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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

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  • 2 weeks later...

 Hey All,   A short report today.  The Launch Rail build is going smoothly enough.  I had to build this out of a crazy combo of mixed materials.  This all looks sorta wild until painted.  Not much in the way of building this, just details on a rail.



















It's now time to marry all this together.  The Launch Base gets mounted to the Zil carrier, and then the Launch Rail mounts to the Launch Base.  Afterwards, the hook ups between the two.  Hoses, cables, mechanicals.........


I'll be back,  with more Russian engineering, later all.........

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Howdy All,


  I have finished with building the Launch Rail, and have moved on to greener pastures.  The install of the launch rail was fairly easy with a rotator joint and some cabling.




The rail sits up over the cab and engines.  The lift arms attach under the rails, and the hinge is in the back.  That's it




' doesn't really look like much with the rail down, but with a little help, the young prince has his first rail lift.....








All hosed up..........




After the Launch Rail was finished, for now, I moved on to more paraphernalia on "The Other Side".  Bwa ha ha.......The end is in site!




I had an other store locker, and a cable reel, and more.......still a lot of little items.  I also started building the Hoist Crane.  Starting at the bottom...










This is the bottom end of the Hoist Crane.  This has a rotator motor that is used to rotate the crane for loading and unloading.






I also built a what?  A Launch Chair?...




You can see where this is installed to.  I can't quite figure it tho.  It has a blast shield on top as if somebody is supposed to sit here when the missile launches!  It looks more like a lid on a barbi.  And that makes sense, if your going to sit there when the missile launches. ?




You can see it behind the cable reel.  I still need to upholster it.




This is where I'm at at the moment with the build.




I have started with the Hoist Crane Base and have it installed.  I'm ready to start with the crane it's self. 

I'll be back...........Thanks for watching.

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Thanks Guys for the nice comments during this build!

Hey All.

  I have come to a huge milestone with this build.  I am done.  With any major sub-assemblies.  No more construction of major parts.  This marks the end of the build with the major subject it self.  I will now take a week or three to finish off all the little things to tighten up this build.  And I have a ton of stuff to finish.

Meanwhile, this is the finish of the Hoist Crane.

I had several sub assemblies to get this to a finished stage.  The rotator motor and extra fuel cans squeeze between the two back fenders.

construction of fuel cans and rack.........







The fuel cans rack lives here...........




Next up, was the Hoist Crane Base........







The lift arm for the hoist crane...





The main crane arm.........







It looks like it will work.......




Starting the hoist hook.........







I finally got to the point of joining the last two major sub assemblies..........





This is such a beautiful photo for me.  This marks the end of all hostilities towards this build, and the truce has been signed.  I am finally at piece with this and can finish all the little things without worrying if could even deal with the build.........






 The young prince has his second major extension, and all is well.


I'll be back with a mess of small stuff to finish up the WIP postings.   Be back later All..........

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Thanks for checking in everyone and the great comments!!

   I have finished up with the cab build.  I have placed all the little fiddly bits, that I'm sure will get knocked off at some point before it goes on the shelf.

The list of some items to finish for this part were to fit the doors, mirrors, antenna, tow hook and cable, spot light, grates, and general doodads.

Three people have looked at my build in person, and no one has noticed, no windows.








Of course this will all get really dirty and messy when finished work is viewed.






It all looks terrible this close, but will be even worse when done.

I'll be moving from front to back as the end is in site.  Until next time.

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WOT ? No windows ? Now that spoils everything ! I could not keep an unfinished model. Bin it, or better still, send it to me, so that I can pose as a real (as opposed to wannabe) model builder with visiting friends.


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Hey All,

  A short report for today.  Not much more to do.

  I finished with the remaining small items that I want to deal with.  All that was left to finish was, connecting the tow hook to the crane, a shield over the engines, and a small control box.

 I am going to leave the engine covers unbuilt.  In the world, the engine bay would be sealed around, with a launch rail shield molded into the top.  All of this would have a stash of tools mounted to the top.  I wanted people to see the engine detail, so, open it is.








I see a small fit issue here, then this gets secured final.

I'll try to get more slack on the cable......




And then was a control box.  With connecting wires to the launch rail, and the hoist crane....




It lives here........





Front fenders and tires, That's it.




The build is now complete!  I need to secure the front fenders and mount the tires for photos.  I'll now spend a few days painting and weathering and adding just general dirtyness.  I will see you all in a few days in the Finished Work section.


Thanks for watching everyone.   WIP is closed.  RichO

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