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Everything posted by RalphSarc

  1. My next build will be my P38J kit and then the Mossie. The Tiffy is a bit out their yet probably in October!!
  2. Sometimes I look at all these member build on the different forums here and I find myself speechless like now! Incredible craftsmanship Mike! The ability to scratch build is down the road for me, lol!!
  3. Love the detail in the wheel well and the brake lines! Going to attempt to do that on my Ju88! Beautiful job on the Me262!
  4. Looks like you're coming along well on the Spitfire. Saw an article from a Hawker Typhoon build where they used paint brush metal ends to simulate cannons!!! The look like the real thing to me, lol!! Great idea too!! Look forward to following your progress.
  5. Wow incredible work!!!
  6. Nice work Drdave. Very envious of WW1 modelers!!
  7. Yay Mikester!!!! Finally someone to keep me company, lol!!! Love seeing your work because I've had nothing to compare my work too. Love the rivet work and the idea of the soldering iron. I can see that you would have to be very careful and of a steady hand to produce consistent rivet sizes without burning clear through the fuselage, lol!! Will be interested to see how your nose installation goes. I posted several pictures of my tub install today. Great job!
  8. I know I'll be embarrassed but what is CA?
  9. I think I'm obsessed with night-fighters, lol!! Just did some research and love the KG55 He111P night camouflage!! I just happened to have a Revell He111P waiting in the wings!! Thanks for the idea!
  10. Looks really good Rick. Hope your knee feels better. Question: What do you use to glue your wire work to the engine and brass work to the cockpit? You mentioned washing your parts. Is there a reason for that?
  11. Welcome Jack. Nice job. What kind of foil did you use and was it difficult to install?
  12. Yeah I got out of there cheap too. They had several estate sales and guys were buying ten kits at a time!!
  13. Excellent job Arno!!! Love the camouflage scheme.
  14. Hello Jack and welcome! Wow what a beautiful job. I was particularly interested in your wheel well and brake line detail as I'm planning on incorporating those details into my Ju88C-6 build. Look forward to see more of your planes.
  15. In my modest opinion yes. Right off the bat the bottom fuselage fit better.
  16. Just breathtaking work!!!
  17. Love the bold paint scheme you chose for this kit. The white looks really great and I also like the engine cowling. What blue is on the bottom? Did you make it to the model show?
  18. I wish the seat-belts came with better instructions. I've looked on YouTube for a how to review but haven't seen one! Cockpit really looks great and the seat-belts make it pop!!
  19. I'm building a nightfighter version of that for the Forum Group Build. There are pictures detailing my progress posted in the GB section. It's a great model for better than the original Ju88A model Revell put out! The cockpit and fit is far superior! Ralph.
  20. Well as I was looking through your posts and great pictures I was thinking I should do a tank until I looked at your track pictures. Good Lord that's a lot of parts and time. So now WW1 planes with wires and tanks with tracks intimate me, lol!! Ralph.
  21. LOL great idea!! I need a scrap box!!
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