Administrators Fran Posted January 1, 2016 Administrators Posted January 1, 2016 Hi guys! Starting 2016 in big!! Revell announce a new tool 262 B-1 in 1:32 and a F-18... Fran
Administrators JeroenPeters Posted January 1, 2016 Administrators Posted January 1, 2016 Cant wait to see the tooling on that 262... Hope they deploy their A-team on this one.
Wumm Posted January 1, 2016 Posted January 1, 2016 Even if they do, it will need to be spectacular to better the Trumpeter version, which is perhaps their best 1/32nd scale kit to date. S 2
Administrators James H Posted January 1, 2016 Administrators Posted January 1, 2016 The Trumpeter 262 kits are superb, I agree. The only real 'issue' with the 2-seat is the slight difference in rendering of panel lines between the wings and the new-tool fuse. But, it's a shit hot kit!
Wumm Posted January 1, 2016 Posted January 1, 2016 Oh, apparently not Jim... Elsewhere, Andreas Beck has us all rushing out and selling our Trumpeter two-seaters on eBay. Because Revell's R&D is just that good. Of course there's no gun bulges on the top of a Me262 cowl to cock up though... S 3
Artful69 Posted January 1, 2016 Posted January 1, 2016 Even if they do, it will need to be spectacular to better the Trumpeter version, which is perhaps their best 1/32nd scale kit to date. S The Trumpeter 262 kits are superb, I agree. The only real 'issue' with the 2-seat is the slight difference in rendering of panel lines between the wings and the new-tool fuse. But, it's a shit hot kit! Agreed ... What a waste on "New Tooled" space! ... seriously! Great business plan moving forward ... "Let's take 2 subjects that have already been done, in this scale, extensively and reasonably accurately - and re-do them!" And before anyone slams me for being biased ... I'll list 10 subjects that either haven't been done or so freaking 'old tool' (or crap renditions) that they'd all sell twice as many as either of these choices Revell have made! * Do.17z ... Ok ... so this is my bias - I have to get it out of the way first! - Completion of the BoB bomber line up * Another Iteration of the Ju.88 ... Pick one, any one! ... Half the sprues are already tooled for crying out loud! * A New tool Beaufighter - lends itself to the sort of modular construction for further iterations as with the Ju.88 * P.51-B ... I know HK have decided to look into one, now ... but while Revell were farting around here - they might have already gone there! * Fairey Battle or P.40 (Sorry I couldn't decide!) * Boulton Paul Defiant * Hurricane Mk.I * Bf109.F * Spitfire Mk.Vb ... A couple of small changes to the existing Mk.IIa kit with a new sprue for wings - This kit wasn't particularly accurate - but neither was the Hobby Boss 'burger with the lot' kit ... compare Revell prices to Hobby Boss?? * A.20 Havoc Let's say you disagree with 50-70% of those choices ... that still leaves 3-5 that would work better than those selected! Oh, apparently not Jim... Elsewhere, Andreas Beck has us all rushing out and selling our Trumpeter two-seaters on eBay. Because Revell's R&D is just that good. Of course there's no gun bulges on the top of a Me262 cowl to cock up though... S Sorry guys ... but the above mentioned comments (Andreas, not yours Steve) got my dander up! ... I politely responded as best I could ... But, crikey! ... This release news was disappointing enough to say the least - and then someone tries it on with that load of garbage! Steve ... I couldn't agree more!! Rog 2
Administrators James H Posted January 1, 2016 Administrators Posted January 1, 2016 Yes, I felt I had to reply to Andreas on LSP.
Wumm Posted January 1, 2016 Posted January 1, 2016 Andreas seems to do this from time to time... And that's fine. So long as the finished product backs up the rhetoric, and for that I guess we can only wait and see. Personally, I think it's unnecessary to take a pot-shot at the competition, but then again it's phrased a little like my Grandfather might have said it, so maybe it's that German sense of humour coming through? I share your frustration on the subject matter, if not the actual subjects you would prefer to have seen. A G-2, K or F series Bf109 would be easy to accomplish from existing sprues; same for G or R series Ju88's. I am confident that we will see standard A-8 and Sturm/R8 Fw109's somewhere down the pipeline. The others you've quoted don't really suit my tastes, but I can see Revell selling a lot more of them than these announced releases, if simply for the fact that many potential customers would already have the Trumpeter kits in the stash. S 1
Artful69 Posted January 1, 2016 Posted January 1, 2016 I share your frustration on the subject matter, if not the actual subjects you would prefer to have seen. A G-2, K or F series Bf109 would be easy to accomplish from existing sprues; same for G or R series Ju88's. I am confident that we will see standard A-8 and Sturm/R8 Fw109's somewhere down the pipeline. The others you've quoted don't really suit my tastes, but I can see Revell selling a lot more of them than these announced releases, if simply for the fact that many potential customers would already have the Trumpeter kits in the stash. S Ok ... so pick two ... and swap one out - the F-8 for Mk.IIa Spit ... That's 3/10 - each a better choice and considerably more profitable that the current selection! ... does my head in! Rog
Wumm Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 Andreas mentioned "Naseweis"... This could mean either bold, or conceited. Revell have certainly made some bold decisions lately, choosing the Erla G-10 and the F-8 Butcher Bird both in 1/32nd scale. But I really hope for Revell's sake that their choices aren't coming from a place of conceit, because the standard of their product isn't as good as it could be yet. That's 3/10 - each a better choice and considerably more profitable that the current selection! ... does my head in! Profitability is also an issue for me... no way I'm offloading my $65 Trumpeter '262 for Revell's forthcoming kit, when their Fw190 kit is $99 and their Ju88's are in the $150-$180 range locally. Different if it's something new to the market, but I won't be paying 3 times the price for something I already own. S
radub Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 And before anyone slams me for being biased ... I'll list 10 subjects that either haven't been done or so freaking 'old tool' (or crap renditions) that they'd all sell twice as many as either of these choices Revell have made! * Do.17z ... Ok ... so this is my bias - I have to get it out of the way first! - Completion of the BoB bomber line up (snip) * A New tool Beaufighter - lends itself to the sort of modular construction for further iterations as with the Ju.88 (snip) * Fairey Battle or P.40 (Sorry I couldn't decide!) * Boulton Paul Defiant (snip) * A.20 Havoc I seriously doubt that any of these models would "beat" the 262 in sales volumes. Yes, I can see a Hurricane or a Mustang doing much better than a 262, but a Battle selling "better" than a 262? Radu
Artful69 Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 I seriously doubt that any of these models would "beat" the 262 in sales volumes. Yes, I can see a Hurricane or a Mustang doing much better than a 262, but a Battle selling "better" than a 262? Radu Radu ... that still leaves the following on my list ... * Another Iteration of the Ju.88 ... Pick one, any one! ... Half the sprues are already tooled for crying out loud! * P.51-B ... I know HK have decided to look into one, now ... but while Revell were farting around here - they might have already gone there! * Hurricane Mk.I * Bf109.F * Spitfire Mk.Vb ... A couple of small changes to the existing Mk.IIa kit with a new sprue for wings - This kit wasn't particularly accurate - but neither was the Hobby Boss 'burger with the lot' kit ... compare Revell prices to Hobby Boss?? And as the point of my list suggests ... ... Let's say you disagree with 50-70% of those choices ... that still leaves 3-5 that would work better than those selected! ... So you gave me 50% ... better than Steve ... I'm sure you could find another 5 or 10 kit options that would sell better than what's on offer And as for the rest of my list ... which competitor makes a Battle? or Do.17z? ... If they tooled up a new Beaufighter, the only competition is their old tool kit - which sold how many re-pops to a previous modelling generation? They're coming up against arguably the best Trumpeter offering in 1/32 - which has been on the market for quite a number of years now, with loads of great reviews ... and they're not even producing the most popular variant at that ... Don't get me wrong - they'll sell (as did all the other kit issues previously) - But that doesn't change the point that there are completely new subjects that would sell much better for them - and existing platforms that, with a little tweaking and some new sprues would take out a fair chunk of RD and Tooling expenses, putting more cash back into the company. Maybe the Battle or BPD was a little far fetched, but not by all that much ... Rog
radub Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 Well, your list has 10 items. Revell can only do one 1/32 new tool a year. So... even if they chose one from your list, this could take a while... And you are not the only one with a list. Other people's list may not even have one single plane from yours. :-) No matter what Revell picked, people would be "disappointed. " Equally, people will be pleased. As I already said, I can see the Hurricane and the Mustang B doing well in 1/32. Who knows? They may be made eventually. They may even be done by many competing manufacturers. But I cannot picture ANY scenario that would determine a manufacturer, any manufacturer, to choose a Defiant or a Battle over a Me 262 in scale 1/32. :-) Radu
BradG Posted January 20, 2016 Posted January 20, 2016 Beaufighter would sell it's pants off. The 262 is a bit of a safe bet, just like the million Bf-109's out there, if it's German, it'll sell.
BlackTulip109f Posted January 22, 2016 Posted January 22, 2016 What GREAT news. I had a few of the old ones gave away all but 2 of them so my son could practice building them and what a major pain trying to build them. We now use the mostly completed one for testing and practicing camo patterns and for a source of 1/32 parts as we didn't put on the landing gear. Can't wait for that kit it should be awesome.!!!
BlackTulip109f Posted January 22, 2016 Posted January 22, 2016 I agree that a new P-51B is LONG overdue as well as a Hawker Hurricane !!! The Beaufighter is not bad. Revell Germany might have a couple surprises in the works and yes it is German. I personally would like to ad A Me-109F Hans Marseille if you look at Luftwaffe Colours Vol 4 Sec 2 "The Mediterranean1942-43 there are so many great camos and other pilots that flew those F's it is also a kit in1/32nd crying out to be done!!
Administrators James H Posted January 22, 2016 Administrators Posted January 22, 2016 I heard Revell were releasing a 1:32 Arado Ar 234 at some stage, but I first heard this about 2 years ago.
Grant Posted January 22, 2016 Posted January 22, 2016 I totally agree about a new Beaufighter ... I've been hoping for one for ages. With the recent proliferation of 2 engined fighters and bombers in 1/32 it seem logical for this to follow soon'ish - it also offers a number of variants which gives the manufacturer more than one bite at the cherry. Grant 1
Members Mikester Posted January 22, 2016 Members Posted January 22, 2016 The 262 is surprising since they're going head to head with a great kit. I know they're limited on how much they can do but they could have delivered a Bf 109G-2 and/or a Fw 190A-8 with minimal changes to existing kits, I'm sure they'll be along at some point though.
Wumm Posted January 24, 2016 Posted January 24, 2016 A Revell Fw190A-8 will be coming I'm sure, The faired-over gun troughs indicate an R2/R7 variant, as does the clear sprue that's missing from the parts layout sequence, possibly to include the main canopy "blinkers". Cut-outs in the wings indicate an R11 is also on the cards too. Whether we will see these in separate releases or in the one box is anyone's guess. I can't see them doing an A-7 or earlier variants, due to the changes required for the wing and fuselage sprues. S 1
Iceman Posted February 9, 2016 Posted February 9, 2016 As long as the Big T brings out the P-47D in the 1/32 series (P-51B by the Big T would be a very close second), then I will be a happy guy . Love the 262, but please, enough of them already.
Paulster Posted February 15, 2016 Posted February 15, 2016 You'll have to change your web site name to "Doogs Jugs"
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