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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

I'm a bad boy


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On 9/11/2018 at 12:00 PM, harv said:

Well i dood it. I am now banned from that other site. I am finally home again. Looking forward to a long happy life here........Harv  :wub:

I have also stopped posting at imdb. When it became apparent I knew nothing about filmmaking, and yet kept writing reviews, it rather seemed I didn't belong.

I do hope my future planned film reviews on this site are more readily accepted and enjoyed.

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Yes John, it certainly simplifies things when people's own words and conduct bring their true colours to the fore.

Here it is again for the benefit of those late to the Party...


Yes, it was very ordinary behaviour from the Administrator of another Site, wasn't it? Profanity, name-calling, abuse... and then Andrew followed up with the complete set by invoking Religion and Politics. All off limits on their own Forum, but fair game elsewhere. 

Complete lack of control, complete lack of respect, complete lack of perspective. 

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I forgot about that. And how Kaglemucho came and tore me open.  fun times.  I'm sure glad we're all here.


that reminds me.

Let's start thinking about our own Christmas gift exchange, hmm? 

With the Mod's OK, I might be persuaded to head it up this year.  :)

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6 hours ago, Wumm said:

Sorry Ern, 

Alan Troi was wondering aloud why people had mysteriously vanished. Then the thread got canned.

But that would never happen apparently ;)



T’is ok. I’m good, actually.

I just don’t dig those negative waves, man....

(hey, this is an armor site too, so I thought I’d quote one of the coolest of all)

yeah, I know. Have a little faith, and all....   lol

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Ya know, TOS is like a train wreck or a deadly car crash.  You KNOW you shouldn't look, and you really, REALLY don't want to, but you just can't help yourself so you look anyway.  :D

So I read the entire thread, and it was interesting, to say the least.  Kagamusha's initial response was classic disingenuous I'd say, but what do I know.

Brian was classy as always as well.

My take away was as such: They say we have aliases over there. I never have had, nor will I ever have an alias over there. Ever. Period. End of discussion.

And I'm sure that applies to a few others I know as well, although what they do is their decision, not mine.

I do look from time to time as a public visitor, same as I look at ebay, or any other public site.  I expect the net loss is greater on their end, but I do have an extremely high opinion of myself. LOL. (OK, everyone who knows me knows I'm joking here.)

I hope they succeed, but seriously, Ron really needs to take a long hard look in the mirror of self analysis.

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Holy Hell!

     I finally found you guys!  For a while I got forum burnout so I missed the reasons for your departures.  I've spent weeks wondering where you were.  Finally somebody at the other place started a thread about your absence.   Somebody mentioned you were at this site, then that thread got locked.

I've missed all of you.  And since you left, things there haven't been the same.   No new Corsair builds every other week.  A lot less gratuitous aircraft porn.  And a lot less wit.  

I've got no hard-on against anyone, so I'm not looking to say anything bad about anyone. 

Hopefully you won't mind that I've followed you here.



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Gaz ol' buddy ! Welcome to our new home. Of course we are happy you found us. Its a bit slower here, but thats changing with all us new guys. The banter is back and full of wit. Pull up a barstool and join in the fun.....Harv

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15 minutes ago, GazzaS said:

Holy Hell!

     I finally found you guys!  For a while I got forum burnout so I missed the reasons for your departures.  I've spent weeks wondering where you were.  Finally somebody at the other place started a thread about your absence.   Somebody mentioned you were at this site, then that thread got locked.

I've missed all of you.  And since you left, things there haven't been the same.   No new Corsair builds every other week.  A lot less gratuitous aircraft porn.  And a lot less wit.  

I've got no hard-on against anyone, so I'm not looking to say anything bad about anyone. 

Hopefully you won't mind that I've followed you here.



Welcome Gaz! Glad you made the change! :)

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6 minutes ago, Clunkmeister said:

Velcome Velcome Velcome   mwahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa

Thank you, Ernie, I had to double check your avatar to see if you were wearing a black cape and sporting some fangs!

5 minutes ago, harv said:

Gaz ol' buddy ! Welcome to our new home. Of course we are happy you found us. Its a bit slower here, but thats changing with all us new guys. The banter is back and full of wit. Pull up a barstool and join in the fun.....Harv

Thanks Harv!  Looking forward to it!

3 minutes ago, JohnB said:

Welcome Gaz! Glad you made the change! :)

Thanks John! 

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