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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. Thanks PW, I’ve given up building Tamiya AFV’s , compared with the likes of Dragon and RFM they are just lacking detailing…….I have got their Famo and trailer as it’s the only one on the market, saying that probably the Dragon Famo is better……..hmmmmm
  2. Thanks Martin, I’d build another in flash .…..
  3. Thanks Peter this whole build has been very pleasing so far…….🤞
  4. Thanks Peter, finishing a build is always the most stressful, I know shouldn’t be ………
  5. Looking good Gus, of course you will be modelling instead of watching the Calcutta Cup……….
  6. Thanks PW, something a little different than overall NMF…….
  7. Thanks Carl, it took me long enough..😃the new H&S performed perfectly…..
  8. Thanks Chris much appreciated, this is the first model I’ve used the H&S CR Plus on and I am very happy. Yes that’s the kit canopy, ZM have a mould line down the centre so I had to polish it out. Used Tamiya polish fine & finishing grades. It was scary putting a file to the moulding line…….
  9. Thanks Rob , I became very disillusioned with the finish admittedly but have never binned a kit, let’s hope I don’t mess the gloss coat and decals……..🤞
  10. This turning out to be update Thursday…….slowly getting the flak half track together. Painting sequence now needs some thought…….I reckon chassis and tracks and then the body and then 20mm’s ……these do require some thought……
  11. So now happy with the camouflage on the 51…….all Vallejo bar the black and white stripes, next gloss coat hence canopy perched on top……..looks strange without gear doors……
  12. With three projects on the bench and only have time to spray at the weekends it’s been slow going for the Mosquito…….finally happy with the finish and now going to try the Montex masks. Accessories to add include nose guns etc and blacken up the cannons……a few beauty shots but with no Instagram filters etc……
  13. Stunning Jeff, congratulations……
  14. Amazing, great weathering and figures……..stunning…
  15. Me too, great finish and it a blemish to be seen, unlike a lot of my handiwork……
  16. Jeff, only just seen this, amazing modelling and a build to be proud of………
  17. I know Barnack well, beautiful village……
  18. Twelve O’clock High………the opening scenes are amazing…….saw a trailer for Masters of the Air…….no thank you ……to shiny and to much CGI……why the hell they didn’t look at original…….only time my father took me to the cinema, to watch BoB when it first came out I was 9……..not the greatest piece of cinematography but at least the aircraft were real in the flying scenes …
  19. Jeff, I am about to start on the roundels etc using Montex masks, so stay tuned on my WIP. As for camo masks, just completed those using AK Putty. Seriously you will be fine to post a build and the Tamiya Mossie is such a sweet build, just go for it. ………As an aside when I was on TOS I never posted anything of my builds, here no problem whatsoever………and I reckon my skill levels (very mediocre IMHO ) have increased in showing my builds……
  20. Looking forward to your Mossie build Jeff, the RedFox instruments are gorgeous, I think i photographed them in my WIP…….
  21. Reading UK EBay last night, some muppet put this kit up plus AM for £700.00 ……….someones been at the mushrooms…..
  22. Paul, when will you be taking the lease out on the second warehouse for the stash……..that FT is not very pretty …….good haul……
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