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Thanks All for Watching....

The cage build continues, and I cant believe how much stuff there is to build, to get the engines wrapped.

  I have finished with the Radiators build.  When everything was finished, these were a good size to fit into this space...






  I had built the fire wall earlier, just to see how things would match together....




  I also stiffened this part with a back wall that separates the Engine Compartment, from the Fuel Tanks, from the Cab.  The space directly behind this firewall is the space for the fuel tanks.




  I have good references for the fuel tank system, however the fuel tanks are so wedged and buried between the Engine Compartment and the Passenger Compartment that the only visible evidence that they exist are the fill necks on top.

  I built only a "place holder" for the fuel tanks just to help support the details on the top side.




  I cleaned these up a bit and fit them into place.




  Once I had the three tanks fit and tight, it was off to the details...






  And next here you can see, Ladies and Gentlemen, the first "External Skin" part applied to the bones...all hiding the Fuel Tanks, primered and ready for painting.




  This is why I didn't go to far with the fuel tanks detailing.  The next thing to do was to apply all these little parts to the 3rd wall of the cage.  All forward on the Firewall and Fuel Tanks.

After all the parts were installed, it was time to get dirty........




  These are the four "walls" of the Engine Surround so far.  I can build the cage and install these three walls before I build the Top.

The three walls fit like this...




And with the top part of the cage, close to where it is to be placed...




You can see I have just set these parts close to there install positions...








  My photo references show a bit more detail to cram into this space.  I need to get the cage secured and square onto the frame before I can finish the connections between the engines and the radiators.  

   I'm not totally sure how to proceed, if I should fit the skin before I finish the cage or try to get it all to fit in separate parts onto a finished fragile cage.  

   I'll let ya know what happens.  Until next time.

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Thanks all for dropping by.........

 Hey All,

 Did ya ever build something, "over here" and forgot to consider what's "over there"?  I don't do this very often but I totally spaced out about what I was doing on the inside of the "cage" build and forgot to check the flow through to the outside.  I did this just fine with the radiator build.  I punched a whole through for the fans and added the screens.  It all looks good.  

I just didn't think at the time to do the same thing for the Air Filters.  Lets see where things went sideways.........




  I first had to build the air filters and the air flow tubes.  My mother-in-law worked as Lead Nurse at the local hospital, and one day she brought me a big bag of medical hoses form work.  All different sizes and all soft enough to cut clean.




I used some hose to cut out the air filters.........




These air filters and flow tubes live on the side walls between the fans and the firewall.  I have just placed these into close location, along with the Water Tubes from the Radiator.




 It was at this point that it all hit me......I did not cut the flow through for the air filters!




Here you can see just what I have not done.  You can see the Air Filter canister I have finished mounted into its location.  I just forgot, in all the excitement, to make the pass through to the outside skin.  I have marked where the outside access hatches are to be located.

This photo shows the outside filter access doors I forgot to cut.  Two access doors, both sides on each side of the Radiator Screens.  One with louvers cut and one with water run off channel.





This photo shows the doors and filters to be added....




The open filter hatch will have to be hinged and the filter made.




I really hate working like this.  I now have to go back and cut the hatches open...




'll let everyone know how this work out.


Until later All............

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Hey Guys,

  The access doors build went fine but only after a bit of a time to figure the hinges.  If you remember that I said I usually build a bit bigger scale, so I can see what I'm doing.  I tried to build my hinges like I do for a larger scale, just smaller.  A couple pieces of brass wire and a small tube.




  This works great on larger scales but I had a binding problem and also the hinge took up to much room inside the space...




  Scratch builders.......I found my wife's "Marbled Chocolate Brioche" tin in the trash.  Great for thin metal to build proper hinges...






I got all four access panels to open and close....




  I have a bit of cleaning to do and then paint the side skins.  I think I have everything for the final install of the cage around the engines.  We'll see....again.


Thanks all.

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Hey All,


  I've had a fun time of it lately.  I got side tracked, again, because I found one more dang thing to install before the cage can go on.  It just never ends.


  The state of the cage today is this.  I have finished the installing of the outer skin and after primer and sanding, finished the paint for this small part of the body work.  I left the finish somewhat rough and abused, and a banged up body, only to get worse later on.  I still have small details to add.  A frame around the fan screens, fill the hatch panels, and fill caps, and.........










Then I discovered that there is still more items to install  before the cage is dropped.  The photo shows what's in the way next, before I can do the final install of the cage.  I hope.



  You can see above how the finished cage sit on top of the forward and mid Mud Fenders.  The cage clearly covers more than half of the fenders width.  These will have to built and installed before the cage can be dropped into place.

  I should also install the "Launch Supports" while I can easily get to the space.  The Launch Supports are the large round pad in the center of the photo.  These lower for ground support and brace the frame during missile launch.

  I still have a ways to go before I can lower the cage into place and I have been at work on this part of the build for a bit, so I wanted to take a break and finish with the tires and wheels.  Sharp eyed people will notice in the background that I have been working on the wheels for some time now, just a little at a time.  I finally got to the point where, if I gave it a push, I could finish the wheels and tires.  So to get away from the cage for a while....


All kinds of wheel parts.......




  I cut the rings by hand and mount each on top of the other to build up the sides of the wheels.




 After adding all the little bits, the wheels finally look like wheels.




  Then, with all the usual procedures for finished parts, and mounted to dirty tires...(witch means I didn't take as many photos as I should have).  

 BIG DAY!  I finally have my boy standing on his own eight feet.











  So now that the fun and games is over with the tires and wheels, it's back to the cage install with the building of the Mud Fenders.


 I'll be back later all, thanks.....

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 You guys are great with the comments,  Thanks!.......

Hey All,

 Building the mud fenders was easy enough, just very slow work.  However I do have six new mud fenders.  Also some work done on the outriggers for the launch system.

The fenders were just simple geometry and bent to a round....




To replicate the fiberglass body panels of the original, I have decided to use a heavy card stock.  My thinking is the original frame and components are metal, so I made these from styrene.  The body of the vehicle is lightweight fiberglass, so I chose lightweight card stock.

 Once I got the parts cut I just bent them and glued into place.......










I have a certain amount of clean up to do, but the fenders are done.  I'll send these to the Paint Dept. and in the meantime I'll work more on the outriggers.








I still have a bit of building for the outriggers so the photo might not make any sense.  These parts bolt to the frame

 So sort of a wacky report today.  Just to let all know the work continues.

Thanks all.......

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Wow............. just incredible, when this is complete, there should be a trip to Moscow, to present this to Vlad in person... he would be thrilled I bet..... such precise details..... a joy to see come together...

  • Like 3
6 hours ago, Jeff said:

Wow............. just incredible, when this is complete, there should be a trip to Moscow, to present this to Vlad in person... he would be thrilled I bet..... such precise details..... a joy to see come together...

« Ce serait donner de la confiture à des cochons »



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Hey Guys,

 The build continues at a steady pace and things are getting done.  I have finished painting and installing the Mud Fenders, and also finished with the Launch Supports.

  The Launch Supports are installed, but only half of the full support.

Fresh back from the paint dept.




  I only installed this part for now.  The full support is a bit fiddly and I don't want to break anything off, so I will leave it at this point until quite some time later.

 I have placed the parts close, but will wait to finish the lower leg and Support Pad.  These will get in the way and stick out to far, just so they get knocked off.







Bolted into place.........




After all that, it was time to place the fenders.

Fresh fenders from the paint dept.......




I caught myself just about to do something really dumb.  I had a wet paintbrush loaded with paint and was going to rust out the new fender paint job when I realized the fender are made from fiberglass, no rust.

I have installed all but the front fenders.




I checked for more items to get in the way of installing the cage. I think I found something else, so for now the front fenders are just placed.

I'm not quite happy with the shape of the fenders, so I will add a strong bead around the outside edge of the fenders to help hold the shape better.




It's in the gap between the center fenders that the next part of the build will be placed.  The Raised Platform Grates.











I'm finishing up the outside details of the cage and will install this weekend.  I'll check up on the details about the front fenders, and then get all this really dirty, but not rusted.  I will have started with the Platforms by the next posting.

Thanks All for following along.........

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Hey Guys,

 It's been a busy week.  I have the cage dropped into place with the final connections to the engine, fitted and installed, with some extras.  I checked what's coming next with the build and I did find a bit not right with the front fenders, but this is not an emergency at the moment.  I'll reposition these when the cab frame is placed.  Also the elevated platform is finished and installed.

I built the Air Filters with a portion of a wood dowel cut to size and shaped, with styrene details.  The Air Filter compartment has a dust liner to help the filter.










 Getting the cage into place was a pain, but I managed to get it to seat.  Once the cage dropped into place I made the final connections to the engines.  This was adding Air Ducts and Water Pipes.




 I knew when I started this WIP it was not going to be a new example of this beast that I was building, but a well used vehicle.  I need to keep this in mind when things don't go just right and maybe it will add to the used look of the machine.

 The port side Mud Fenders don't match the curve of the cage.  I have an idea of removing the fender to reposition it, or work with what I have and live with it.  I'll let you know.







  Next came the Elevated Walking Grates.  These platforms welded together are very simple to make, so I only took one photo under construction.  These are all the same build technique.  1.5mm Angle styrene frames with 1 x 0.5mm stringers.




I had so many to cut and string into place that I was going nuts.  This is what took all week.







It lives here.






  Like several places now, I need to add more grime, and also get some walking ware on the stringers.  




  I have all my major sub assemblies now in place.  I'll tweek things as I build, but I can set this aside for a bit while I start the Cab build.

 The amount of parts to cut and prep, just to get the Cab Frame into shape, will take most of the week.  I'll be back with some strange shapes and the start of the Cab build.


Thanks All for watching!

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Thanks for the comments guys.

 Hey Altogether,

 A small posting this week.  I knew that this week would be a slow build. The skeleton of the cab had to support the skin, so there were so many parts to get things right.

Some of the parts.......and nuts.







This part is the floor of the cab.

Once I got most of the parts cut and cleaned, it was time to assemble.

You can see the back of the cab with the dash board skeleton and part of the door frame.  I should have taken more photos, but every once in a while I get into a zen mode and just work.






The cab to date...I still have a ways to go to get everything ready for the skin.




I'll finish what's remaining to build for the skeleton and prep everything for the skin.  I'm thinking ahead a bit and need to come up with a scheme to build the interior of the cab while I can still get to it.


More later, next posting.......Thanks All.


P.S.   Gus,  I have a hard wood floor that I diligently sweep before I start a build session.  Just a flashlight to find things by the shadow.

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3 hours ago, RichO said:

Thanks for the comments guys.

 Hey Altogether,

 A small posting this week.  I knew that this week would be a slow build. The skeleton of the cab had to support the skin, so there were so many parts to get things right.

Some of the parts.......and nuts.







This part is the floor of the cab.

Once I got most of the parts cut and cleaned, it was time to assemble.

You can see the back of the cab with the dash board skeleton and part of the door frame.  I should have taken more photos, but every once in a while I get into a zen mode and just work.






The cab to date...I still have a ways to go to get everything ready for the skin.




I'll finish what's remaining to build for the skeleton and prep everything for the skin.  I'm thinking ahead a bit and need to come up with a scheme to build the interior of the cab while I can still get to it.


More later, next posting.......Thanks All.


P.S.   Gus,  I have a hard wood floor that I diligently sweep before I start a build session.  Just a flashlight to find things by the shadow.

I need to take a look at that earlier!

It is incredibly beautiful what you are creating here! I‘m speechless. 
Never have seen such impressive scratchbuilding! 

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9 hours ago, Kaireckstadt said:

I need to take a look at that earlier!

It is incredibly beautiful what you are creating here! I‘m speechless. 
Never have seen such impressive scratchbuilding! 

I can't agree more, this is absolutely EPIC !!!

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