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Everything posted by belugawhaleman

  1. Thanks Harv, I'll have a look for it. I think the U.S version used a piston engine.
  2. Who makes kit being built here? Looks really cool. Also, I noticed that this helicopter was used in the movie Full Metal Jacket to portray its U.S. built cousin.
  3. Looking pretty darn great Peter! Well done!
  4. Thanks for the pictures. It looks like an interesting museum. I was surprised to see that bright yellow Republic RC-3 Seabee there. It brings back memories. I had in the 1970's a neighbor that had his own Air strip and his Seabee would frequently be seen over our neighborhood. I still remember the sound of its engine .
  5. Great looking build beautifully photographed!
  6. I forgot to mention, prior to reading Parade's End, I finished reading Scott's Ivanhoe. I never read it before and I enjoyed it as a bit of fun. Also recommended. Good old-fashioned reading. Regards; Paul
  7. I just finished Ford Madox Ford's Parade's End books. Good stuff!! Not what I expected, but I really enjoyed the books. Some memorable characters including Sylvia, the truly wicked wife of Christopher, the main character. I won't say more, as I won't give away Too much, but a good read. I had previously read Ford's The Good Soldier, also highly recommended. Paul.
  8. Great progress Bill, looks terrific so far. I just found out that my local airport in Waukegan, Illinois will once again host an Air show in September. This airshow will feature a pair of Skyraiders. I'm looking forward to that!!
  9. Well done.A great a looking model of an interesting subject! I remember I built the Otaki model kit of this aircraft years ago while I was on break from college. I always thought it was a cool plane.
  10. How did I miss this build? An ambitious and brilliantly executed project so far! Thanks for sharing!
  11. Anything in 1/16 is always good news😀 Even better if it's affordable!
  12. Jeeeez! I know for some, perhaps many, this is great news, but $300.!!
  13. That Meng fokker turned out to be a real beauty! It fits in with the other aircraft to display your remarkable talent. Bravo!
  14. Well, one can hope for new and diverse model kits. Actually, the Lockheed Vega Was one of the most well-known aircraft of its day. Used by Wiley Post and Amelia Earhart it has some history.Anyway I was just using it as an example. So I guess, in reality ,we must be satisfied with more of the same from model companies. Thanks for putting me straight.
  15. I plan to have an optimistic point of view regarding this company. Why not a Lockheed Vega? I'd love to see both the wood and aluminum versions of this aircraft in 1/32 scale . By the way my last name is Veiga and it's pronounced the same way.
  16. That Hurricane looks terrific! Well done!
  17. Martin, I'm glad to see that the trumpy 1/24 Hurricane is a decent kit and your work So far is excellent. I might build this kit when I get settled-in at my new residence. I've started getting together my building supplies to start doing models again. Anyway, thanks for posting your build!
  18. Yes! Great choice. A 1/32 B 29 would also be wonderful.
  19. Perhaps a 1/32 Ford tri- motor is in the works. Now ,that would really something! As long as their new models aren't p51d's , spitfire's or tiger tanks or any other overly-done subjects.
  20. Sounds promising! I would be happy if their first product is a big-scale Brewster Buffalo.
  21. Wow! What a terrific build. Looks great!
  22. For coverage of larger areas, and for clear or flat coating, I use my old Paasche model H single actions. They are reliable, easy to use ,and cheap. They work very well. For everything else I use my 5 Iwatas; with their .3, .35, and .5 tips. The Iwata Eclipse bcs bottle feed is also great for covering larger areas with its .5mm tip, but its harder to clean than the simple Paasche models.
  23. Fantastic work on your Dr1! Well done!
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