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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

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Hi folks,


Here it is, freshly finished and photographed for Military Illustrated Modeller. You'll find the build log HERE.


In all, it's mostly been a great build. It has been a little frustrating in places, but that's the nature of a short-run kit. I have to say that Fly have done a pretty good job with those, and if you're contemplating getting it.....don't....just go and BUY!


Even though she's a pretty big bird, she's still sort of dwarfed a little in stature by the Dornier Do 335!







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Wow, that came together really well Jim...


Currently working on a much less complex Fly kit, so I can imagine just how much work has gone into the '234 to get her finished to that standard. Lovely as usual!


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Wow, that came together really well Jim... Currently working on a much less complex Fly kit, so I can imagine just how much work has gone into the '234 to get her finished to that standard. Lovely as usual! S


Which kit is it Steve?

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Yes I did Jim...


You saw my wood effect Fly Natter then?


It was spectacular, but your use of the Uschi decals is probably a little beyond my skill set at this point in time. This one will be a more simplified build, perhaps I'd like to do an opened and stripped version once I see how this one goes together.



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