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Everything posted by belugawhaleman

  1. Some more progress. Paint and decals. Ready for the flat top coat and final assembly.
  2. I would like the see someone tackle that big Trumpy Titanic. Now that would be a build To remember.
  3. Four items arrived this week. All Soviet items: A Tamiya T-55, Trumpeter Voroshilovets tractor, A Trumpeter Bmp-1, and some Fruilmodel tracks for the Voroshilovets tractor. I've never used Fruilmodel Tracks before they look pretty good. The BMP-1 is a truly ugly vehicle, while the Voroshilovets is kind of cute.
  4. Here's A link to a site with close-up T55 pics: http://primeportal.net/tanks/jose_luis_silva_chang/t-55/
  5. Yes, I was thinking I would be seeing a Comet or a ME 162 ditch
  6. I actually have lots of lead wire in several sizes. What I need is some sort of complete diagram of the lines. I found some great closeups of a t55 that was in Peruvian service that helps. I was also wondering what to use for the small sections of hose that connect the pipes together. I thought, perhaps, that insulation stripped from wire could be used.
  7. Local news described it as a ; "World War two era jet".
  8. I've been looking at pictures of T-55 tanks on the Internet and I noticed the fuel lines on the external tanks. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to replicate these or not. Any suggestions or resources would be appreciated. Thanks Paul
  9. Picked this up the other day............A Trumpy PT-76. It looks like a nice kit. I splurged on a set of Friulmodel tracks for it. It seems tiny compared to the Meng Char 2c I'm working on now. In common with the Char 2c, it's weird. I've included in the post a photo of the real thing .........I mean, just Look at the thing!.........Weird!
  10. Very nice work Rob! Anyway, I just purchased some Master Club tracks from BNA in Australia for my future T55 project. I also bought some Aber PE grills. I looked at some reviews of this kit and they're all good. Well, It will take forever for the tracks to come from down-under so it Will be awhile before I start this model. Incidentally, I also purchased a set of friulmodel tracks for a Trumpeter PT-76. These I ordered from a site in the U.S. I always wanted to make a model of the PT-76 and the Trumpeter kit looks OK. It's a weird tank and ,as I've said before, weird appeals to me Paul
  11. Thanks. It's ugly but in a charming way. It's weirdness is what attracted me to the model.
  12. Thanks. No camo, just a kind of overall olive drabish color. This is a big model. My pics just don't provide a sense of scale. The French, well what can I say. They only made Ten of these huge tanks. They blew up nine of them themselves and the Germans captured one. Not much of a service history. There are videos on YouTube of these tanks knocking down walls, toppling trees, and the like. Very interesting.
  13. Thanks. I'll have a look
  14. I made little more progress on this beast. I basically finished construction and will soon be ready for paint.
  15. Has anyone built this kit? I would like to add after-market tracks but not sure what to buy. Apparently, there were two types of tracks used on the t55. Which tracks are represented In this kit? Paul
  16. Yes, but I'm more worried about the tiny screw-in nozzle tip on my Iwata HP -C plus. It's tiny and expensive to replace. While cleaning my Iwata eclipse, I lost the air valve spring.......$14.00 plus shipping to get a new one......for one tiny spring!
  17. Not a model but a useful item. This Iwata airbrush cleaning mat came today. It measures about 10" x 10".
  18. I purchased mine from Sprue Brothers
  19. Thanks. Yes, it's another Takom big-scale little tank. It's slightly larger than the type 94s they make.
  20. This came in the mail today. A Takom 1/16 Wiesel.
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