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Everything posted by belugawhaleman

  1. Beautiful, very very well done!
  2. This came today, another big T 34 in 1/16 scale by Trumpeter. A T34/76 model1942. I'm thinking I'll do this one as a captured Finnish Tank. I found some decals on eBay for Finnish and German examples in 1/16.
  3. Looking great Rob!
  4. I would stay clear of the Neo and go for the Eclipse series. The Neo range is made in Taiwan and assembled in China for Iwata.
  5. Well; it finally came. My Iwata Hi-line HP-BH.airbrush. After a one month wait. It has a .2 mm nozzle and a MAC valve. The paint cup looks tiny to me compared to my other Iwata brushes. My photos aren't that great so I borrowed a picture from the Iwata website. The fit and finish on this airbrush is outstanding. (Added better pictures.)
  6. Sorry to hear of it. Glad he's recovering.
  7. Thanks. I'll give MRP a try. Had a look at their products on Sprue Brothers.
  8. Yes, I saw this video. Very interesting, and I agree, it would be a great subject.
  9. Happy birthday Harv!!
  10. Looks very nice.
  11. Thanks again all, for your replies. I have some surfacer and leveling thinner on order.
  12. Sorry to hear that Harv. I hope you have a speedy recovery.
  13. Thanks for your replies. Very helpful!
  14. What do you use for surface primer? I see Tamiya sells their primer now in bottles. What do you thin this with? I prefer to use an airbrush. I have a couple of spray cans of the Tamiya stuff. I could decant this for my airbrushes. What other brands or options are out there?
  15. This is awesome. What kind of solder do you use?
  16. Looks like a great model. I remember building one in 1/48. The kit was by ESCI . I think It Italeri may have released this kit under their own label but not sure.
  17. Yes, I agree these quick-release connectors make airbrushing much more convenient. I have two hoses on my compressor with one quick release for my (4) Iwata eclipses and Iwata hi performance plus c and the other for my Paasche H airbrushes. I recently ordered another Iwata, a Hi-Line HP-BH, but because of the current problems with the supply chain, I was told by Iwata that it might take months to arrive. Jeez the world Is in a mess!
  18. Looks terrific so far! Also like the pictures.
  19. Thanks Harv. I also like these small tanks. I would like to see......maybe a Bren carrier or Soviet T-26.
  20. This came today; another Takom wiesel in 1/16 scale. This is the cannon version. I also have the TOW version. I found a good website for reference pictures of these Little beasties. http://www.primeportal.net/apc/dieter_krause/wiesel_1_mk/index.php?Page=1 https://www.primeportal.net/apc/dieter_krause/wiesel_1_tow/
  21. Cool! I like the Gladiator. I remember building the Lindberg kit of the gladiator years....no, decades ago, in 1/48 scale. I thought, it was a pretty good kit at the time, but this new kit must be a big improvement......not to mention larger! Anyway, looking forward to your build. Paul.
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