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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

I wasn't going to say anything, but....


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I really was going to keep this to myself, as I'm sure you guys don't really ant or need to hear this, but I have softened...... my mom's little Beagle ,Rosie, who has been living with Cathy and me for the past year because my 95 year old ma can't care for her.......... has crawled into our hearts and home.......... we found out yesterday she has serious cancer................................ yeah, she is a bit older ,  but still, what a kick in the testicles, the doc says maybe a month or two at best......................... damn.........  so far you'd never know it, and she is appearing 'normal'.... and we are monitoring her very closely, as we do not want her to hurt or suffer, BUT we do NOT want to short her any good days she may have left.......  this is the second Beagle ...................................... damn this is hard......:(  sorry guys, but I had to let this out.....

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Dam, I know how you feel my friend! I had to put our 9 year old  Sharpei down several years ago . She had breast cancer. One of the hardest things I ever had to do. Best dam dog we ever had. Sorry buddy......harv

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Guest DannyVM

So sorry to hear Jeff. I know how you feel mate. More then a year ago we had our beloved Shih Shu Gizmo to put to sleep. Not due to sickness but due to a very aggressive behaviour. That said, it was one of toughest decisions we had to make, and these day's still we regret that we needed to do that, keeping in mind that was the only right decision to make, but still, it's hard nut to crack.


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Thanks Harv...... I had to put Murphy down 5 years ago, I held her in my arms, when she went.................. I'm still stinging over that one....... how do these little bastards get so deep into our hearts......?  It is killing me, as I write through the flowing tears... damn....

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Thanks Danny, yeah for sure... I am wondering if it is better to 'know' or not know....... I am also sorry for your loss..... the part that really gets me is that they don't understand like we do...... they just know they don't feel well....... that, for me is the hardest thing to get past, and I really don't get past it......  thanks for all the kind thoughts guys.... a great place to let off a little pressure....

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Jeff, so sorry to hear about Rosie. Know exactly where you are, our cat Fingle who been with us for 18 years was diagnosed with an inoperable anal cyst two months ago. He is on pain killers and we just have to monitor him day to day. We will have to let him go when he starts not eating etc. So lots of food, cuddles, walks and brushes, until then, they are our best buddies.........

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I know how you feel and I'm extremely sorry to hear that.  I'm a big, hard headed, hard ass until you mention my dogs.  Then I'm a 5 year old at heart.  Dogs have always held a special place in my heart and my two current puppers are my absolute best buddies.  It's the absolute unconditional love and trust they have for us that melts my heart.  I wish you a happy time with the time you have left. 

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It was a very dark time in our lives at the time.lost my brother, mother in-law, Bev's grandmother and then our dog in a matter of 4 months.   I still hurt over all. Yes I held her to her last breath and them some. Cried for days.....

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It's a dilemma Jeff, knowing how long to hold and then when to let go. Dogs are so good at masking their pain. They put up with so much until it becomes seemingly overwhelming.

This past July we had to ler go one of our Daughter's Cockers; she had an inoperable Brain Tumor at 14 and she slowly deteriorated over a few months. My eldest Daughter wanted to keep her as long as possible, she was really her Dog as they had bonded ever since the first car ride home as an 8 week old Puppy. I told her, as long as she's eating well and has mobility, keep her with us. I was there with both my Girls the day we all said goodbye.

After that day passed, their other Cocker (my Avatar on this site actually) who was also 14 but different litter, just seemed to lose the will to live. She went from from a crazy, active nutcase to a sad and mopey little bag of bones overnight. I was over there one weekend in October helping trim her coat, and she just collapsed and started shivering like she'd gone into shock. She just gave up right then and there, we rushed her to the Vet but she also never came home that day.

So Jeff, she will let you know when it's time.

My Daughters coped well, my youngest especially as she had a really rough time when her Mother passed 3 years ago. But the house still feels empty when I'm over there. I used to walk them after mowing the lawn, Millie the crazy one would follow me from window to window barking at me to finish so we could go chase the neighbourhood Birds. I still look up occasionally expecting to see her sitting there... 


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Guest DannyVM
20 minutes ago, Wumm said:

After that day passed, their other Cocker (my Avatar on this site actually) who was also 14 but different litter, just seemed to lose the will to live. She went from from a crazy, active nutcase to a sad and mopey little bag of bones overnight. I was over there one weekend in October helping trim her coat, and she just collapsed and started shivering like she'd gone into shock. She just gave up right then and there, we rushed her to the Vet but she also never came home that day.

Same here, our 4 year old Shih Shu Shiva who was very close with Gizmo lost all of her sense of living. She didn't eat, didn't play anymore, she was just lying there doing nothing. Before Gizmo past away, those two where friend's, playing with each other all day long, often resulting in a aggressive attack of Gizmo to Shiva, nevertheless, Shiva stayed on Gizmo's side all the way. Sad to see and at the same time a joy to watch how those two really kept on to each other. After Gizmo past away, Shiva stayed for about two months alone when we decided to get another dog to give her company. So Shani came along, and in the beginning, those two weren't really friends, but now, they are inseparable. They are our two child's, and i will go trough a fire for those two loving beauty's.

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Always so hard to bear this. Our cat of 19 years, Tilly, had to be put down earlier in the summer and it still gets me. We thought she was a gonner last year but a different vet gave her new meds and we got another year out of her but in the end her legs went. God knows what I'm gonna be like when one of the dogs go.

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Wow, thanks you guys................... I thought I was doing pretty good, but you all reduced me to another bout of flowing tears, kind of hard to type..... how do these animals get in to us so deeply??? You guys have some very sad stories, all sad but amazing in the fact how the animals know whats going on, maybe much smarter than we know...... Wumm, I always wonder how I will know when to let her go, and I hear it all the time, that they will tell us.... and as I go back to Murphy's last day, she did just that , but was trying her utmost to please me and not let me down by peeing in the truck, ( like I would give a damn about that)............ I guess you guys can tell I'm a dog guy eh?

Thanks for the great but sad stories, and all the VERY kind wishes, I don't mean to burden anyone with my issues and sure don't want to open any fresh wounds..... pets are precious........ best friends ever.....  thanks guys....:(

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Thanks again you guys, this does take a little of the sting out of the shocking news, and so far she is seemingly doing ok, but we know she is being chewed up inside, her little body... she is still in god spirits and is eating well, but we do know that is going to change soon, and most likely quickly, my mom, is 95 and is really saddened by the upcoming events, as it was her dog for about 9 years.....I will make it my mission to keep Rosie in good health and feeling no discomfort for as long as she sees fit, it will be HER decision when she needs to go.... although I won;t like it , I will follow her wishes......if she decides she isn't feeling like she wants any more then we will take that trip and I will be with her until she goes away from me.................it will be her decision... they say she will tell me..... thanks fellows.....

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Jeepers Jeff. So sorry to hear. I feel your pain. In the last two months we lost Kenji (Our white German Shep pup) to the Parvo virus, and we had to put Tex (Male Siamese) down because of kidney cancer. The pets become family, and seeing that we now have an empty nest, they have become the children in the house. We couldnt handle Tex suffering, so made the hard choice. 

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Wow, Drifter, that is really hard to do, I am very sorry for your double loss................ geez that's really sad...... I am a big guy, heavy equipment operator, etc, but when I look at little Rosie, snoozing on her own bed, I break down, and when I think about how short their lives are, it really pains me....... they are all so innocent and all they want to do is please us......this kind of love and loss for us is sure a test of our inner strength I guess, man we have all been through some emotional pain..... I guess we are not alone in this, and we all know how hard it is....... as much as I absolutely love dogs and Beagles, I'm really not sure I can go through this  again.... I think I'd rather have a kick in the Nads than go through this stuff..... I'd much rather be the one to take the pain... not the animals... sorry guys, I don't meant to be going on and on about this, but it sure helps, as I'm sure you all know...... I'm always interested to hear your pet stories too.......

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No need to be sorry, I can't even imagine how hard this has to be for your whole family. Emotions are absolutely appropriate . Human drama is sad, but there is a special bond of loyalty between the man and the dog, unpack-able connection imprinted in our genome .  her suffering is your suffering, no matter how strange it may sound.

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This suffering thing could go on for a few months until this damn cancer thing gets too bad for her, right now, it is just because I know whats going on.............. would it have been better not to know?? There's a double edged sword eh?

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