggie is not lifting anything over 10 lbs. Which means I won't be working on the Lanc or B-24 any time soon. It just feels kinda nice to be at the bench. Even if I'm not accomplishing huge things. Carl
  7. Been randomly gluing parts together. Thankfully they're at least from the same kit. Carl
  8. For me, F-14A Tomcat would be hands down #1. P-38 Aichi Seiran Carl
  9. Glad to hear from you Martin. Carl
  10. Looking forward to this. Ill try to get the decals out to you as quick as I can John. Carl
  11. John, you need sheet 32005m from Aviaeology. It may be OOP but supposedly they were going to reissue it. I'm planning to do Hairless Joe so if you want the decals for one of the other aircraft, let me know. Carl
  12. The Tamiya kit has a correct gear bay so doesn't need a conversion set.
  13. In 1/32 I've only built the Dragon one. I built it using Jerry Rutman's correction sets but in CHP markings. I've got the Tamiya D/K release in the stash to get to one day, probably as an RCAF 'Stang. Carl
  14. Nice start Bill. I was looking at the gear inserts and the kit ones look to be ABS rather than regular plastic. I think I'm still going to get the brass ones though. Carl
  15. I was looking at the B-24 this afternoon. How far are yiu going to take it Bill? I'm thinking I'd do it almost OOB with just a couple add-ons so I don't get too bogged down. Carl
  16. Couldn't believe how stressful it was flying the pitot on. Going to have wait a bit longer me thinks before doing anything more at the bench. A couple more pics. Carl
  17. That is truly a wall of dials. Are you sure that's not thr reactor control room at Lawrence Livermore or something? Carl
  18. Mine would be a 1/32 CF-100 done by Tamiya or ZM. But I'd settle for a 1/32 Cf-105 from either one. Carl
  19. I'm slowly going out for longer walks as part of the physio schedule they have me on. In fact I went and got some grapes at the grocery but that was all as I'm not allowed to carry anything over 10lbs. Carl
  20. Sue and think we'll have a BBQ (probably in the spring) to thank everyone that helped us out and get through this. So maybe a little brisket then, something to look forward to sharing and show our appreciation to our neighbours and colleagues.
  21. Made it home safe a few hours ago. The boys were with my sister so I didn't see them until after dinner. They were happy to see me and then claim dibs on my side of the bed. I'm in the den as it's closest to the bathroom. Honestly, it was just great to get home. One thing I hadn't realized was that it was my mom's 72nd birthday too. It got a bit lost in the chaos of my predicament. Thankfully they did something simple to celebrate it at my sister's place. Guys, thanks for your company through this along with the advice and laughs (thankfully no popped stitches. Yet). It was worth it being able to check in and read the new posts. I still haven't seen the bench yet. Maybe in the coming week. We're still figuring out what to make foodwise and coordinating getting the boys to school and home. Hopefully it won't be long until a sense of normalcy (ie chaos) returns here. Thanks again, Carl
  22. Good news is I'm discharged from the hospital. I just need to survive the drive home with Mr parents. Wish me luck. Carl
  23. Very true. I'd been thinking about this even before the heart attack. Especially with the 4 engine heavies that we have sometimes accumulated.
  24. In that case, I'd be faking my own death.
  25. I suggested making a brisket when I got home. I was turned down even though I said it would be in moderation. I guess you can't celebrate surviving a heart attack with a BBQ...
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