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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Dale, I missed the link you posted but it's the same stuff. Here's a bit more I found on a retailer's site. https://www.sunwardhobbies.ca/gloss-coating-varnish-by-tamiya-87151/ It says it's water based and confirmed that applying with a cloth is the best approach.
  2. Dale, if you mean this stuff, I don't think you can airbrush it. It's meant to be used like a car wax. You apply a couple drops and rub it in. It works nicely on canopies. Carl
  3. They are nice kits. I've a few of the 1/72 kits too. Did you see the 1/20 VF-1S I just got?
  4. Thanks Jeff! I got a bunch of help from one of the guys who worked on the real one while I was building it. I just picked up a new Ikea Detolf display case so I'll finally be able to get all of my finished Tamiya Spitfires in one case. Here's five with three more in a different cabinet.
  5. Kind of. My three year old took it for a test flight while I was trying to figure out where to put it. So he kind of solved my problem for me.
  6. That's the one I did. Hopefully if that's the one you pick it lasts longer than mine did..
  7. The Tamiya XVI is a nice kit. I've built one so far. If I ever get to it, the 21 would be in similar markings to it.
  8. Mine would be the XIV high back. I love the long nose look the Griffon engine gives the Spitfire. Most Griffon Spitfires look fine to me. I've so far built one XIV using the old RB Products resin nose on a Tamiya VIII. I have 3 of the PCM XIV kits in the stash with plans to make one a XIX, one a FR XIVe and the last into a reasonable facsimile of a 21 with the contra prop. I'm hoping for a XIV conversion for the Tamiya Spitfires so I can do a low back FR XIV in RCAF markings. Carl
  9. I think I might be coming down with it too. I still have a Tamiya one left in the stash that I started doimg a Tse Tse conversion for.
  10. Great start on the hard bits Rob. I don't recall any real issues on my build. I did make some changes to the nose to better reflect what you see in the Kagero books. Carl
  11. It was around $70 for the conversion work and one set of masks plus the price of the decal sheet. Figure $35 for a second set of masks. Certainly it would be possible to upscale other markings too. For the B canopy, completely crazy idea but how close is the Trumpeter F/G canopy to the B? Maybe when your F kit arrives see how close it is? Might be easier to get one of those. Carl
  12. Looking forward to your second build of this kit. I hear you on the burn out bit. I had that happen to me as well but on the Tamiya one. Shouldn't have tried building two of them at once. Carl
  13. I had to check my build of Grim Reaper to see what I did with the flaps. Definitely down.
  14. Rog, I took a closer look at the 1/48 sheet and think it may be possible to have it upscaled into a mask set. I did something similar for my CF-18 markings. I'd have to get the 1/48 sheet first and get it scanned and then converted. The nice thing about doing it that way (IMO) is that it would probably be easier to paint the large orange sections rather than applying such a large decal. Let me know if you're interested in that approach and maybe we can get a couple sets done at the same time. Carl
  15. I checked in and it's seems they didn't get enough interest so they're not moving forward with the 1/32 release which is a shame. Would have been nice to have done a hi-vis Tiger Meet plane to go with my CF-18.
  16. Depends on the subject matter for me. Most sci-fi fighter kits are 1/72 so I don't have much choice there. At least they're in a constant scale. Sci-fi capital ships are all over the map. Bandai's Death Star is 1/2700000 for example but they have the Millennium Falcon available in 1/350, 1/144 and 1/72 so naturally I have all three sizes. Aircraft I pretty much stick to 1/32. My boys are happy to pillage the smaller scale kits I still have. Cars, I've got some 1/24 but have a bunch of 1/12 kits. Carl
  17. Happy birthday Harv!
  18. Have fun Harv! Remember bit to drink the tap water. I suggest bourbon instead. Carl
  19. Just catching up on this build. Really nice paint job there Mike. Still amazed at how big the Stuka was. And thanks for the Yahu IP panel too! Carl
  20. Rog, I saw this posted on Britmodeller and thought of you. https://roningraphicsaustralia.com/shop?olsPage=products%2F1-slash-32-raaf-2-ocu-75th-anniversary-hornet-2017-decals I'm tempted to get a set myself since they're Tiger Meet markings. But I'd have to find a kit as well after having sold mine. Carl
  21. Really nice Hetzer! I need to add one to my stash. Carl
  22. If it's in reference to Eduard's canopy masks, those include masks for both the inside and outside of the canopy. Why they named them T Face, I dont have a clue. Carl
  23. I was just trying to figure out what this boat was called so thanks for the timely post. I haven't the faintest idea on what would be needed to build the USN version but hopefully you find what you're looking for. Carl
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