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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Revell 1/32 Hurricane llb. Finishing touches.

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I received this from Hannants a few weeks ago, and have been looking at it to see how it seems.  
This kit has a TON of detail, and while I’m not a Hurricane expert, I know enough about them to know that it was a truly remarkable aircraft, being almost the British version of the P-40:  extremely underappreciated, produced from the very first day of the war, fight up to the very end, served in every single theatre of operation in the war, and punched way, way above its weight. 
It was a tough little bird, capable of absorbing an extremely large amount of damage and still hold together, and it also packed a big wallop with 8 guns, and later with four 20mm cannon.

The new Revell kit really looks like a winner, so far 


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One thing that is nice about Revell kits is that the Germans have finally learned how to produce a very nice instruction book. Even 5 or 6 years ago, Revell was still giving us that old Revell loose leaf look for the 60s and 70s that looked like they had been drawn by a toddler with a box of Crayola crayons  a and copied on an old ink copy paper manual roller machine. 
Revell, like ICM, give us NO PE in the kit whatsoever, and no seatbelts. The builder will need to source a Sutton harness for this kit. 

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The instrument panel is made up of decals, and I absolutely don’t like the look.  It looks “juvenile”.  I’d have used 3D decals, but the kit is so new, there’s nothing out there yet.

Visibility in the pit is so-so, but so far this panel is the weakest part of the kit yet, so after seeing if it’ll be better installed, I just pulled it, stripped off the decals, and am attacking it with AirScale instruments. 
The panel, in my eye, looks incredibly simplistic, crazy stark, and stupidly idiotic.

Like it belongs on a Disney kid’s ride. 








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Hi Ernie

Completely agree- awesome looking kit and mine should arrive later today. Having just finished the Revell 1/32 Spitfire the IP looks awful (I went with a full Quinta decal set), no PE what's so ever and the kit had the old and terrible instructions. 

I'm hoping that in a month or so when I'm ready to build mine, the AM guys will be offering some upgrades for the kit, especially the front office, as the rest of the kit looks fine. I've followed a few online builds of the Hurricane, especially Nigel's (Nigel's Modeling Bench) and the kit is a winner, as Revell has nicely upped their game.


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Yes that IP looks very much like a 1960's Revell effort which is a shame as the rest of the kit looks so good, I'll probably use a Yahu IP on mine as they look really good and tend to fit.  They do IP's for Hurricane Mk. I, IIB and IIC.



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33 minutes ago, Peterpools said:

Hoping Red Fox does a dedicated panel/cockpit set, as it doesn't appear as if Quinta is actually shipping inventory.


Yep.  Sprue and others are way low on inventory, Hobbynut used to get them somehow, but who knows know 

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Hi Ernie

Hobbynut stock seems to be also dwindling as well. I've been waiting for them to receive the Border Lancaster set and the delivery date keeps being pushed back and now it could be up to 32 days after April 3rd. They are taking pre-orders but I decided to wait and take my chances $&* for the set). I did receive an email from them of new inventory coming and they are accepting preorders. I have my doubts (hope I am wrong) Quinta is actually shipping to the US but who knows. Hannants Border Lancaster inventory is sold out and they have a few sets left for the HKM kit.  Just have to wait and see.




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  • 2 weeks later...
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The fuselage is together and it fits great. 
Im presently working on the wings and the center section is gloriously complicated. Just like the actual aircraft. 
There are a series of tabs, pins, levers, pulleys and fulcrums (Ok Roger Mitty) that aids perfect alignment of the wing. The dihedral looks spot on, and I’ll pop some pics tomorrow. 

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43 minutes ago, Clunkmeister said:

I received a Yahu panel and used it. I’m certainly pleased with the result. 




Much, much better! I was going to suggest Fly Hurricane AM - as they are dimensionally accurate ... But Martin beat me to it!!

Looking good Ern!

Rog :)

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Thanks for leading the charge on building the new Revell Hurricane and so far, the kit looks tremendous. Nice to see the Yahu IP panel works and red Fox has released their panel as well. Also pretty neat that HGW has a combo seatbelt set and canopy mask set - surely is going to be needed.


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