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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

kinda down, but far from out


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My dr. called me with the results of the MRI. No tumors or cancer, no swelling. He did find that my brain mass is shrinking (leave it alone cupcake,LOL) but normal for someone my age.So, he said he cannot find anything in the MRI causing my symptoms. He wants me to think about two things, trying drugs( witch ones I have no idea) or Neurologist. I want to try the the latter first. Thats were I'm at right now. Thanks to all of you for your support to me and Bev. It means a lot......harv

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13 minutes ago, harv said:

My dr. called me with the results of the MRI. No tumors or cancer, no swelling. He did find that my brain mass is shrinking (leave it alone cupcake,LOL) but normal for someone my age.So, he said he cannot find anything in the MRI causing my symptoms. He wants me to think about two things, trying drugs( witch ones I have no idea) or Neurologist. I want to try the the latter first. Thats were I'm at right now. Thanks to all of you for your support to me and Bev. It means a lot......harv

Cuz we love ya Harv............................:grouphug:

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That’s good news they didn’t find anything nasty, hope and pray they can get to the bottom of it.........does Ernie now spout Latin now, a man of many...........please fill in as appropriate.................hang in there Harv we have your six.......

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9 hours ago, harv said:

My dr. called me with the results of the MRI. No tumors or cancer, no swelling.

This is wonderful news. Being able to eliminate the pressure from a growing mass causing your symptoms is very reassuring. I'm presuming that no specific Sclerosis lesions, pituitary adenomas or potential aneurysms were visible either, or he would have informed you otherwise... How is your vision and other symptoms today?

They will probably schedule you to see a specialist Neuro-opthamologist at some point, as the vision changes are likely the key to solving this. 

As for your brain mass shrinking, that can be somewhat counteracted by increasing the stimuli, and indulging in more activities that include hand-eye co-ordination.

IE... Build more Models!


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Pituitary  is good, no lesions. Double vision is here to stay it seems.  Headaches are better and the tingling is still present. We are researching neurologist. And Rob, that's a big 10-4.....harv

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2 minutes ago, BlrwestSiR said:

Glad to hear some things are getting ruled out. So who's going to be first to post the Schwarzenegger meme of "It's not a tumor!" :D




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17 minutes ago, smitty44 said:

Maybe you need some new glasses, you just use readers? Then again maybe it's something like glaucoma, and we know what they prescribe for that! Delicious brownies!!


but that will give you a toomah!

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19 minutes ago, harv said:

Glasses are fine as well as my eyes....harv

Apparently not, if there is double vision.....................  vision-eyes B).................  just knockin ya a bit buddy..... sure am glad to hear that this isn't anything 'too serious'...... if by chance it is glaucoma, and I sure as Hell hope it's not, keep on it... my mom has it, and has for quite a while , and is now nearly blind, BUT at 92 years old had to have a needle in each eye ball once a month !  I can't imagine that, but the old gal did it , religiously, for months...... so Harv , lets get this sorted, so you can get back to 'normal'.......  and you may have to come to Canada for the 'special brownies', the 'ingredients' are legal here now................ .......:rofl:

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Hey buddy. Well, my vision is a tad better. Still have the headaches and tingling. The MRI didn't show anything (so thats good) My doc has called in for a Neurologist so waiting on them to contact me. Thats about it for now. Just waiting. I do appreciate you checking in on me......harv

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