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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

RCAF Liberator GR Mk VI

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Thanks for checking in folks. Healthwise, I've got a follow-up appointment with my cardiologist for early Dec. Dog wise, Zoe is closer to her old self with the odd stumble when she walks and her head is more or less cocked to one side all the time now. We finally met the new puppy and get to take him/her home in around two weeks. Still haven't decided on which one we're taking. 

Back to modelling, I've gotten a bit more of the interior done. 

I've been trying to get as much weight into the nose area as possible to prevent having a tail sitter. I've filled some of the boxes that go in the front of the plane with Liquid Gravity. Not much but I figure every bit helps. 


I continued the assembly of the bombs. I masked off the yellow and hit them with some olive drab. 


I then added the fins and did some touch ups. 


Finally I I installed them in the bomb bay. 


One thing that needs to be done before closing up the fuselage is the nose gear. I have the Aerocraft brass inserts so cleaned those up a bit. On the MLG legs, the tie down loops are cast solid so I drilled them out. You can see the first one I did in front .PXL_20211114_225902207.thumb.jpg.683600e2367d20ef74d75875270b8a9a.jpg

Then I started adding the kit parts to the inserts. PXL_20211116_023953875.thumb.jpg.c598ef017a6f20c7e0e84bb6c5df982c.jpg

The fit isn't perfect and needs a bit of tweaking. 

That's where I am at the moment.



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Thanks for the followup on how you and the pup are doing ... just so glad you are feeling better and have a follow up appointment.

Nice progress on the Liberator - bombs and look great on the racks and the gear looks awesome as well. Worrying about her being a tail sitter is a lot of pressure on the builder and not sure if the correct amount of weight has been discussed or listed anywhere.

Keep 'em comin


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Peter, I wish they had too. Maybe made the cockpit floor from zinc like Tamiya did in their 1/48 He219.  

Anyways, I've made a false bulkheads in the nose gear bay and filled it with lead weights. 


I then filled the voids with Liquid Gravity.


I'm not sure on the total weight but I'm hoping it's about 1/3 of what I need. I should be able to get the same amount into the other side. 


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Shirking some family responsibilities, I got the nose gear leg done. 

Because I glued a couple parts out of order (shoulda followed the instructions) I had to attach the links to the bay first. 



Then the leg itself. 


With that done, I decided to start gluing the interior into the uh, interior. I'm using the clamp to keep things a tight fit. 



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Very nice work, Carl!  I like to make lead sinkers more space effective by beating them flat with a hammer and using metal shears to nip them into the length and width that I want.  I've even slipped them into nacelles to help get the proper tilt.

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In getting the fuselage halves ready to join up, I decided to check the fit of the turrets. Turns out you need to have the base mounted in the fuselage but can leave the turrets for after. 

Speaking of the turrets, here's a comparison of the Cold War Studio ones compared to the kit ones. 

The nose turret:


The tail turret:


Definitely a must buy for the kit. 


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2 minutes ago, Peterpools said:


Holy Smokes - beyond BIG, it's HUGE!

How are you planning on displaying the B-24 when she is completed?

Keep 'em comin

Peter, I have no idea to be honest. I was looking at building a new display case using a pair of Ikea Detolf cases for the glass but I don't think it'll be big enough. 

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Which is the Cold War Studio's turrets, are on the left with the parting line, as it has a lot more detail?

That's always been the issue for me, as I love those big WWII bombers but haven't a clue where to display them. No way would they fit in my glass display case and I don't think the 'Chief' would be too enthusiastic if I bought another display case, as I still have plenty of room for additional shelves. 

Keep 'em comin


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Peter, the kit turrets are split through the middle, clear section. The early ones were also completely frosted. I got the revised ones in kit but they still have that large seam and locator pins on them. 

The Cold War Studio nose is on the right and the tail one is on the left. Both are one piece so don't have that join line or the locator pins. Otherwise they're a copy of the kit turrets with the same details. 


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Thanks guys! Definitely get the turrets if you decide to get this kit.

Hit a milestone and a bit of a rock too in the build. I added the remaining nose weight to the fuselage. 


Then I noticed that I hadn't glued the cockpit floor to the fuselage. So the Liquid Gravity not only started to leak out but also jammed in the gap between the floor and the fuselage. Which meant the fuselage no longer closed up...

So after some grinding of the fuselage interior, thankfully where it won't be seen, I got the two halves together. PXL_20211123_025832993.thumb.jpg.8fda91a34591ce1724ac2e84df927c46.jpg

At least on the topside...


As you can probably tell by the size of that clamp, I'm not getting it any closer. Thankfully the nose section meets or I'd have a really problem with the canopy and nose glass. 

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